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Large fiery explosion of death!

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  • Large fiery explosion of death!

    Well, not really, but it could have happened which is the main reason for my posting this story! (Hehe, I got you in here to read it, victory is mine!)

    I was on my way to work a few days ago, driving through a tiny little spot of a town. Pretty much the embodiment of a "one-horse" town. Literally... they used to have one horse that was allowed to wander. Anyway...

    There's a set of double train tracks that run right through the middle, complete with crossing gates and everything of course. After about two or three weeks of driving through this town in particular so far, I hadn't ever seen the gate down to block what little traffic there was. This time, it was! Wonderful...

    So, as I drive up, there's a white pickup waiting on the other side, and a -propane- truck on our side already waiting (take notes, that's important later). I stop decently behind the propane truck, peer at the butt end of the train that's sitting about 10 feet from the gate, thinking to myself that it's weird it's just sitting there.. but probably just stopped briefly and will get started again soon. Also was wondering how long it was going to take!

    A few minutes sitting there, another truck pulls up behind me, driver gets out to tell me my gas cap is off... which it wasn't, just the cover was open, since the dratted gas pump had distracted me by refusing to give me a receipt. But I digress. I thank him and he gets back in his truck. I fix the cover and get back in mine.

    Another minute or two, I'm glaring at the still stationary train. An 18-wheeler pulls up on the other side behind the white pickup truck and pauses. Said truck is pulling some sort of gas or oil tank, something flammable, by the "hazard" markings, as normal. Then proceeds to pull around the pickup, around the gates and flashing lights, and over the train tracks to the other side!!

    I'm sitting there gaping at the audacity of the driver, just absolutely blank and aghast, when about thirty seconds later another train goes -blasting- by at probably around 80-100 mph!!

    Of course, after this point I really wished I had thought to grab information from the truck to report him to the company, because if he had paused any longer before crossing he would have been hit and blown himself, the propane truck, the train, and everyone else within half a mile to charred bits.

    It still makes me whimper to think about it...
    Confirmed altoholic.

  • #2


    Great Balls of Fire!!!!!!!!

    I woulda had to change pants.


    • #3
      Quoth sms001 View Post
      I woulda had to change pants.
      And probably my trousers as well, what kind of an idiot drives a propane tank infron of a train?!?!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        Quoth crazylegs View Post
        And probably my trousers as well, what kind of an idiot drives a propane tank infron of a train?!?!
        Unfortunately, one who's on a tight schedule or already running late. Depending on the trucking company, the driver might get severly docked pay if he (or she) is late to the next stop. Fuel haulers tend to be rather strict about that.

        Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending the driver's actions. They were incredibly stupid (almost terminally so) to even think about trying to run a RR crossing like that. But sometimes when all you hear is the ticking of the clock counting away your pay, thinking doesn't happen.

        Everyone's just lucky that Darwin was getting a snack at that moment.

        (BTW, it is too bad you didn't get the truck info. I'm curious to know if it was one of our clients. )
        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


        • #5
          Probably worth sidling up to darwin awards website and submitting this, might get a mention.

          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            Wonder if the dumb truck driver realizes how close he came to dying that day? I am a truck driver and I never, ever, play around with the trains. Even the paper mill where I haul to and from ever day, the trains are very slow-moving because they're maneuvering to shuffle around rail cars...if I see a train rolling towards me, no matter how slowly, I stop unless he comes to a complete stop. And I never try to go around the gate, because especially on double tracks, you never know...just because a train is stopped and triggering the gate to come down doesn't mean there's not a high-speed train on its way on the other set of tracks...would have REALLY sucked if the tanker had gotten his landing gear caught on the tracks, because if the train was going as fast as you say there's NO way it could have stopped in time...


            • #7
              Crossbow said:

              Unfortunately, one who's on a tight schedule or already running late. Depending on the trucking company, the driver might get severly docked pay if he (or she) is late to the next stop. Fuel haulers tend to be rather strict about that.

              Yeah, a friend of mind said the same thing! If I were a trucker, no amount of pay would make me risk my life like that, but that's just me.

              Unfortunately I didn't even have the thought process at the time other than to even try and remember a company name at all! Wish I did.

              Heh, might check out the Darwin site, sounds an interesting read if not to post/submit!
              Last edited by Broomjockey; 03-03-2008, 07:30 PM. Reason: adding quote tags
              Confirmed altoholic.


              • #8
                Holy biscuit.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  The definition of a true Darwin award is a happening where someone killed themselves in a truly stupid manner and did so before they had a chance to breed, thus taking themselves out of the gene pool. I'm not so clear as to where an incident that removes any hope of breeding (such as stopping a chainsaw with one's genitals) is on their scale of things, but I would imagine it falls into some sort of lesser award type structure.

                  I have to admit that I've not been to the site for some time. My memory may be faulty, or the site may have evolved somewhat.



                  • #10
                    I've seen locomotives hit things...and the end results aren't pretty. No matter what vehicle you're in...if you get hit, you *will* lose.

                    Here's a photo of an Amtrak F40 that hit a dump truck in 2001. It's sitting outside in Albany in 2001. The frame has some damage, never mind that the nose is pretty bashed in. By the time I took that photo, Amtrak was unloading their F40s--either selling them outright, or scrapping them. It wouldn't surprise me if this one was later cut up.

                    At least it wasn't a gasoline tanker. Those things equal an instant fireball!
                    Attached Files
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Darwin Awards are given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the Gene pool". You don't have to die, self sterilisation is valid.
                      ludo ergo sum


                      • #12
                        Quoth rvdammit View Post
                        You don't have to die, self sterilisation is valid.
                        In fact, that nets a person the "coveted" Living Darwin Award.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          I don't advocate this, but truckers are always on a tight schedule.

                          Most of the time, when you see semi trucks and larger company vehicles pulling stupid stunts, it's almost always because they are running late and don't want to get fired. Seeing semis run red lights and take left turns when it isn't safe....or when you see a semi pass you at 85 mph....
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Quoth Rapscallion View Post

                            I have to admit that I've not been to the site for some time. My memory may be faulty, or the site may have evolved somewhat.
                            Bravo Raps, bra-vo.

                            I hate train tracks. Hate 'em.
                            Due a lot in part to one night when was coming home with Chinese takeout goodness. The way to/from the takeout place has a major crossing with three tracks - two relatively close (they can both be used at the same time though) and a third a short distance away all with the same set of gates.

                            I was just crossing over the first set when the gates started to come down. The asshat in front of me stopped in front of the set of 2 tracks. Leaving me very, very, very close to being on the third single set if not actually hanging over them!

                            One set of gates = not knowing which set the train is on. You better believe I whipped around that guy over the set of 2 and back on to the road right before the gates were all the way down, flicking him off as I went. It took me a good 10 minutes to calm down once I got home. Now the person in front of me *has* to be at least 1/2 way through the crossing or I won't go. I won't get stuck again because the idiot in front of me only cares that he is clear.

                            I can't imagine the panic in the op. O.M.G.


                            • #15
                              Whenever you see one train stopped on a set of doubled tracks, there is a 99.9% chance a second train is going to pass it.

                              And now to my train vs. car story:

                              Two of my friends were heading home late at night and got stopped at a train crossing with the gates and blinking lights and everything. This happened to be at a deserted country road on the edge of town. After sitting there for a minute or two they see a pair of headlights barreling down on them from behind, but they can't go anywhere because of the train. At the last second, to avoid hitting my friend's car, the other car slams on his breaks and swerves into the other lane and gets its front end ripped off by the train. The other driver gets out and the first words out of his mouth are:

                              "Holy shit! Did you guys see that train there?"
                              My Pointless Links collection.

