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Wherein I Rant Against Bill O'Reilly And It's Not At All Political.

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  • Wherein I Rant Against Bill O'Reilly And It's Not At All Political.


    This morning I was doing my usual "I'm awake but not moving from bed yet, so might as well check Facebook" routine when I started noticing a few people commenting in the Fox News thing with Key West. Since I live in Key West, and I love this quirky little island, and people were clearly upset, curiosity got the better of me, so I did a little Google Fu and found found what people were talking about.

    What it was was a segment of the O'Reilly Factor called Watters' World, where one of O'Reilly's cohorts, Jesse Watters, apparently goes to different towns. Having rarely watched the Factor, and not recalling having seen this particular feature, I figured I might be in for something amusing, that perhaps people had gotten overly sensitive about. Perhaps it was funny, and a lot of people just didn't get the humor. So I watched it.

    What I saw was this.

    I am not overly sensitive. I like jokes. I like humor. I like funny stuff in general. This, however, was not a joke, it was not humorous, and it was not funny. It was a hatchet job.

    In short, Watters had come to Key West and cherry picked the people to interview. Specifically the bums, the derelicts, and the homeless. And portrayed them as typical Key Weat residents. Making this entire lovely, amazing, magical, tropical island paradise that has meant so much to so many who have lived and visited here out to be populated by only derelicts, druggies, and dummies. Food stamp abusers and idiot sorority girls. Where no one worked, everyone was clueless about everything, and it was a bastion of all that was wrong with America. Which, if you went to any city in America and interviewed only the bums and the homeless, you'd probably get the same result. And afterwards, O'Reilly very smugly warns people about bringing their children to Key West. Because all these dirty, hippy, welfare-cheating and drug-abusing residents of the island town are going to.....what? Eat the little buggers? Sure, there are parts of Key West that are not really for kids, but there is plenty here that is great for them.

    It was, in short, a character assassination of an entire town.

    I was not amused. My boss was not amused. My friends were not amused. Key West as a whole was not amused. Every single person I know who saw the video, no matter what their political affiliation, no matter whether they liked the show, no matter whether they liked Bill O'Reilly, was aghast, shocked, and horrified.

    I hold grudges more than most. I am not overly sensitive, but when I get pissed, I get PISSED. And I erupted on Facebook, very impolitely, and sent a politer version of my comments to O'Reilly, both on the Fox News site where they posted the video, and on the corresponding Facebook page.

    The sad thing is, his show is, according to O'Reilly himself, a "news program." And these maggots were presenting this smear job as news. This was not like Jay Leno going out in the streets and asking random people questions so the audience could laugh at the dumber ones. This was basically warning people to stay away from Key West, because these were the kind of people you'd deal with here. And millions watch this show.

    I'm sure a lot of you are thinking that people wouldn't take this crap seriously. But they do. They have. Check out the comments on the Fox News site or Facebook page. Many, many people took this steaming pile of horseshit as gospel truth. Key West's economy is based on tourism. Do. The. Math.

    It is now over 14 hours since I first saw this video, and I am still seething. Livid. Fuming. ANGRY.

    O'Reilly claims that he comes to Key West often. I'm sure he stays at the nicer resorts. I'm sure Watters did too while he was here. They certainly know that there are hardworking people here. Or do they think that the people tending to their needs at the resorts, restaurants, bars, and businesses are bussed in from Miami? Flown in from New York? Elves from Atlantis?

    To prove that he was a completely hypocritical ass, O'Reilly had the gumption tonight to rail against a tv personality on a competiting network that had selectively edited footage of O'Reilly, to take something O'Reilly had said out of context, and that if O'Reilly or anyone at Fox News did something like that, they'd be fired. Oh, REALLY? Then how is it that O'Reilly and Watters still had jobs after their very selective editing of interviews and very selective selecting of interviewees on the previous night's segment on Key West?

    They'd probably call that "fair and balanced." Although in every one of my journalism and broadcasting classes in college, they would have gotten an F. Especially the ethics class, which they clearly missed. Journalistic integrity my ass.

    Late in my shift today, this exchange took place....

    GM: "Jester, is there anything I can get you?"
    ME: "Yeah. Bill O'Reilly's head on a stick."

    Congratulations, Bill O'Reilly and Jesse Watters. You win the Go Fuck Yourself Award.

    And good luck getting a drink in this town.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    At the bookstore we laugh because of his last few books. They are titled:

    Killing Lincoln
    Killing Kennedy
    Killing Jesus

    Oh shit! He's escalating!


    • #3
      Jester, three words. "Class Action Lawsuit."

      I mean, the asshole is fucking with the whole island's livelihood. Time to nail his ass to the wall.


      • #4
        Morgana, nice idea, but very unlikely to succeed, for a number of reasons. We'd have to, for instance, prove that they had malicious intent, and that their piece did actual economic harm to the island. Both difficult to prove. And oddly, though the piece was a pile of steaming crap, they have the age old journalistic defense of truth on their side, since those WERE Key West residents, even if they were not truly representative of all Key West residents.

        It would be an interesting case, certainly, but add the above hurdles to the fact that most of the people who would care enough to join such a suit are not all that wealthy and that both O'Reilly and Fox News have millions they could throw at lawyers, and it's just not something that would ever get off the ground.

        He did read two emails on air from Key Westers last night. One that disagreed with the piece, and one that disagreed. I guess that is what passes for "fair and balanced" these days.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Whatever O'rielly calls his program, its an editorial program. It's technically a news program in the same way that The Colbert Report is a news program. It is about the news, but is not journalism.

          I have also heard, from reliable sources, that Bill is a real jerk in real life.
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.


          • #6
            Quoth Jester View Post
            GM: "Jester, is there anything I can get you?"
            ME: "Yeah. Bill O'Reilly's head on a stick."
            There's a looooong line for that one Jester.

            And sadly, a lawsuit won't work. He works for Fox News and they actually went to court to be allowed to lie and won.
            I AM the evil bastard!
            A+ Certified IT Technician


            • #7
              Not being a resident of Key West, though a frequent visitor, this bit pissed me off on several counts, though the part that irritated me the most was the smug little line at the end about not bringing your kids.

              Now sure, Duval Street at night is a BAD place for kids, but so is The Hub in the quiet, safe little city of Fargo, ND (for those not familiar with Fargo, The Hub is kinda like an indoor shopping mall, but all bars instead of stores). Point being, every town has areas that aren't suitable for kids.

              Key West has an extraordinary amount of kid friendly and educational activities. I just took the kids there a few weeks ago on field trip (I homeschool) and, only having one day, it was tough deciding what two places we'd go. The kids were already harassing me by the next day about going back to see some of the other places. If I had the funds, I could probably spend 2-3 weeks and still not run out of things to do, which is pretty impressive for a 7.4 square mile island.
              At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


              • #8
                Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly, can't say I've heard the name....

                oh wait, I know who he is! He's the guy I refer to as Ted Baxter.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  How about posting YouTube videos of your own that show off the positive points of Key West? You could interview friends, family, even passing strangers about their opinions, and I'm sure that they will give you great answers!

                  Then post on YouTube and email the link to all the local news stations, especially Fox News. If they lie again, it will only prove that they are scumbags.
                  cindybubbles (👧 ❤️ 🎂 )

                  Enter Cindyland here!


                  • #10
                    Quoth mathnerd View Post
                    Now sure, Duval Street at night is a BAD place for kids...
                    Um, no. It's an inappropriate place for kids. Not a bad place. Bad implies, as O'Reilly did, that it's not a safe place for children. It actually rather is. It's just very, very inappropriate.

                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly, can't say I've heard the name....

                    oh wait, I know who he is! He's the guy I refer to as Ted Baxter.
                    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and furthermore YES!!!!

                    Quoth cindybubbles View Post
                    How about posting YouTube videos of your own that show off the positive points of Key West? You could interview friends, family, even passing strangers about their opinions, and I'm sure that they will give you great answers!

                    Then post on YouTube and email the link to all the local news stations, especially Fox News. If they lie again, it will only prove that they are scumbags.
                    Nice idea. Wouldn't work. Don't have the time or funding of a major national tv network. Don't have the time or editing equipment. And already know that the news stations wouldn't give me the time, because they are scumbags.

                    I should point out something I've said before, but may have been overlooked: Key West does not have its own local tv stations. Our "local" feed and news is out of Miami, and outside of weather, some high profile crime, and special events, we basically don't exist as far as they're concerned.

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      Sounds to me like someone in city government (or a local business) needs to put a little money aside to do a "All the reasons O'Reilly doesn't know what he is talking about" video. Make it funny and people will watch. It doesn't have to cost much at all. Just some tongue in cheek humor at O'Reilly's expense while showing the truth about Key West. I would end the video with a family on the beach with the tagline "Come see for yourself what paradise is really like." Post it to Youtube and send a link to places like the Huffington Post. O'Reilly is such a polarizing figure that it would spread like wildfire. The anti-O'Reilly people would use it as proof that he is a liar and the pro-O'Reilly people would send it to each other and whine among themselves about how someone would dare question him.


                      • #12
                        Arcus, that is a brilliant idea. And the people in KW government often are just crazy enough to pull such an act off. Hopefully they do it this time. I had heard that the mayor had urged KW residents to send messages to O'Reilly in protest, but I haven't been able to find any such exhortations by His Honor online.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          Quoth Jester View Post
                          Um, no. It's an inappropriate place for kids. Not a bad place. Bad implies, as O'Reilly did, that it's not a safe place for children. It actually rather is. It's just very, very inappropriate.
                          You know what I meant. I didn't use the word bad to imply unsafe. I used it as in "bad idea". And quite honestly, I feel my kids would be safer on Duval street at 11pm on a Friday night than at my local Publix in the middle of the day, even though it's not an appropriate place for them.
                          At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


                          • #14
                            O'Reilly is a hack. An ass. An idiot. And a lot of other things less flattering.

                            ANY town has its bad area and its bums. Why did they choose to pick on Key West? Oh, wait---see my above comments.

                            I hope the town does the YouTube thing. It would be epic.
                            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                            • #15
                              Quoth MoonCat View Post
                              ANY town has its bad area and its bums. Why did they choose to pick on Key West?
                              The cynic in me says because Ted Baxter and his cronies want to be able to visit Key West without it being crowded with other tourists.
                              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

