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Welcome to our bar! We're thieves, by the way...

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  • Welcome to our bar! We're thieves, by the way...

    This happened a few weeks ago, but I didn't find out all the information until last night. I will, however, try to present this in a coherent manner.

    A few weeks ago, I was working behind the bar on the roof deck at The Bar with my friend/coworker Zim. It was a slow night, so in addition to bartending, I was taking some of the tables as well.

    One of Zim's tables was a twentysomething couple that I talked to a bit, and they seemed rather pleasant. They had their meal, they had their drinks, they paid, and they left.

    A short while later, they returned....and they were not quite as pleasant.

    It seems that they had misplaced their digital camera. They asked both Zim and myself if we had seen it, if it had been on the table, if we might have thrown it out by mistake, etc. Neither one of us had seen it, and frankly, I could not remember having seen one when they were there in the first place. Zim and I politely suggested that they retrace their steps, and asked if they were sure they had had the camera when they came to The Bar, if they might have left it somewhere else, or perhaps left it in the restroom, etc.

    No, no, no. They INSISTED that they had come into The Bar with the camera, but it was gone when they left. SOMEONE must have taken it. Zim and I again assured them that it was not on the table when it was bussed, but theorized that another guest MIGHT have taken it on their way out, after the couple had left, but before Zim or I had gotten to the table. I thought we were being very reasonable.

    Apparently I was wrong.

    The guy once again asked if we were SURE we hadn't seen the camera. At this point his implication was becoming clear. One of us had stolen his precious camera.

    Trying to remain polite and not get defensive, and remembering how upsetting it can be to lose something, we again assured the guy that neither one of us had seen the camera, but if he wanted to leave his number with our manager, if we found it, we would make sure to call him.

    He talked to our manager, the one I call Rockin' Manager, and was getting visibly angry. He said to her, in front of the two of us, that he just wanted his camera back, no questions asked. Once again implying thievery on the staff's part. Rockin' Manager assured him that neither one of us had or even would take his camera, or steal from guests, or steal at ALL! She had full faith in both of us, and assured him that we did not have the camera. She took down his number, and told him we would call if it turned up, but made it clear to him that the implication that Zim or myself were thieves was out of line and unacceptable. The couple left, visibly unhappy.

    Later, when Zim was taking out the trash, the guy returned, and said, "Hey, I don't want to be an ass, but can I look through your bag?" Zim said, "Well, you ARE being an ass, but knock yourself out." Dude looked through the bag. Dude found nothing. Why? Because there was nothing in Zim's bag but Zim's stuff.

    At one point in the evening, the dude called up The Bar and talked to Rockin' Manager, offering her a cash reward for the return of the camera. She reiterated to him in no uncertain terms that her staff were not thieves, that she did not appreciate the implications, and that while she hoped he got his camera back, she could not produce it out of thin air, cash reward or not.

    Well, the other day the business received a nasty email from said guy, saying how Rockin' Manager was "very unhelpful" to him, a paying customer. I did not get to read the email, but let's look between the lines, shall we?

    She was unhelpful to him because:

    1. He lost his camera.
    2. She refused to allow him to label two of her trusted staff as thieves.
    3. She refused to make either of said staff members produce a camera they did not have out of thin air.
    4. She refused to herself produce a camera she did not have out of thin air.

    Now, I really wish that this "gentleman" had asked ME if he could look through my bag. Here is the answer I would have loved to have given him, and might just have done so, depending on how he asked:

    "Why certainly sir. Feel free. Here's my bag. Look through it. You won't find your camera. Why? Because I did not take it. Would you like to look through the beer coolers behind the bar too? The camera won't be there either. Why? Because I didn't take it. Heck, my truck is parked across the street. Why don't you look through that as well. You'll find many things, but you won't find (a) a camera or (b) anything of yours, because once again, I didn't take it. But I welcome you to look through all my possessions because I have nothing to hide, I am not a thief, and I fully await your profuse apology upon your realization that I did not steal your precious bloody camera, and your implied accusation of my being a thief was completely and totally unfounded."

    The good news is that the proprietors of The Bar know that Rockin' Manager is a rockin' manager, and will ask her about the situation, take her word over this fucktrumpet's, and that will be that.

    That bad news is that this yahoo still seems to believe that the two service staff people that treated him with nothing but respect and politeness and good service were nothing more than common thieves, itching to get their greedy little fingers on his fine digital camera.

    Nice attitude, buddy. Sure that will get you far in life. A suggestion: Keep better track of your fucking possessions, and stop making accusations against people when you are stupid and careless with them.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Do you happen to have security tapes to look at, by chance?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      We do, but none that are focused on the table they were at.

      Doesn't really matter, as the email didn't accuse anyone of thievery (as far as I know), it just said that Rockin' Manager was "very unhelpful.)

      I am not worried, though, as Upper Management at The Bar are great, and will definitely back us. I don't see him getting the law involved, as that would be too expensive to justify for a camera. But let me play devil's advocate here for a moment, and say he called the cops. 1. The local cops know us. They love us. They deal with stupid tourists as much if not more so than we do. Good luck there. 2. If it somehow did get to court, the burden of proof would be on HIM to prove we took it, not on US to prove we didn't. The only proof he has is that his camera, that none of us saw, disappeared, and he claims it happened when he left it on his table. I don't see that going too far in the courts, to be honest.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        We run into this occasionally too, but luckily, we have more security cameras at X-Bux than Fort freakin' Knox.
        I will never go to school!


        • #5
          Did they actually ask to look through his personal bag?? Sorry to be dense but I couldn't tell if you meant the SC asked to look through his bag or was asking to look through the trash bag he was taking out. Cause there is NO.WAY. I would let a customer paw through my belongings.....


          • #6
            I do remember one time where I had made a purchase at my local game store at 6 pm and then left. Later, my TGNW (then girlfriend now wife) and I went out to dinner and...WTF IS MY CARD?! Apparently I had left the card RIGHT ON THE REGISTER and walked out. The good news is the employees were trustworthy and when I busted in the store at 8:59 (yeah, they close at 9), they immediately recognized me and said "Yeah we thought you'd show up sooner or later ."

            In any case, I've been a customer ever since. Sure, it's kinda hard to "avoid" Gamestop for any reason if I want to purchase games, but that's besides the point. I can understand these guys' frustration, but come on. It's obvious you didn't take anything by now. The insinuation is there, certainly, but that avenue was thoroughly explored and now is becoming nothing more than harassment.

            Honestly, the next time he shows up (and he will), he needs to have police. Why? If he is CONVINCED one of you took it, though you clearly didn't, the police MAY side with him, but not for long. It'll actually hurt him in the long run. Moreover, if he DOESN'T show up with police, it's time for harassment papers.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              Quoth joebubby here to serve View Post
              Did they actually ask to look through his personal bag??
              Yes, the guy asked to look through Zim's personal backpack. See, the last thing Zim did that night was take out the trash. Since that WAS the last thing he was doing, he had grabbed his personal backpack. As it turned out, the guy was in front of the establishment, and saw Zim in the alley, taking care of the trash, and approached him about this. Zim let him look through the bag, and then actually asked him if he wanted to look through the trash, too, since there was plenty of it there, and he was just as likely to find it there as in Zim's bag. I.e., not at all.

              No, I wouldn't want some accusatory douchebag rooting through my bag, either, but the opportunity to show him what an assclown he's being would outweigh that to me. As I said, I WISH he had asked ME that. I have tons of stuff in my backpack on a given day: nametags, pens, winekeys, bottle openers, spare shirts, smelly sweaty shirts, books, keys, beer coozies, sunglasses, an umbrella (I live in the tropics), aprons, various other sundry items. My backpack ain't small! And it would take him some time, and just make him look like an idiot. Which is exactly what he was. And then, once he was done with that, I would make him put everything back, and demand an apology. And if I know Rockin' Manager, she would back me fully on those two demands!

              Have I mentioned how much I love my management!??!?!

              Quoth gunsage View Post
              Honestly, the next time he shows up (and he will)...
              Actually, no, he probably won't. Remember, this is a tourist town, and they were tourists. And if for some reason he DID come back, and DID get the police involved....well, I already addressed THAT earlier in the thread.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                What an ass. I always give other people the benefit of the doubt, because I know how often I lose/misplace things, especially when there is alcohol involved.
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  I would NEVER let someone go through my personal bag....the reason....

                  I've heard of customers being so rude and accusing of theft that people did let them go through their bag. Then guess what.....the asshole ran off with it. It always happens outside during a break or after a shift. It shouldn't matter how much you have to prove that you didn't steal anything. Management shouldn't even go through your stuff let alone some random person.


                  • #10
                    they were tourists.
                    Oh. Then it's all good then. I thought you meant they were regulars or something. Also, I didn't quite catch that it was the dude's personal bag. I thought by bag you meant he was taking out the trash or something. Yeah, no, I think my response would've been more like...

                    "Oh, you want to see in my bag? This is MY bag, not the establishment's bag. The only way you're seeing the inside of this bag is with you in it! Catch me?! Now go home!"
                    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                    • #11
                      Did Zim get the bug? (sorry, couldn't resist).

                      If someone wanted to look throuh *my* bad I'd tell them they'd have to get a search warrant. What is in my bag is none of their f-ing business and if they act threatening, that's attempted robbery.
                      Last edited by draggar; 11-14-2007, 11:45 PM. Reason: I can't spell
                      Quote Dalesys:
                      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                      • #12
                        I hate it when people leave stuff behind then can't find it when they come back looking for it.

                        We only have 2 fitting rooms and many times there's a line waiting to get in. We're so busy and short-handed that there's no one to monitor the fitting rooms at all times. So, the SCs just go in as another SC comes out...making theft a real problem. If someone left their property in there, the next SC will more than likely take it.

                        But I have found credit cards, cell phones, keys, money, glasses, purses, articles of clothing, baby bottles, shoes, coats, etc left behind by SCs. I take them up to Lost & Found ASAP. I don't want to be accused of stealing and if someone does leave something behind and I didn't find it in time, I still feel a bit quilty when they come back looking for their property and it's already gone.

                        Retail Haiku:
                        Depression sets in.
                        The hellhole is calling me ~
                        I don't want to go.


                        • #13
                          Ugh, when I worked at the casino/hotel we used to get people who accused the housekeeping staff of theft all the time. Usually accompanied with lots of racist ranting, because the hskeeping girls were almost entirely Hispanic.

                          One time we had a woman call the front desk at 6 am, crying and ranting that housekeeping has stolen her "very expensive cultured pearls". Rant rant rant. She demanded to speak to the head of hskeeping, and attempted to rip her a new one, until the head of hskeeping told her where to go shove it.

                          At 9 that evening the head manager did a sweep through the front desk to see how we were doing. I worked gy so I had just come in. He asked about the lady. We hadn't heard a word. He says "What do ya wanna bet she found it, and didn't bother to call us and tell us it's been found?"

                          So I called her up, as I was the one who'd had to deal with her the previous morning. She was annoyed that I called her at 9pm, and snarkily told me her mother had apparently taken her pearls off the top of the dresser and put them in the top drawer, because she didn't want hskeeping to snatch them.

                          Gotta love people, man.
                          Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Marnier View Post
                            I've heard of customers being so rude and accusing of theft that people did let them go through their bag. Then guess what.....the asshole ran off with it. It always happens outside during a break or after a shift.
                            Oh, if he had asked about my bag, and I had let him go through it, it WOULD have been inside the establishment WITH my manager as a witness. Period.

                            Quoth Marnier View Post
                            I would NEVER let someone go through my personal bag....the reason....
                            Quoth draggar View Post
                            If someone wanted to look throuh *my* bad I'd tell them they'd have to get a search warrant. What is in my bag is none of their f-ing business and if they act threatening, that's attempted robbery.
                            Oh, I understand what both of you, and others, are saying. I get your point, and I kind of agree with it.

                            But to me, it would have been worth the unwarranted invasion just to show this jerkwad up.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              SC: "Can I look through your bag?"

                              Me: "SURE, over my dead body. What'll it be? Guns, knives, or bare hands?"

