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Bank of KFC

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  • Bank of KFC

    we are a small store, so it always makes me wonder why people think i have this huge vault in the back containing 10 tons of small change and bills.

    i constantly have people come in and give us $50/$100 bills then complain when we give them anything other then 10s and 5s. er, when did i have Toronto dominion stamped onto my forehead?!

    and no miss i wont exchange your roll of pennies for a $5. why? cuz im not a bloody bank!
    and as to the other gentlemen who asked if i could sell him a roll of loonies so he can wash his car, go see the pennies lady.

    but my fav is always the little old lady who demands i search every till for a nice crisp $50 for their lil crap grandkid, in their birthday card.

    bank! 2 blocks east then turn left and 4 blocks south!
    it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.

  • #2
    I get that a lot at my current job too, and the worst thing is there seriously is a Royal Bank three stores down. It makes me think there's something dodgy when they start coming up with excuses not to go to the bank to handle the monetary needs.

    That is the business that the bank is in after all, isn't it?


    • #3
      We get them at my store too. Sometimes it's people who want to exchange all of their change for bills. Or they ask me for so much in ones or fives.


      • #4
        Ugh.. yesterday was like that.

        It was payday and all people woudl give me was 50's and 100's.

        I totally RAN OUT OF $1's (register, AND safe) so I was stuck for a while handing out quarters for dollar change.


        • #5
          We had a "backup bag" at the gas station with 5s and 10s just for Fridays and Saturdays and the first of every month because we'd get hammered with so many 100s and 50s that we'd run out of smaller change.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth Namrepus221 View Post
            I totally RAN OUT OF $1's (register, AND safe) so I was stuck for a while handing out quarters for dollar change.

            Happened to me at my last job. All because the owner would take the money each day to the bank and just leave a total of $20 in the register, made up of 1-$10.00 1-$5.00 & 5-$1.00.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              When did people think that stores are banks? I know some stores have a bank, but that's not us. When we cash in change or cash a check that is customer service...not a customer right.

              I love when I decline a payroll check and I get this response:
              "Well where can I go to cash it?"

              ----well I hear there are these buildings and usually they have these big rooms that are just FILLED with money. I will never get why people fear banks.

              And I stopped cashing in change...right about the time I had a kid bring up (and I'm not kidding) 3 shoe boxes with rolled coins (about $120) about three minutes till closing time.
              Last edited by AmericanZero8503; 12-02-2007, 02:33 AM.
              Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


              • #8
                Had a customer tonight ring up somewhere around $50, she wanted to pay with her credit card, but also really wanted me to break her $20 for her. Now, by that point, I definitely had the change to do so, however, due to the way our system is set up, I can't get into the drawer to do such, short of charging her that $20, and getting the rest on her credit card, which is exactly not what she wanted to do. So, sorry, but that's not in the realm of possibility for me.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  At my store, we have a bank located IN THE STORE a short distance from the registers. People still ask if I can supply them with quarters, ones, etc. Store policy is we do not give change, period. Main reason is because there is less chance of a quick-change artist or anyone else robbing us. I nicely explained to a woman one morning that no, I would NOT be able to give her a brand shiny new roll of quarters from my till. She responded by saying that "Tops down the street is more generous in helping their customers".
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Slow-Jo View Post

                    bank! 2 blocks east then turn left and 4 blocks south!
                    Exactly... I would be like. I'm sorry this isn't a bank Fianancial KFC agency
                    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


                    • #11
                      alot of places around here wont take more than 20$ bills for any transaction even if the transaction is over 20$. maybe you should think about having some sort of policy like that so you dont have people asking you for change.
                      "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


                      • #12
                        I don't know if getting bags of pennies and small change multiple times of during a shift is normal, if not it probably because I tend to end up working is stores in poorer areas.
                        Cashing change doesn't bother me much, since I can count and roll it up pretty quickly, the only time it bothers me is during busy times when there is a long line, or when the customer swears it is X amount of money and *gasp* gets angry when I count it anyways, then of course it is the wrong amount and I have to count it again because they still swear it is X amount.
                        What really bothers me are people who come in with 50s and 100s in the dead of night, now it is plastered everywhere, inside and out, that we don't take anything larger than a 20 after 7pm. They always swear they didn't know and that it is all they have, then act like it is the end of the world when they have to wait 5 or more minutes for me to pull it from the safe, because the register only has about 15 or so dollars in bills.


                        • #13
                          Does the Bank Of KFC also offer cash back, like they do at Target and Wal-Mart, let alone other stores?


                          • #14
                            Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                            When did people think that stores are banks? I know some stores have a bank, but that's not us. When we cash in change or cash a check that is customer service...not a customer right.

                            I love when I decline a payroll check and I get this response:
                            "Well where can I go to cash it?"

                            ----well I hear there are these buildings and usually they have these big rooms that are just FILLED with money. I will never get why people fear banks.

                            And I stopped cashing in change...right about the time I had a kid bring up (and I'm not kidding) 3 shoe boxes with rolled coins (about $120) about three minutes till closing time.
                            i had a kid PAY for something with that much change. i told the mom i might not be able to take the rolls (because me and my supervisor would have to count all of that!) and she got all pissy cuz her wittle baby saved up for soooooo long. BANK! across the parking lot!

                            Quoth greensinestro View Post
                            Does the Bank Of KFC also offer cash back, like they do at Target and Wal-Mart, let alone other stores?
                            no we don't. we are a really small store, so we have a very limited amount of cash on hand.
                            that and the higher ups are super old bags. when they count out a till everything is always whacked out and money is missing every where. which by the way is ALWAYS blamed on me.
                            so take that and then add cash back... not very pretty.
                            Last edited by Broomjockey; 12-10-2007, 03:10 AM. Reason: multi-quote
                            it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


                            • #15
                              Kind of reminds me when SC's come to my window and demand I give them the "new money." Just because I work in the maincage does not mean I have nice money. In fact I am trying to hand out the crap people were giving me all day in between the "good bills." So, the next time the cashier counts out your money really fast? Yeah, they're shoving in the crap they can't get rid of.
                              The last time I heard "new money" I almost started laughing but she was serious... I had to tell her we don't have any.

                              Now that I've worked in retail stores, I always ask before I give a big bill and generally I try to make sure I have twenties on me and if not, hope I can charge it. I don't like screwing the cashier and leaving them with no change. Been there done that.

