This is a venting post. Too make a long story short, work sucks, should I quit? If you feel like it go ahead and read the rest. I think it was more for me to kind of lay out everything that's been going on, but it may be amusing for you 
So, I had somewhat of a breakdown last shift. I told my manager months ago that this was my last year in college and I'm going to be student teaching, thus I can only work 1 or 2 days a week, 3 if there's an emergency. First off, I was put on 6 days in a row during midterms. I have a lot of days I asked off for meetings dealing with my major, concerts, recitals, or performances, etc. Most of those have been ignored, even though I turned them in 2 months before the semester even started. There were some I starred, that I absolutely could not miss and they scheduled me for two of those. Each time I luckily found someone to fill in.
Then last shift I walked in and checked the schedule. Me, and four people I didn't know, and the manager. I searched for the manager, trying to figure out what was going on. Couldn't find her. Called another manager. Apparently the MOD had to go pick up her daughter and they thought it would be ok to leave me in charge, she should be back in an hour.
So the 4 people? All new, all on their first day. And as everyone well knows it's Halloween tonight. The week before Halloween is terrible. I had lines of 30 at all times, and 4 people to keep an eye on. I put 2 on the register, 2 on cutting counter, and then I ran between them. It was terrible, and the manager never did show up. Closing comes around pretty quickly (the only good thing about being busy) and I got everyone out the door and started the girls on the closing routine. Trash, sweep, vacuum, remnants, fabric away, returns away, tuck fabric and trims, make stuff pretty, it's a lot. And with no manager that means I have to close out the register. Luckily I know one of the manager's codes. I call and get the safe number. They'll have to change all the numbers later, but that's their fault. I tried to call the MOD 6 times and couldn't get through, and the other was on vacation. I also had to get the code for the alarm. I called around so many times, but couldn't get any help. Of course I go out into the front and stuff is everywhere because the girls didn't know where some stuff went and just made it up.
I finally got everyone out at 11. I live an hour away, and had a 7 am class the next morning (which was why I was only on the schedule till 9)
Of coarse I never got an apology and there were no consequences for the manager. It sucked.
Then my dad had an emergency, had to go to the hospital, and needed someone to watch him. I called in thinking it would be no problem to get off (and it was still 2 days before my shift). Nope, they didn't want to give me off because she didn't want to be left alone with the new girls. I had to resort to blackmail, threatening to call district about leaving the store unattended. That worked. But I shouldn't of had to do that, I've been there over a year and a half. I've never missed a shift without finding a replacement.
Next semester I can only work 1 day at the most, but based on this semester I don't know if they'll stick to that. I'm thinking of putting in my 2 weeks soon. I'd like to have that pocket money, but I'd also like my sanity.
Oh, also, I have fucked up hands. My fingers bend backwards, I can't straighten them, and they always hurt. Of coarse I chose to play the flute. With my recital coming up I've been practicing a lot, and my fingers have really been hurting. When I was cutting fabric last week my hand completely froze up. I couldn't move it for an hour. That completely freaked me out. This is my future. So I asked to be put on register. My manager (the one I like) agrees, yet even though everyone knows I'm constantly being called up to the cutting counter. And customers don't care that my hands are in pain and I don't even have the strength to work the scissors. They just want to get out of there. I've been using a rotary cutter, but got in trouble for it because it's not "regulation." A CW (whom I absolutely hate, she's the kind of person that takes an hour to help one person or will disappear and make you do her work) complained about me not cutting. She said she was older and achy too. I asked, were you diagnosed with arthritis? No? Do you have constant pain? No? Oh yeah, do you practice flute 5 hours a day? No? Are you going to be playing music as your future? No, you're stuck here. I had to go get a doctor's note. Isn't that stupid?
Sorry about the long rant, I just had to vent.

So, I had somewhat of a breakdown last shift. I told my manager months ago that this was my last year in college and I'm going to be student teaching, thus I can only work 1 or 2 days a week, 3 if there's an emergency. First off, I was put on 6 days in a row during midterms. I have a lot of days I asked off for meetings dealing with my major, concerts, recitals, or performances, etc. Most of those have been ignored, even though I turned them in 2 months before the semester even started. There were some I starred, that I absolutely could not miss and they scheduled me for two of those. Each time I luckily found someone to fill in.
Then last shift I walked in and checked the schedule. Me, and four people I didn't know, and the manager. I searched for the manager, trying to figure out what was going on. Couldn't find her. Called another manager. Apparently the MOD had to go pick up her daughter and they thought it would be ok to leave me in charge, she should be back in an hour.
So the 4 people? All new, all on their first day. And as everyone well knows it's Halloween tonight. The week before Halloween is terrible. I had lines of 30 at all times, and 4 people to keep an eye on. I put 2 on the register, 2 on cutting counter, and then I ran between them. It was terrible, and the manager never did show up. Closing comes around pretty quickly (the only good thing about being busy) and I got everyone out the door and started the girls on the closing routine. Trash, sweep, vacuum, remnants, fabric away, returns away, tuck fabric and trims, make stuff pretty, it's a lot. And with no manager that means I have to close out the register. Luckily I know one of the manager's codes. I call and get the safe number. They'll have to change all the numbers later, but that's their fault. I tried to call the MOD 6 times and couldn't get through, and the other was on vacation. I also had to get the code for the alarm. I called around so many times, but couldn't get any help. Of course I go out into the front and stuff is everywhere because the girls didn't know where some stuff went and just made it up.
I finally got everyone out at 11. I live an hour away, and had a 7 am class the next morning (which was why I was only on the schedule till 9)
Of coarse I never got an apology and there were no consequences for the manager. It sucked.
Then my dad had an emergency, had to go to the hospital, and needed someone to watch him. I called in thinking it would be no problem to get off (and it was still 2 days before my shift). Nope, they didn't want to give me off because she didn't want to be left alone with the new girls. I had to resort to blackmail, threatening to call district about leaving the store unattended. That worked. But I shouldn't of had to do that, I've been there over a year and a half. I've never missed a shift without finding a replacement.
Next semester I can only work 1 day at the most, but based on this semester I don't know if they'll stick to that. I'm thinking of putting in my 2 weeks soon. I'd like to have that pocket money, but I'd also like my sanity.
Oh, also, I have fucked up hands. My fingers bend backwards, I can't straighten them, and they always hurt. Of coarse I chose to play the flute. With my recital coming up I've been practicing a lot, and my fingers have really been hurting. When I was cutting fabric last week my hand completely froze up. I couldn't move it for an hour. That completely freaked me out. This is my future. So I asked to be put on register. My manager (the one I like) agrees, yet even though everyone knows I'm constantly being called up to the cutting counter. And customers don't care that my hands are in pain and I don't even have the strength to work the scissors. They just want to get out of there. I've been using a rotary cutter, but got in trouble for it because it's not "regulation." A CW (whom I absolutely hate, she's the kind of person that takes an hour to help one person or will disappear and make you do her work) complained about me not cutting. She said she was older and achy too. I asked, were you diagnosed with arthritis? No? Do you have constant pain? No? Oh yeah, do you practice flute 5 hours a day? No? Are you going to be playing music as your future? No, you're stuck here. I had to go get a doctor's note. Isn't that stupid?
Sorry about the long rant, I just had to vent.