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eBay is Serious Business

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  • #91
    ... People on Ebay can be weird. I once had someone give me retaliatory negative feedback because I gave them neutral feedback -- they did some things very well, but they weren't very responsive to my inquiries, which was problematic, so I decided it averaged out into a neutral experience. They didn't like this.


    • #92
      I've only had two poor experiences on eBay, thankfully.

      The first was someone I tried to order a stuffed animal from as a Christmas present for my roommate. Payment sent, item (supposedly) shipped, but never arrived. I told the seller, who filed a claim with USPS for the insurance she put on the item. I wasn't familiar at all with how those worked, but I dutifully filled out the paperwork that was sent to me and sent it back. And never heard about it again. ::sigh:: Oh well.

      The second took the cake, and was what reinforced the lesson to always read the negs for the past several months on any seller's account. Not that it helped me in this particular instance.

      I'd just gotten a refurbished Dreamcast, and wanted Sonic Adventure to play on it. Found a company on eBay that had a used copy at a reasonable price, and their feedback was fairly clean for the past year. So I ordered it.

      Two weeks later, it still hadn't arrived. I contacted the company, and was told they'd discovered a defect in the product (among many), and so it hadn't shipped. They offered a replacement or a refund; I opted for the refund. Further communication had them continually offering to send a replacement, with no sign of the refund, so I kept pressuring for the refund (I'd since ordered and received the game, brand new and cheaper, from a different seller). Toward the end of the feedback period, I left a neg because I hadn't seen product or money.

      A few days later, my account was refunded. A few days after that, the game arrived in the mail. ::facepalm:: I sent the game right back. That particular company is no longer a registered user, and I'm not surprised. Shortly after I started my request for a refund, a whole slew of "non-delivery" negs appeared on their feedback.

      I myself have 100% (yay!) with only one neutral to mar the record. I'd sold a harddrive in "as-is" condition, with an offer for a refund if it didn't work--I'd bought the harddrive two or three years previously, couldn't get my computer to read it, and left it in the box since then. My neutral basically states that the item arrived fast but didn't work; the customer never asked for a refund, but I'm not too horribly broken up about it.

      So in regards to tracking numbers and delivery confirmation, is there some way to ensure the customer has to sign for the package when using USPS, or is that only available with UPS and FedEx?

      Signing for packages, by the way, is really annoying when you work a full shift during the daytime and your hubby goes to school in the daytime, but that's not exactly the seller's fault. I've had quite a few instances where I had to hope they'd come on my day off because I was never home when UPS tried to deliver the package.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #93
        Quoth Devilot View Post
        ... People on Ebay can be weird. I once had someone give me retaliatory negative feedback because I gave them neutral feedback -- they did some things very well, but they weren't very responsive to my inquiries, which was problematic, so I decided it averaged out into a neutral experience. They didn't like this.
        Same thing happened to me. I left a neutral (I wish I had left a negative) and the guy threatened me and when I didn't back down left a negative.
        Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


        • #94
          Quoth Kogarashi View Post
          So in regards to tracking numbers and delivery confirmation, is there some way to ensure the customer has to sign for the package when using USPS, or is that only available with UPS and FedEx?
          Yes, you can get signature requirement with USPS packages. It costs extra, but you can get it. It's essentially the same a sending a registered letter.

          Also, the USPS, UPS, and FedEx will all allow pickups at their facilities in cases where you won't be available during normal delivery times to sign for your item. Most of them will also allow you to sign a waiver stating that you want the package dropped off anyway. That signature counts as your signature for receipt so if it gets stolen off your doorstep, you are generally totally SOL.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #95
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            Yes, you can get signature requirement with USPS packages. It costs extra, but you can get it. It's essentially the same a sending a registered letter.

            Also, the USPS, UPS, and FedEx will all allow pickups at their facilities in cases where you won't be available during normal delivery times to sign for your item. Most of them will also allow you to sign a waiver stating that you want the package dropped off anyway. That signature counts as your signature for receipt so if it gets stolen off your doorstep, you are generally totally SOL.

            NO! Signature Confirmation is NOT the same as sending a red (registered, so called reds cause of the label color). Red's and Certified letters are kept in special bags and are things we MUST sign for and are held accountable for. If we loose a red we have to ten times the value, loose our jobs, and might have to face jail time. (I think the jail time is only over a certain amount.)

            Signature confirmation is just a higher level of delivery confirmation. With delivery confirmation you can leave it without a sig and well with signature confirmation you need the sig...kinda self explanatory neh?

            And for those who get told they have to have both delivery and signature you don't. That is a managerial trick to try and make more money. Both numbers can be used by themselves to look up the statue from the company website.

            Edited to add:
            Make sure to look at the peach slip left by the carrier. On the front is a little box that says that someone must be present to sign for the item. This means we can not re-deliver and leave the item just because you signed the back. This is usually because someone attached a green card to the back that they get back after the item is delivered and that card needs to be signed.

            Also if a package/letter is marked as restricted that means we can only get the person signature who it's restricted for and no that doesn't mean you can send your SO or child to pick it up if it has YOUR name on it. Sorry that person wanted to make sure that YOU got it and no one else. Remember your DL or State ID, the window clerks are supposed to look at your id.
            Last edited by Aethian; 03-30-2008, 03:24 PM.


            • #96
              Recently I bid on a Barbie doll on March 15, the total coming to $9.30ish (the shipping was $8 something; most postage would be between $4-6, so I'm not begrudging that). Now the seller said pay in 5 days, and I e-mailed right away that I don't have enough in my PayPal acct. now but will pay in 5 days. Seller said ok. On March 19, my mom wanted to go to the hospital. She hadn't eaten solids for 4 months, she's been throwin up off-and-on for 3 months, and she figure if she was in the hospital they would put her on an IV, feed her, take care of her, etc. This is after seeing 3 doctors who couldn't find anything wrong. I mention this because I wasn't taking her because she had a heart-attack or broke her leg, something that needs attention now. On March 19 was when I finally had money in PayPal, so right before I took her to the hospital I paid the seller. I noticed on March 24 from PayPal that "Your PayPal payment by bank transfer to seller@blah. com for $x.xxUSD has been processed and automatically credited to the PayPal account of the payment's recipient. Thus, this transaction is completed."
              So, week passed and no doll. I figured that maybe seller didn't get money until March 24, even though March 19 PayPal sent me "Receipt for Your Payment to..." notice. So I e-mailed seller to see if things are ok. no response. April 2 I send another e-mail. No response. So around April 7 I send a neg. feedback.
              April 9 I receive from seller "You've received an answer to your question about item...I am sorry. I have been with my husband in icu in the hospital due to our house caught fire. I have not logged online or been able to in almost 2 weeks. Give me a week to get everything situated and everyone I have to take care of then I will do the same for you. I am sorry but I could not control the things that have happened in my life. thanks." I respond yesterday "I understand." I should have responded "as soon as I get the doll I will take back the" Of course, yesterday about an hour after I responded I get "eBay Feedback Withdrawal Request for Item." So should I do that now or (I rather) e-mail her and tell her I will remove it after I get the doll? I suppose her business wasn't at her house which was on fire. Her ad. said it was from her private collection. So far I'm going to wait a week until I get the doll or get an email. I have to tell that tale of the hi-jacked ebay account latter.
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #97
                Quoth greensinestro View Post
                I think that's a great policy. Why should the buyer have to suffer at the hands of the seller? The buyer usually has to pay for their merchandise before it is even shipped out, so to me, the buyer has fulfilled their end of the bargain, leaving it up to the seller to fulfill theirs. To me, allowing sellers to leave negative feedback to the buyer is retaliatory and vindictive.

                Until this happens though, I have always been cautious whenever I sell something. Wait until the buyer receives their stuff, confirms it with you on e-mail that they are happy with it, then have them leave you positive feedback. After that is when I'll leave them positive feedback.
                The problem with that though would be the deadbeat bidders. That was my biggest problem with selling on eBay, and the reason I quit. I just could not understand how someone could bid $150 on something and then shoot me an email after it closed saying "I changed my mind, you should just relist that" Ummm, excuse me? Don't you realize it isn't free to list items?
                Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica


                • #98
                  .... gah... lost the whole first half of my post because the forum wouldn't let me post it...

                  Short form, however, is that Feedback shouldn't be left until everything is finished. Either you get your money back, or you get your item, and then you leave honest Feedback. And whatever else you do, report the seller for Seller Non Performance. Feedback is mostly meaningless. SNP reports will get them booted much faster.

                  Oh, and don't give in to threats of bad Feedback or retaliatory Feedback to remove it. Let it stand testament to the seller's suckiness.

                  Although, if they've got a story of woe, you can check to see if anyone who won an item after you paid for yours has left a Positive comment. Because that's proof that the seller is lying through their teeth.

                  Second, to tartxcherries:

                  Yeah, deadbeat bidders suck. However, you don't have to relist an item just because the winning bidder flaked. After you've hit them with a Non Paying Bidder report and put them on your Banned Bidders List, then you can turn around and offer the item to the second highest bidder. If you do that, however, you might consider using what would have been the winning bid had the flake not bid at all (one increment over the third highest bid) rather than the highest bid the second bidder placed. That is, if your bidding wasn't killed entirely by the NPB.

                  The whole Second Chance Offer system is actually pretty cool.

                  Last edited by Andara Bledin; 04-19-2008, 07:40 AM.
                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #99
                    Today I decided to email the seller (who said that house on fire, husband in ICU give her this week to make things right) and see in her/his profile that she/he is no longer registered. I gave up weeks ago, though last week I had a bit of hope but I think I'm sol.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.


                    • Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                      Today I decided to email the seller (who said that house on fire, husband in ICU give her this week to make things right) and see in her/his profile that she/he is no longer registered. I gave up weeks ago, though last week I had a bit of hope but I think I'm sol.
                      I've been in this trap a couple of times. It has since then taught me not to deal business with any sellers who have low positive feedback, or have not been members for a very long time. Another tip I received was never deal with anyone who doesn't allow Pay Pal for making a payment. Chances are, they'll just run off with your money, close their account, then start a new account under a totally different name and e-mail.


                      • High feedback numbers isn't nearly as meaningful as some people think.

                        My work's purchasing account has over 8000 Feedback. And not one as a seller.

                        Also, high Feedback accounts get hijacked for use in scams.

                        Almost more important than checking the feedback numbers and percentages is to check the recent selling history.

                        If you have a seller who has been selling paperbacks for the last three months, and is suddenly selling a dozen Wiis every week, you know there's a serious problem.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • I myself have been royally screwed over by Ebay...mostly through my own stupidity though, I will admit.

                          Normally I only do freelance web design work, but due to financial issues I started searching for data entry jobs. Now, before you tch-tch, I did this through a freelancer project website. It's actually quite safe...normally. Well, this one guy lists a project about getting help listing eBay items. I mention I can do it, and show my eBay account as proof I'm well-versed. I guess I did *too* well... He awards me the project, and asks if I would be willing to list them on my account. His reason? My 100% feedback would get MUCH higher bids on the items than his brand-new eBay account.

                          Yes...I was stupid enough to agree. I was promised $50 to list 10 items a month, and we agreed that if he went over that amount, I'd be given a 10% commission for my trouble. Yes, that sounded SO sweet!

                          Things went fine for a couple of weeks...and then I got a scammer buyer. You can read THAT story here:

                          Well, things went WAY downhill after that. Suddenly, I'm getting tons of emails a day saying "Where's my item?!" "This is the wrong item!" "This has some serious damage to the item!!" Guess who they all assume is responsible? Yeah, you guessed it. Apparently putting disclaimers on auctions doesn't work. Nobody reads the whole thing, I guess.

                          Ebay wasn't any help either...I contacted their Live Help and explained the situation, and was told it was recorded into the system and that they would do all they could to assist me in resolving the entire ordeal.

                          And now...the coup de grace. A week after aforementioned Live Help discussion, my PayPal account was frozen due to said complaining buyers. I have been informed that until EVERYTHING is fixed...I'm not getting it back. Even worse? I'm now also facing over $200 in ebay fees that MY CLIENT WON'T PAY. After I told him my situation, and begged for quote... "*shrugs"

                          Yes....he shrugged. And now he won't return emails/IMs, etc.

                          Ebay's response? Oh yes, we did record your complaint about the whole thing...but you were an idiot and we want our money. So, we've frozen your PP account that you use to pay us.

                          With all that I stand to lose right, PayPal-account-wise, and my established eBay store...I'm going to probably lose nearly a thousand dollars. I'm so screwed (pardon my French).

                          So yea, my stupidity....but not helped at all by Ebay.
                          By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

                          "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


                          • The link has been removed by eBay.

                            If there were disclaimers then I don't see how you should be held responsible. Though yeah, rather dumb letting someone you don't know use your rep.

                            I've checked my PayPal acct. and there's the amt. of money I paid the seller there. I don't know if it's a phantom amt., though, since my history doesn't show a deposit.

                            Ok, my other eBay experience. So far I buy, and I might have sold 3 items. On my Birthday in 2007 I saw that a 40 disc Buffy the Vampire Slayer box set was a "buy now" item. I was hunting for the Chosen collection (which is a 40 disc box set of BtVS) for a while, so this seemed like a good deal, esp. since most "buy it now" for this set is $149, w/free shipping, or $119., with shipping. The price was $55, plus $35 shipping, plus insurance, so total was $95. The seller was a power seller, and was in the U.S. Now I know how much a pain it is that someone has to pay a percentage to eBay when they sell something, so even though the shipping was too much, I didn't think it was a bad thing. So I buy it right away, and got the bill right away and paid it right away. This was at 9pm. At 1am (while I'm in bed) I get an email from eBay saying the seller's acct. was compromised, not to pay. Too late.
                            The short of it was the product came from China. 40 discs, but it's missing 1/2 of season 2. And part of the Chosen collection comes with a bonus disc, but no bonus disc.

                            I contact PayPal right away when I read the email, but since the product did arrive to my home, just not what I wanted, then PayPal wasn't going to do anything.
                            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                            I wish porn had subtitles.


                            • Quoth Seraph View Post
                              So yea, my stupidity....but not helped at all by Ebay.
                              That right there is about the number 1 fraud/money laundering scam attempt going for the last five years or so. I get more of that than Nigerian scams.

                              If you have any contact info for this guy at all, you need to go to your local DA, his local DA (if they're different), and maybe the FTC and USPS, too, for good measure. Seriously. Nail his ass to the wall, and maybe get some damages while you're at it.

                              Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                              The short of it was the product came from China. 40 discs, but it's missing 1/2 of season 2. And part of the Chosen collection comes with a bonus disc, but no bonus disc.

                              I contact PayPal right away when I read the email, but since the product did arrive to my home, just not what I wanted, then PayPal wasn't going to do anything.
                              #1: If the price is too good, run. When the item plus shipping is less than just the item itself, and shipping is jacked up that much, then you are guaranteed to get screwed.

                              #2: With any media purchase, check all Feedback for any evidence of bootlegging. Also, if the listing ever says anything like "region free" or "region 0" then there is a 99% chance it's a bootleg.

                              #3: You need to return the item, via some trackable means, to the seller, and then report that to PayPal. Once it has been delivered and the seller made "whole" there is a good chance you'll get a full refund.

                              #4: Report them to the copyright holder. You, as a citizen, can't do jack, but the copyright holder (20th Century Fox, in this case) can get them booted post-haste. Most studios have a hotline you can go through for reporting this shit. (if you haven't guessed, I despise bootleggers)

                              #5: Always use a credit card to finance PayPal to pay for items won on eBay. It is the absolute best way to have a chance of getting your money back when dealing with a scummy seller. However, if you're a seller, it's also the easiest way for a scummy buyer to rip you off. Regardless, if your payment was funded with a credit card, and PayPal refuses to reverse it (after the item has been returned... keeping it and getting a refund is theft on your part), you are free to initiate a chargeback through your credit card provider. Just remember to always file through PayPal first, even if it's past their deadline. They hate it when they get blindsided with a chargeback.

                              EBay is a huge swap meet with guards. If you take the time to research everything, there's a low likelihood of being ripped off. It can still happen, but it's very much outside the norm. However, if you go in unprepared, you can get ripped off pretty bad.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                              • #2: With any media purchase, check all Feedback for any evidence of bootlegging. Also, if the listing ever says anything like "region free" or "region 0" then there is a 99% chance it's a bootleg.
                                The thing again was that eBay contacted me saying the acct. was compromised. Seems somehow someone in China got into the seller's acct. and used the acct. to sell the merchandise. Granted, when I pay with PayPal I can't see how the bootlegger got the money. At the time I figured the original seller and the bootlegger were working together, but why have eBay contact me not to pay? So I learned to pay by PayPal at least a day latter, just in case.

                                And would PayPal refund the shipping?
                                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                                I wish porn had subtitles.

