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SC's Caught In Their Lies (funny)

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  • SC's Caught In Their Lies (funny)

    This was told to me tonight by on of our guys in the seasonal dept.

    This happened last week.

    A guy comes in a wants a new J. Deere riding mover. He finds one he like and buys it. BUT during the sale he kept asking if you can cut grass on a hill. (Remember this its important later) The associate gives him all the info on what is a safe slope and what is not. Guy leaves with mower.

    Well, guy comes in a couple of days later, face is busted up and bruised, both arms are in casts, cuts all over. Starts yelling at associate, telling him he caused this "accident". He says the mover rolled over on him while he was on a hill, and that the associate said it could cut on a hill. He said "we" were going to pay for his accident and give him a new mower. blah blah

    Being a pretty well oriented in lawn care, our store manager came into the discussion. He gets this guys info, and tells him to go home and he will get back with him. (This is were it gets fun)

    Our manager goes to this guys house to check it out. The property is up a hill, but the area is flat, that the house and yard is on. The yard is split in half by the house. Our manager took pictures of the lawn. While one side was mowed down, there was taller grass on the other and a perfect path cut thru it, that went staight to a hill. The hill is a 6 foot vertical drop off. OMG what was he thinking? (See told you it would come in handy)

    They confronted him with it. Of course he denied that. They gave him his money back and told him to leave. We still have the busted mower out back.

    What makes me laugh so hard is, that perfect cut line that goes off the little cliff. (I saw the pics) Like a black marks on the highway that go off into the woods. Pretty obvious what happened.

    What lies have anyone else caught?

    Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

    Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.

  • #2
    Is there anyway you can get ahold of the pic and post it to the site?

    I have SO got to see this
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      My best lie I've caught a SC in was the one time he came into my store, bitched me out, ranted on how shitty my service was, then demanded to speak to the owner.

      The owner comes up and tries to find out the problem. The person was complaining about the poor service I gave him the week before. My boss goes into the back and pulls out my employment records and procedes to show the SC that today was my first day on the job and that I was interviewed the friday before. The previous Monday the guy was complaining about I was looking for jobs.

      What makes it worse was the fact that I was the only non-asian working at that computer store. You's think he could tell the difference between Cauasian and Asian facial structures.
      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        DAAAAAMMMMMM You HAVE to get us pics of that.
        "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


        • #5
          Had some old guy out in self serve claim I cussed him out one Saturday morning. The incident happened in self serve, where I hadn't been all morning, with a man I've never spoken to or seen in my life.

          The incident may have happened before I came in, because I hadn't been clocked in for five minutes before hearing about it.

          No, I did not get into any kind of trouble. The boss's reaction was pretty much this:


          • #6
            Over the summer, a guy called the arena and complained about me jumping in front of a guy's car so I could get a lawsuit. It was very funny because I was in NYC when the supposed incident happend.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              This is something I wrote in my online journal a long time ago, but I think it fits. I had considered posting it by itself before but since it's from long, long ago, I think this is as good a spot as any. (For the record, our deadline changed from 4 to 2:30 a while back because of these very reasons. Wenches.)

              Our deadline to receive obits is 4 p.m. No excuses. Only exceptions are when people call and say "The family is here, we're gonna be a few minutes late, can you wait?" Since I'm an incredibly good person (HA) I will let them hold on for about ten minutes or so.
              So an obit comes yesterday at 4:40. It's Thanksgiving and I've only been working for three hours with 19 obits (average for an 8-hour day is 13 so you can imagine my hustle). So I don't even give this one a glance, all the funeral homes know our deadline, including the name on this one, so I set it aside and go home.
              Get a phone call this morning, "Newsroom." It's the lady from the funeral home, demanding to know why her obit didn't run. I told her why, it was 40 minutes late, which was too late even if she'd called and asked me to hold. She lets this soak in for a minute, then proceeds to just blow my mind.
              "Well, you should've run it anyway."
              Um, what?
              "There was a visitation on there that was for TODAY, and now it's too late to get it in there, no one's gonna know" etc. etc.
              "Um, ma'am, you know what the deadline were over half an hour late. There was nothing I could do with it."
              "But you HAD it-"
              "Yes, but it was 40 minutes LATE, I can't put them in when the deadline is for 4 and it's forty minutes past."
              She mulls that one a bit and then changes her tactic.
              "Well, I TRIED to fax it earlier but your fax machine was busy! I couldn't get it to go through!"
              (Yeah, that's why the other 19 came through fine and there were periods of 20-30 minutes where the fax was sitting there grinning at me and doing jack.)
              "Ma'am, if you had tried to fax it to me, it would have come through. No one else had any trouble with the fax machine yesterday. I got faxes from about ten other funeral homes just fine before deadline." (I won every debate I had in high school, woman, I see no reason to tarnish my record with you.)
              "But it kept making a BUSY signal..."
              "Well, ma'am, then you should've used the number for the other fax machine downstairs (*Mysty's note for clarification, the funeral homes DO have this number and frequently use it*), and called to tell me that's what you were doing."
              (At this point, I'm by myself in the newsroom, no bosses anywhere around, so it's time to let this chick have it.)
              "Listen, ma'am, I've been working here for a year, I've been working with YOUR funeral home for a year. I've never had this sort of problem with you guys before. *Darin* (name changed) is the guy I usually talk to and he always calls to let me know what he's doing if he can't get the fax number to work."
              "It's my responsibility to be sure that when I get the obit, that I double check the information you send me, type it in correctly, and attach any photos that come with it. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure that I HAVE the obituary you want run. Further, the deadline is 4. The deadline was 4 when I started working here. It was 4 BEFORE I started working here. You should've known that since you started working at the funeral home. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you except run the obit in tomorrow's paper since I have it NOW."
              She lets that sit for a second, while I feel pretty proud of how polite I was when I told her off. Finally, FINALLY, she has to have the last word.
              "You still should've run it." *CLICK*

              ...and yet if I went to her funeral home and buried a glass vase in her back, I'D be the one who went to jail. Where's the justice, I ask you?!
              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


              • #8
                That's hilarious.

                About the only time I can remember (and it doesn't even come close) was when I was working at the pizza place and one day while there was just me and my boss in the shop (a driver too but he was delivering at the time) and this woman came in. She went right up to my boss and started ranting about me supposedly cussing her out the day before.

                She called me "the girl with blue hair" (I had blue hair back then, sometimes green or pink hair too) and went into excruciating detail about the so-called crime. My boss patiently heard her out, me earwigging on the conversation like there's no tomorrow, then said, "Are you sure it was Lace who served you yesterday?" SC: "Yes, it was definitely the girl with blue hair who swore at me." My boss: "Well then, either you're telling lies or you were mistaken, cuz Lace wasn't working yesterday."

                I had to work hard not to burst out laughing; the woman's face was an absolute classic.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  I have heard some outrageous lies from customers and this one isn't really horrible but still pissed me off. Saturady this woman calls and wants to cancel a pickup from her home...okay no big deal right.... WRONG! All pickup appointments are made through the office this lazy bitch wanted us at the store to cancel her pickup instead of waiting until monday to call the office and do it herself...Now this is where the lie comes in she keeps proclaiming to the girl I work with who is not quite as familiar with the whole pickup process as I am so she is relating everything the woman saids to me. So the woman insists that they are to pick up her donations that day and she must cancel it now... why she is calling our store that is only been open a month is beyond me so I say "oh really well you tell her WE do not cancel appointments that is through the office where she made the damn appointment and she is confused because the office is closed on the weekend THEREFORE delivery drivers also do not work on the weekends"...NICE TRY...Lazy biatch!


                  • #10
                    I had a client call, all up in arms, about something she was expecting for a patient (who was, apparently, sitting right there).

                    "How dare you! I left messages on your machine about this!"

                    "Our machine? Are you sure?"

                    "YES! I left TWO messages!"

                    "Wow. I wonder where you left them, then, since we don't have a machine. I'm sorry, I can't help you."

                    Bet she wished she wasn't on speakerphone!
                    0 Coffee! Thou dost dispel all care, thou are the object of desire to the scholar. This is the beverage of the friends of God. -In Praise of Coffee, 1511

                    Daranacon - because we're not crazy enough


                    • #11
                      The Mother of All "Caught in a Lie" stories, the one and only Vinegar Boy saga:

                      Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                      TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        There were more than my share when I worked at lowe's. I think the best however, ended with the customer getting fined by the Georgia Highway Patrol (troopers).

                        The story begins simply. A lady came into the store looking for a gift for her husband. She had about four hundred dollars and wanted to buy a grill. Now, anyone will tell you, four hundred dollars will buy one hell of a good grill. One of the best in fact. This lady, didn't want to spend all the money on her hubby. Oh no, not when Macy's was having one of its largest sales. God forbid she should miss out on some of the better buys. No, she wanted to spend the least she could. Ultimately, I think she picked a grill that cost just over eighty dollars, and came with a free propane tank. Took the poor CSA forever to explain to her that the tank currently in the grill, was empty. Yes, she'd have to get a tank, and while the purchase was free; she still had to pay the exchange fee. (That part alone still mystifies me.)

                        Some of the guys ended up taking the grill outside for her, lifting it into the truck and turning to walk off. This was not going as she planned. "Tie it down!" she demanded, only to have M look at her and sigh. "Sorry ma'am. We can't. Store policy says we can't tie anything down. We can however, give you the rope and let you do it." M heads inside, cuts at least fifteen feet of rope (more than enough) and hands it to the lady. He then leaves.

                        Fast forward to the next day.

                        I'm off, and come in to pick up my check. As I walk into returns, I see large bits of metal piled up in a corner. Bits that look like aluminium, but given that few of them are larger than a softball; I can't tell what it is. Not far from this, is what looks to be a mangled bit of plastic and metal; and a return tag stuck to the largest piece. Ok, what blew up?

                        While waiting on the lines to clear so I can get paid, I check this return out. "Grill." It says. Wait a minute here...that's a grill? Dear gods what happened? The tank explode? Reading the details, I see "Came out of customer's truck?" WTF? Oh, it couldn't be...could it?

                        Yes dear friends. It is true. The same grill.

                        Lady decided that the best course of action was to tie it to the truck. While this is usually enough to hold an object of that size in, she opted to use a granny (shoelace) knot to hold the rope together. This is not something you will see in any girl scout, boy scout, military, navy, or knot tying for dummies manual. It is not the strongest knot possible, and the worst to use when tying an object to a vehicle you plan to drive above five miles per hour in.

                        Talking with my manager, I ask what happens. Fighting back laughter, this is what he relates:

                        After M gave the lady the rope, she proceded to loop the rope through the truck cab, around the grill, and tie a big granny knot in it. The rest of the rope was left dangling in the wind. Getting in the truck, she and her friend then started off for macy's. They got, maybe thirty miles to the interstate, and then another five or six further on it. About this time, the knot gave way, and at seventy miles per, the grill came out.

                        In my mind's eye, I picture it doing a rather nice summersault before smacking the pavement and disintigrating. Bits of metal going every direction imaginable.

                        It gets worse.

                        Remember, she had a tank? Yeah, well some part of her mind said. "hey, this thing is dangerous. I better put it someplace safe. Oooo. Maybe in here." With that, she stuck it inside the grill but didn't fasten it down.

                        Propane tanks HATE being dropped from a truck at seventy miles per. They hate it greatly. This tank lost it's protective ring on one bounce, and then it's nozzle on the other. Of course, this effectively turned the tank into a rocket which shot it across the highway at great speed. In a moment of Kharmic retribution, or great irony, it managed to strike the ONLY state trooper for fifty miles. Hitting the side of his car with enough force to cave the passenger side door in.

                        Long story short, the lady ended up ticketed for among other things, failure to secure a load, and destruction of state property. She tried later to claim that the associates had tied it down, and even threatened to sue until they showed her the video of her tying it down. Never heard from her again.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #13
                          You might just be winning this thread, right there.


                          • #14
                            Quoth repsac View Post
                            "Tie it down!" she demanded, only to have M look at her and sigh. "Sorry ma'am. We can't. Store policy says we can't tie anything down. We can however, give you the rope and let you do it."

                            Same situation when I was at Goodwill, too.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              This didn't happen to me but I witnessed it.

                              When I was working at O'Neil's (large department store similiar to Kohl's but bigger) this very very old woman came up to me and claimed that a man was following her, and she was afraid he would sexually assault her. She asked that I walk her out to her car. I said I couldn't but I could call security, she called me a nasty name and accused me of hating old people. Turned out it was one of the security guys and he was following her b/c she was shoplifting...... Yeah, lady, that huge 30 yr. old guy wants to get in your panties BIG TIME.........not. And what was she expecting from me? I was working in the children's department and was just there for Christmas. No power whatsoever.

