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SC Standard Time: Duration of Employment Edition

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  • SC Standard Time: Duration of Employment Edition

    This happened early into my shift last night. SC (minus the C) comes in through the main door.

    SC: Do you have any razors?
    Me: Sure, what room are you in?
    SC: The other lady working here said it--
    Me: (cutting him off) What room are you in?
    SC: I'm not staying here. But the other lady working here said it wouldn't be a problem.
    Me: I'm sorry, but the razors are for guests only.
    SC: I know you're new here, but the other lady said it was OK.
    Me: I'm sorry, but the razors are for guests only.
    SC: But that lady said--
    Me: The razors are for guests only.

    SC gives up after that and leaves. OK seriously? I'm new at the hotel all of a sudden? I've been there 4 1/2 years. And I'm 2nd in seniority!
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

  • #2
    You not giving him what he wants means (in HIS EYES):

    you = stupid
    stupid = new
    new = I can bullshit this kid!
    My Guide to Oblivion

    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


    • #3
      I had this the other day. My badge as 10 yrs service on it. A lady walked in to the money center and said....."oh great a newbie". I trained everyone in the money center. She explained everything to me nice and slow. I was done and she wasnt even done "explaining" everything yet.


      • #4
        And when they do get an actual newbie... SCs tend to be rude and obnoxious. Cuz nothing shows your manliness off more than reducing a teenage cashier to tears!
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #5
          Ha, I had that a lot back in when I was working at the card store. People would try to "teach" me how things worked (i.e., do what they want) because it had "always been like that". Worse was when it was free agenda time. At least I got the pleasure of watching their "oh fuck" face when I let them know what's what. I think after nearly 8 years there, I knew what I was doing.

          The "you used to sell this, must of been before your time" arguments were particularly fun. Asking them "oh, was it before 2004?" was the best.


          • #6
            Ah, yes. Like when we had a Thursday deadline for employment ads, and I had to sometimes fill in for the reps in that division. Customer calls on Friday, wants ad in for Sunday. No can do.

            Customer: "Mitzi* always does it for me!"
            Me: "Not on Friday she doesn't. The deadline was yesterday."
            Customer: "But I ALWAYS call on Friday!"

            *Not her real name, of course. And no, he didn't always call on Friday.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Quoth sweetj82 View Post
              I had this the other day. My badge as 10 yrs service on it. A lady walked in to the money center and said....."oh great a newbie". I trained everyone in the money center. She explained everything to me nice and slow. I was done and she wasnt even done "explaining" everything yet.
              You didn't say anything?


              • #8
                Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                SC: I'm not staying here. But the other lady working here said it wouldn't be a problem.
                Me: I'm sorry, but the razors are for guests only.
                SC: I know you're new here, but the other lady said it was OK.
                Me: I'm sorry, but the razors are for guests only.
                SC: But that lady said--
                Me: The razors are for guests only.
                Was this other lady a real humaniod or a figment of her imagination?
                I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                Who is John Galt?
                -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                • #9
                  Quoth sweetj82 View Post
                  I had this the other day. My badge as 10 yrs service on it. A lady walked in to the money center and said....."oh great a newbie". I trained everyone in the money center. She explained everything to me nice and slow. I was done and she wasnt even done "explaining" everything yet.
                  My badge currently says "4 years service" on it and on the fifth year, they'll give me a badge with a different color and the emphasis that I've been employed there for 5 years. However, the customers don't even tend to see this on your badge, so apparently, those little labels are something that only new and other employees with less time in will happen to notice.

                  I don't think it would matter if you've been there for 20 years. Customers will always tend to think you're not good enough at your job as if they know more about it than you do. Ugh!


                  • #10
                    We have a local resident with a "reputation" who calls our office regularly. Planning won't speak to her at all, and only the idiocy of my manager means that we have to. This was the beginning of her last phone call, and guess who the lucky schmuck was that happened to answer the phone?

                    Mrs X - the local resident nuisance
                    Moi - your long-suffering Council employee

                    Mrs X: I want to speak to some who knows what they're talking about. Have YOU been working there long, or are you one of those new people who always seem to take my calls?
                    Moi: Well, Mrs X, I've been here five years. Is that long enough for you?
                    Mrs X: Hmph. I suppose it will have to be...

                    I actually can't remember the rest of the phone call (she wasn't throwing lemons at the next-door neighbour's builders this time) but somehow that beginning really stuck in my mind.
                    "Bring me knitting!" (The Doctor - not the one you were expecting)


                    • #11
                      Quoth KatherineB View Post
                      (she wasn't throwing lemons at the next-door neighbour's builders this time)
                      She did what? Literally?

                      Tell us more.
                      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Slayer View Post
                        The "you used to sell this, must of been before your time" arguments were particularly fun. Asking them "oh, was it before 2004?" was the best.
                        If it's an independent store rather than a chain, you can have even more fun (doesn't matter if you actually started then or not) - "I've been working here since we opened in $year, and we've NEVER sold those".
                        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                        • #13
                          Quoth cinema guy View Post
                          She did what? Literally?

                          Tell us more.
                          The whole glorious story is in Sightings just for you.
                          "Bring me knitting!" (The Doctor - not the one you were expecting)

