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Why I don't go to the movies anymore #307

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  • Why I don't go to the movies anymore #307

    Or, Who's Is Bigger?

    This is kind of an older story, but another story I just read on here reminded me of it.

    Went to a movie with the husband and our friend, V. I'm sitting between the gents. The place was very full, so it was hard to tell who was with who. Frat boy type behind me starts kicking the hell out of the back of my seat.
    I give him time to settle himself, he never does. I turn around and make eye contact with him. He stops. The gents I'm with have no idea anything is going on at this point. It was a very noisy action movie.

    5 minutes later, he's at it again. Now, when I say he's kicking my chair, I don't mean he's squirming and bumping me occasionally. I mean he's kicking me hard enough to shove me forward in my seat. I turn around again.

    Me: Could you please stop kicking my chair?

    He just looks at me with the same expression you get from cows when they are bored. So did his date.

    Five minutes later, he's at it again in full swing.

    Me: Excuse me, Sir? Knock it off now. I'd didn't come here to be hassled by you, so I'm asking you to leave me alone. At this point, they guys clue in that Something Unpleasant was about to go down.

    Think that helped? Would I be typing this if it did?

    Five minutes later, he practically dumps me onto the floor. In one smooth move, I put my drink in the holder, sweep off my glasses and drop them into V's breast pocket, and haul myself around in my seat, leaning out so my face is about 4 inches from his.

    Me: (yelling) You having fun hassling the little four eyed broad, Ccksucker? That make your dk hard? Kick my chair one more time, mother fer, just ONE MORE TIME! PLEASE! KICK IT! KICK IT, YOU FKING LIMPDCKED COWARD! KICK MY CHAIR!!!!

    I hung there in his face for a few seconds. He was like His date was like : I spun around and sat back down like nothing had happened.

    At that point, my husband turned around in his seat, leaned an arm over the back casually, and addressed the guy directly, who was still sitting there with a tasered look on his face.

    Husband: "Dude. What's with you hassling my wife? She asked you several times to leave her alone. Stop being a dick." He then turns to the guy's date and says, "What the HELL are you doing with this guy? Can you not do any better, for God's sake? Geez!" Then he turns around like nothing happened.

    V had already taken his glasses off and put both his and mine in the cupholder. He figured things were going to get really ugly really soon.

    There was an extremely pregnant pause where a lot of things could have happened but didn't. Then asshole couple got up and moved.

    If you can believe the guy came up and apologized after the movie ended, that's exactly what he did. The guys accepted his apology. I have to admit that it was one of the only times in my life I did NOT accept an apology. I waved him off and walked past him. Not my usual MO. He didnt' apologize because he was sorry. He apologized because he realized he wasn't going to get laid that night unless he did. He was trying to salvage his date. You know what? Screw him. If I'd sat there and taken it, I promise you no apology would have been forthcoming. No, he was getting off being a bully. And bullies freak out when they get confronted. He saw a little glasses-wearing chick and two bookish looking men and thought "I can abuse these geeks and feel like a big man." I shit from great height on his kind.


  • #2
    I still can't figure out why he was kicking your chair. Why would a grown adult find that amusing? Was he just a complete spaz or something?

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Brava, milady, brava!

      Quoth Boozy View Post
      I still can't figure out why he was kicking your chair. Why would a grown adult find that amusing? Was he just a complete spaz or something?
      No, I think the last word of RKs post sums it up: Ass
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        That is one of my biggest pet peeves at the movie theatre--people will put their feet up on your seat with you in it, or keep kicking it for no apparent reason. I'm not saying I won't put my feet up, but if the theatre is full, or even if there is just someone sitting in front of me, I stick to my own space, thanks.

        Also, brava, RK. You rock.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Quoth Boozy View Post
          I still can't figure out why he was kicking your chair. Why would a grown adult find that amusing? Was he just a complete spaz or something?
          Note the use of the word "frat boy" in the OP. As a student, I know the type very well, and the reason he was kicking was because he did find it amusing. Frat boys, as a general rule, are less mature than the average third grader.

          Not to pigeonhole anyone... but that's just how it is.
          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


          • #6

            Can you come to the cinema with me please? I'd love to see how you handle popcorn throwing fools and people who make rustley noises with sweet wrappers!
            ~a lass unparallel'd~


            • #7
              I wouldn't have accepted his apology either. & there's no reason for anybody in a movie theatre to kick your chair like he did. That's uncalled for. I'm surprised you didn't sucker punch him.


              • #8
                Totally awesome! You're my hero. I would have waited for him to kick, then grab his foot and steal his shoe. Well, no, not really. But I would like to. I would really just find an usher and complain. How immature.
                It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                -Helen Keller

                I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                • #9
                  Heh -- your husband asking the date if she couldn't do any better was pure gold.

                  Yeah, I hate people like that too.
                  Everything I do goes through...

                  Think About It Central


                  • #10
                    You and your husband rock!

                    I wish more people had words with the trouble makers in a movie theatre rather than wait till the end of the film and then whining to staff.
                    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                    • #11
                      Oh, make no mistake, Bright Star, I was more than ready to punch and be punched. You can't pull a stunt like that if you aren't ready to take a shot in the chops. But you always have to let the other guy throw the first punch. That way, your witnesses say, "Yes, officer, that guy who is laying there on the backboard
                      hit that woman first."

                      But I'm very, very good at reading people. I correctly predicted how he would react. Though I didn't expect the apology, I have to admit. I figured it was possible he'd hit me, and I was ready for it. But it was not the money bet. No, he was betting he'd be able to pick on me and my own sense of public decorum and manners would keep him safe from retaliation. He was not expecting a foul mouthed psychobitch in his lap, flanked by a couple guys who were not the least bit afraid to badmouth him to his face and in front of him to his date. He probably had to change seats because the one he was in ended up with a pee stain in it.

                      I admit I had a couple scenarios going through my head:

                      1. Move. Packed house, and I'm not the one being the problem. I shouldn't have to move.
                      2. Go complaining to the usher. Not terribly useful, and not particularly fun.
                      3. Dump drink on him. Attractive option. Probably have to escalate this option to a fight. Might be considered assault.
                      4. Scare shit out of guy. Sounds fun, and I'm in the mood at this point. Option 4 it is.


                      • #12
                        I'm always flabbergasted reading posts about American movie theaters.... I've been going to movies my whole life, and NEVER had an experience like any of the ones mentioned in the OP or the replies either.

                        Now granted, I tend to shy away from the larger movie theaters because they're just so crowded, there's bound to be noise, and they're REALLY expensive (I have a number of smaller, cheaper options close to home, so I use them). But I've been to big theaters... even a huge IMAX one in Toronto. My children are also extremely well-behaved in movie theaters, because my ex and I have instilled a healthy respect for the rules in them, and movies are a VERY special treat (usually birthdays, when really good movies such as the Harry Potter ones come out, or for things like earning a new belt in karate or honor roll at school). I'd never tolerate my kids acting like that in a movie theater, nor would I return with a friend who acted that way.

                        I actually wouldn't watch movies - even on tv - with my ex-fiancé. He would NEVER shut up!!!! It was so irritating, I couldn't even watch regular tv with him. My ex-husband and I got along perfectly well with our movie etiquette, and my current boyfriend and I also have similar feelings as to what is and isn't appropriate. I just don't know where you guys find all the assholes.
                        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                        • #13
                          /me adds RK to the list of people he should never, ever, EVER piss off
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            Quoth myswtghst View Post
                            That is one of my biggest pet peeves at the movie theatre--people will put their feet up on your seat with you in it, or keep kicking it for no apparent reason.
                            actually what works well with the first situation(I've done it a couple times)-did you know you can wedge someone's ankle very hard in between two seats at most theatres-it does no damage-and doesn't hurt, but it scares the heck out of them, you just kinda knock them down in a side sweeping motion and usually they end up getting stuck especially if you do it quick enough. If they're kicking I normally let them know that I'll gladly press charges for assault, then make sure they see me scroll through my contact menu in my cell down to "Police dispatch".
                            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                            • #15
                              YOU ARE AWESOME. <3 <3
                              ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

