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The Gaming Thread

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  • The Gaming Thread

    Ok, I know that there's plenty of gamers on here, so I figured I'd make a thread where we could discuss the hobby in all it's myriad forms.

    Myself, I used to play 40K but now I just read the novels for it, with regards to RP I'm in a World of Warcraft D20 game every Sunday and a Mage: the Ascension (old WoD) chronicle on Thursdays thats been running for about three years now. Used to play Magic as well.

    So, heres as good a discussion topic to start with as any: Whats your fave game system? Personally, I'll take oWoD over nWoD or D20 any day.

    Computer-wise, I'm playing a lot of Diablo 2 and the odd bit of Guild Wars. Used to play WoW, but weaned myself off it.

    You have no idea how many ponchos can fit in a box- Me, after may first day at the warehouse

  • #2
    These days, my favorite game system is definitely my PC!

    I'm into Role Playing Games, and ALL the best ones out right now are on the PC: Diablo II, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Sacred (a Diablo clone where you get to ride a horse and do horseback combat! ^_^), Star Wars: KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords, Neverwinter Nights 2, and Titan Quest (another Diablo clone, this one set in ancient Greece. Sadly, it's the closest thing we'll get to a Diablo III for the foreseeable future. But at least it's every bit as good as Diablo II! )

    I also play the occasional First Person Shooter, and for those games, it's impossible to beat the keyboard & mouse for control... especially since I use a Razer Copperhead, one of the best gaming mice around!

    After my PC, my 2nd favorite is my Nintendo DS Lite, because I can take it to work to play DS and GBA games during the downtime!
    "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."


    • #3
      I'd play games on my PC or my Playstation 2. However, I can't because any type of movement on the games gives me headaches & sea-sickness-feelings. Yay me.

      The only RPG game I can play is "Puzzle Quest" for my Nintendo DS. (Got it for Christmas 2006 along with the Tetris DS). Puzzle Quest is awesome - you fight the foes bascially doing the "Bejeweled" type game (matching 3 or more gems of the same color). If there were more like those, I'd be playing all the time.


      • #4
        I'm a PC FPS guy all the way.
        Currently I am playing STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
        Doom3, Doom ROE, Halo, Half-life (all episodes and spinoffs- Can't wait for the next episode!) etc etc.

        Yeah, I like to kill zombies and blow up barrels.

        But I also like to play Populous: The Beginning. I've had that game forever, and I still love it. Especially on cheat mode.
        Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

        "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


        • #5
          I'm a fairly dedicated PC guy. Play everything from FPS to MMO's. Currently running WoW like a madman. Mainly because I can't afford the insane prices of PC technology like, spending $600.00 on video cards every 6 months.

          But, I was able to snag a PS3 and am quickly falling in love with the games. Currently only have Resistance: fall of man and Motorstorm, but I also have Gamefly and have loved Rainbow Six:Vegas, and just recently got Ninja Gaiden: Sigma. Anxiously awaiting the new version of Madden NFL. I love the football series of games and think this may be the WoW killer for me.

          Can't wait to see Unreal Tournament III and Assassin's Creed. As much as I'd like to play games like UTIII and Quake Wars on a PC, I'm afraid I just won't be able to justify a massive hardware upgrade just to be able to play these games. It's bad enough that i'm already running vista, but upgrading to run Vista AND play these new games would kill my funds.
          "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


          • #6
            Current games I'm playing...

            America's Army (Proud member of the Short Bus Posse)
            Shadowbane (my friend just got me addicted to it, and it's FREE!)

            War of Supremacy (
            Manager League (

            Those last two are text-based games. First one is Axis vs. Allies, second one you manage a soccer team, train players, trade players, etc.
            "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


            • #7
              Real Time Strategy for the win.

              Funny thing about my job at GameStop, I have no downtime, so I can't ever play my GBA, lol.

              Starcraft, Warcraft III and my all time favorite game ever:

              Guitar Hero (all of em.)

              I also play fighter games, not like Mortal Kombat and Virtua Fighter, but Naruto and DBZ.

              Oh, and WoW, too. (Gnome Rogue bitches.)


              • #8
                I like playing a lot of oldschool DOS games...Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, Prince of Persia, Betrayal at Krondor, and all the Quest for Glory games (I-IV anyway). For more modern games, I love playing KOTOR I and II, and I usually play at least a few rounds of Day of Defeat every day (I go by "Johnny Favorite" on there, if anyone else here plays and has seen me).

                I used to play Diablo II a lot but I got sick of it...make a character...go out, level up, get good gear, get good MF I can find even better gear...and then I can trade that gear for even better I can start a new character and give it all that I can go out and level him up...get even better MF I can get al the cool rare items and runes and I can trade those for even better I can trade again for the best stuff ever...then I start all over with the best ever gear...then level that character I can get more MF gear...

                God I hate diablo. They even screw with you on stats. It's like "chance to hit evil demon - 95 percent!" how many times do I hit the evil demon? One in a hundred. Yeah, that's great.

                Ok, done ranting about Diablo.


                • #9
                  Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
                  I love playing KOTOR I and II...
                  KOTOR I was awesome!

                  KOTOR II was okay. Bioware had a great storyline/characters/etc. going which Obsidean bombed. The game was glitchy and very apparently rushed. There were entire side stories dropped in their rush to production and the ongoing storylines were too hard to get to. I spent an hour at one point entering and exiting the Ebon Hawk with different characters just to see what advanced storylines there were. Too much. KOTOR I made you work for it but not to the insane degree. I advanced the storyline pretty far before I discovered that it cuts off and dies an abrupt death. As a matter of fact I was called a liar on the GameSpot forums because none of those dweebs could get the storyline so far.

                  I would love to see Bioware do a third KOTOR and wrap up the series but it looks like Lucas Arts has dumped the project completely.

                  KOTOR II: The Sith Lords Restoration Project
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London


                  • #10
                    DrFaroohk, I'm guessing you were a ladder player? SP is so much better, especially with ATMA (basically a third party program that lets you stash as much as you want). I'm currently doing a load of Nightmare Mephisto runs to oufit my characters.

                    I couldn't get into NWN. I think it was the radial system, coupled with the fact that my graphics card made anything you interact with a series of stripy neon lines rather than the actual texture.

                    You have no idea how many ponchos can fit in a box- Me, after may first day at the warehouse


                    • #11
                      DrFaroohk, I'm shocked that someone knows about Betrayal at Krondor. That was the first computer game I ever owned. Don't know what happened to it, besides, got a new computer since that game was released what, ten years ago? Books are good too.

                      Anyway, Total Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 edition nerd here. I own every book released for it. Sad, but I have fun reading them, and I got a weekly game. I sometimes play Vampire, but I got a terrible DM for that. Ususally its four or five NPCs that join the group, each that act pretty much the same, (Drittz Clones, cept vampires and more emo) that kill all bad guys and steal the spotlight.
                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        Haven't played anything since I had a baby two years ago. Didn't play a lot of on line stuff much, but I played a little of husband's World of Warcraft on occasion. Neither of us has played anything at all recently.

                        As for computer games, always liked first person shooters. Particularly liked Duke Nukem and Futurecop (just to show you how long ago THAT was.). And I loved Myst, Dust, and Riven (American West and Steampunk! Yeah!).

                        Back in the old days my most favorite games were Mac Syndicate and a weird little puzzle game called Space Station Pheta.

                        But actually, I'd rather sit around with friends and play a good old fashioned table top. Boot Hill being my vice of choice. (Boot Hill is rare enough, but then I played with a gang of mostly chicks, so that was even more weird.) I'm a big western genre fan.


                        • #13
                          Drizzt but *more* emo and in V:tM? Stuff that. And yes, the R.E Fiest books rock, although I've not played Betrayal at Krondor.

                          You have no idea how many ponchos can fit in a box- Me, after may first day at the warehouse


                          • #14
                            I cannot play RPGs on the computer. they are too limiting as I'll think of about a dozen thigns I want to try and do but none of them are permittsd by the program. bah. Aklthough I did used to play the Kings Quest and liesure suit larry and space quest series of games....

                            I play AD&D and Palladium books lineup of games. Have played gamma world and werewolves but never got into vampire. I hate about 90% of what version 3.0 and 3.5 did to the game (nbot to mention that most of the artwork sucks) but then I've branched off and written my own house rules book for the past 5 years or so for my game worlds. Considering how I started back with AD&D first edition and have played d&D where elf is a class I think I can do that.


                            • #15
                              I'm now trying to start a new game on Civ Iv: Beyond the Sword (the new exp. pack.) Prior to that I was playing Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun. I like turn-based strategy games with a historical aspect.
                              "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."

