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Dragged against my will into sucking

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  • Dragged against my will into sucking

    Good GRIEF.

    So I just got back from lunch, right? I went with a friend from another department, who has to watch the clock on her lunch hour a lot closer than I do. So I suggest we go to a barbeque buffet we all go to a lot that is right up the road from where we work. Buffets are fast, you pay, load up, eat, and you’re out. No problem.

    It’s 2 oclock (late for me, I usually go at like 11:30 or so), so I’m pretty hungry at this point. I get the buffet, with is just under nine bucks. Everyone always gets the buffet, nobody I’ve ever been here with has ever gotten anything else.

    My friend doesn’t eat a lot, so she just wants the small plate, which is about 5 or 6 bucks. She’s at the counter while their putting her plate together, I put my meal together myself and sit down.

    So get this: my friend comes out to the table with her stuff in a bag and says they told her she can’t eat in if you get the plate, you can only eat in if you get the buffet. I’m like, you are shitting me. You can’t eat their food in their dining room? Are you SHITTING me? They saw us come in together, did they think that would work for us? She says they said it was to deter people from buying the small plate and then going through the buffet line?

    Did I mention that at 2 pm, there were five other people in the place including us? The other three rather portly construction worker types? One of us a swarthy, longhaired chick with a witchlock and spectacles, the other a big platinum blonde in a black glittery tunic? It’s not like we can really hide or blend in this place. And us being regulars, no less.

    But no matter. Okay. Fine. Neither of us were really mad at this point. Annoyed, but not what I'd call "mad." I was more annoyed than she was. She was like don’t worry about it, I’ll eat when I get back. I said, “No, you won’t, we didn’t come out here so you could sit there hungry and watch me eat while your food gets cold.”

    I could have yelled and screamed. I didn’t. I could have gone up there and demanded my money back. I didn’t. What I did was go up to the counter and ask for a to-go box. And I did it very politely. Because the boy up at the counter was clearly underage, and not someone I was gonna be mean to. I just asked for a to-go box so we could leave. I figured we’d go back to the office and eat in our conference room, something the folks from my department make a regular practice of. Not really that big of a problem. Yes, I know I paid for return trips to the buffet, but really, after eating what was already on my plate, any more food would have been just gluttony. Could I eat more? Probably. Did I NEED more? No. I didn't really care that much.

    So I’m back at my table taking the stuff I’d already gotten off my plate and putting it into the to-go box, when they send the kid out to tell me I needed to pay separately for the to-go order.

    And that, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is when I turned into a Sucky Customer.

    I spoke considerably harsher to him than I meant to. I had had enough, and the words flew out of my mouth before my brain filter said “It’s the kid, be gentle.” It was 2 pm. I’m hypoglycemic, which means my brain doesn’t fire on all pistons and I get belligerent when I get hungry. At least I didn’t use bad language on him, I’d never forgive myself. I just barked “NO. I’m not ripping anyone off here, we are TRYING to have lunch together, and if she can’t stay, neither can I. So I’m getting WHAT I ALREADY PAID FOR, and leaving. I PAID for the buffet, so I’m eating the cost difference, not you.”

    So he scuttled off and I threw away the trash, threw away my drink, and we left.

    I’m kind of irked. I actually feel terrible for barking at a kid like that. But what the hell? What were they so terrified of, that a fucking chicken gizzard might float out of the door unaccounted for? No wonder that place is only open two days a week, if that’s what they do. I didn’t even ask for any rules to be bent, I didn’t ask for the difference between the buffet and the plate to be returned, I wasn’t even rude, initially. And maybe they ought not send a young boy out to do the dirty work, if they don’t want him eaten for lunch. That doesn’t excuse me, of course, but it doesn’t shine a nice light on them, either.

    We came back here and had less than fifteen minutes to wolf down our damn lunches. Sheesh!

  • #2
    Horrible service. I'd never return if that's what I had to look forward to.


    • #3
      Who the hell is running that place?

      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        What kind of restaurant are they? I've never heard of such insanity. You buy food but aren't allowed to eat it there if it's less then x amount? Then you can't have anything to go unless you pay MORE?

        I don't think I would ever go back to them. They'd have to have really really good food to even have me comtemplate it and since they are a buffet I doubt that.
        "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


        • #5
          They basically wanted you to pay for something you already paid for? I wouldn't blame you if you never went back!!!


          • #6
            I think you handled it well.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              My favourite buffet has a policy of no doggy bags for buffet food, it makes sense, its all you can eat, not all you can take home, we accepted it when they told us. But they also let you eat the food you ordered!

              IF they had sent the boy over there to correct himself and say 'sorry, I was wrong to give you the take-away pack, its actually against our policy' maybe, but to jump straight to 'you have to buy the food you just bought, again'. That's poor business.

              The whole 'buffet only seating' (were there signs to that effect?) thing is just ridiculous. If you're that paranoid about non-buffet people eating buffet food, get different colour plates or hand out wrist bands!
              "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


              • #8
                on one hand people new to the work force are afraid of their managers, so they'll go into bad situations not realizing what's about to happen, and he doesn't make the decisions, so asking for a manager, then giving them a more severe version could have been better, we all would have reacted that way


                • #9
                  one my my favorite resurants (i always wind of sick there becaus ei over eat) does have take away orders, but seriously unless they are going to refund for the extra cost, cause near me the take away plates cost alittle bit less (instead of 8 dollars its like 6.50ish i think... but it can be the other weigh agan i prefer to go in and eat) if im leaveing because you kicked out my firend i dont believe you have the right to be upset when i take my food and leave


                  • #10
                    I can't believe this "no eat in with non-buffet, no takeaway with buffet" has not bit them in the a$s before now. You two are the only people in the history of customers ever to order one of each?

                    In all seriousness, I would probably ring the management, explain the problem, and ask what he expected you to do in that situation. Then suggest that the 'no eat in' policy needs to be remedied.


                    • #11
                      I don't think you were that sucky. You could have asked for his manager, however, I can see how you wouldn't have the time for it.
                      Check out my cosplay social group!


                      • #12
                        Guys, I HATE to be the dissenter, but the restaurant is in the right. The seats are for paying buffet customers and if they run out of places to eat, they lose money. When you get the cheaper plate, you don't pay for the refills and you don't pay for the space to eat it in.

                        Now... RecoveringKinkoid, sending the boy out to grab more cash when you were following the rules and politely dealing with the situation? That was wrong. You handled it fine, and I applaud your restraint. Getting a little annoyed at the situation is understandable, and they really should've eaten the extra seat. If there were 5 of you eating and you took up 3 tables and 1 person got the buffet? Get out! 1 seat that would not have been used? That was a manager's decision and it was handled poorly.

                        I think it's more likely that the plate vs buffet situation had been abused in the past and management took up a zero tolerance policy. Still, they were wrong in how they handled it.


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          Who the hell is running that place?
                          Somebody who was probably burned by people buying a small plate and going up to the buffet or taking buffet food out of the restaurant, and decided to implement a shit-headed, poorly-thought-out zero-tolerance policy.

                          There's got to be better ways to tell the buffet customers apart from the non-buffet customers than forcing non-buffet customers to get their food to go.

                          As for taking buffet food out, they're missing out on a gold mine here: Invest in some styrofoam or tin-foil take-out boxes. You pay at the register, fill your box to your heart's content and leave. It's what I do at the Chinese place that's on the other end of the parking lot whenever I feel like eating lunch or dinner there.

                          They've got the right to have policies like that, but it really isn't the right thing to do. Sounds like a pretty rinky-dink operation to me.
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            See, that's what makes me so angry. Not so much that they didn't want my friend to stick around, it was the last ditch gimmee grab they tried to pull.

                            And let's be clear, here. There were not five people in my group. There were just us two. Including us, there were five customers in the entire place. One guy by himself, two guys in a booth in the back, and us two. So it's not like my friend was keeping anyone from sitting down. Or even that they'd lose track of her in the huge crowd.

                            But hey, okay. They have that rule. Fine. I was trying to respect it, even though I didn't agree with it. Really, I am not someone who goes around with a persecution complex, but I honestly felt as if I was being deliberately antagonized.

                            There is no way in hell they didn't realize that I had just bought my food and sat down, and there's no way they didn't realize that I was leaving because the woman I had come in with had been told she couldn't stay. And there was no way they didn't realize we were together. There was also no way they honestly thought I had wolfed down my food and was trying to fill up a to go box with more to take with me. I mean, less than 4 minutes had probably passed between the time I sat down and the time my friend told me what was up. That last thing seemed very, very deliberatly provocative to me.

                            The more I think about it, the madder I get. Thinking it over in my head and trying to sort it out, I just remembered the last time I went in there with two male friends, A and J, and a female friend, K. The woman who seems to run the place (who my friend was "served" by on friday) spent most of our lunch period on that day hanging around our table and flirting with A. (before you all go balistic, southern mom and pop barbeque joints are like community socials. Her behavior wasn't really like . It was more like . ) She seemed a bit flakey then, but it's not like we were bothered by it. I'm just bringing it up because it sort of suggests to me that this chick is not exactly a paragon of professional behavior. So maybe I shouldn't be so shocked at her lack of stellar customer service skills. But that just felt so antagonistic and deliberate to me, and that's what really gets next to me.

                            I dunno, maybe I AM developing a persecution complex. I know I shouldn't chalk up anything to malice that can be adequately explained by stupidity...but ..well...damn.

                            If the last bit where they tried to hit me up for more money hadn't happened, I would have just shrugged it off. Add that in, and you know, I think I won't be going back.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                              Guys, I HATE to be the dissenter, but the restaurant is in the right. The seats are for paying buffet customers and if they run out of places to eat, they lose money. When you get the cheaper plate, you don't pay for the refills and you don't pay for the space to eat it in.
                              In that case, that portion of the menu needs to clearly be marked as "Take-Out orders only" (since if you're not eating in there, that's essentially what it is) to avoid confusion. If for some reason they're unwilling to do that, then I'd question why they even have a menu beyond "buffet" in the first place.

                              I don't think I've ever considered getting a 'normal' meal when there's a buffet nearby but it's possible I've just never gone to a restaurant like this when I wasn't feeling like eating a whole lot.
                              Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!

