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Shoplifting Stories

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  • Shoplifting Stories

    When I was 16 I worked at my local discount department store, began with an M and ended with arshalls I worked the Service Desk and I've seen some of the dumbest shoplifters ever. The worst part, this is in a "high class" snooty town where people think they have money and are better than everyone else.

    Shoplifter # 1:
    A large non caucasian woman (relevant promise!) came into the store in her wheelchair pushed by her son. I thought nothing of it until my manager calls me to get to the kids section now! I head over there and I see this woman yelling at my manager, turns out she had stuck a bunch of socks in the sides of the wheelchair, under the blanket that was over her lap and thought no one would notice. My manager walked up to her and said if she removed the items she would let her leave and not call the police. The woman then flipped out and started swearing "I ain't stole nothin, you just racist, I don't have to deal with your white ass" My manager again tells her we caught her on camera, just hand the items over. The women then stands up, grabs her son and SPRINTS to the front door. We then crack up when we realize she left her purse hanging from her wheelchair! We called the police, and they tracked her down and arrested her.

    Shoplifter # 2:
    This woman was far less creative but a lot dumber. She walks in the front door, grabs a coat off of the rack right next the service desk, walks BEHIND my counter, and exits the store. I casually pick up the phone and call in her tag number to the police. Yes she got caught. She didn't even run, just walked right to her car parked in front

    Shoplifter # 3:
    This woman (its usually women) is wandering around Women's suspiciously. The associate on the floor notices and keeps an eye on her. She then calls me to call the police. Turns out this Mensa candidate was telling her son to stuff socks in his backpack and down his pants. (socks got stolen more than anything, must be the nunavut pants/hats equivalent around here) We didn't even have to talk to her, the cops came, walked up behind her and watched her do it. When they accused her she starts yelling at her son "I can't believe you stole, you know better than that" and slaps him. Guess who gets taken away for child abuse and shoplifting?

    Shoplifter # 4:
    Woman goes into the fitting room with 6 items while I was covering. We count the items on a rack as they go in, and again as they go out. She walks in with 6, and tries to walk out 200lbs heavier and no clothes. She still had the 6 tag which she gave to me. I ask her where the clothes are. She says she didn't want any of them, left them in the fitting room I laugh at her and tell her to take the clothes off or I'll call the police. She gets and starts stripping the clothes off. My manager escorted her out and banned her. Why oh why would you bring the 6 tag back to me? Why not take 6 items in and try to steal 1?

    Thats all for now, I may be back with more later.

  • #2
    Quoth k386trl View Post
    this Mensa candidate

    I love it. Mensa candidate.

    Mensa candidate reminds me.....

    Years ago I had to go a conference held at a university. At the same time as my conference there was a conference for law enforcement. All sorts of law enforcement, state wide.

    We break for lunch. Both groups. Standing around talking to a couple friends. We got a three hour break till our afternoon session starts. One of the law enforcement types hears our conversation and tells us that the discount salvage goods store has just gotten a shipment of high end mens shoes and sports coats. So we all head over the store.

    Well every law enforcement office in the state (figuratively) has the same idea. It is a sea of blue, grey, black and guns in the store.

    And one really bright mensa candidate decided that today would be a good day to shop lift in that particular store.

    She is sobbing, in handcuffs, leaning against the wall by the front door and two out of town LE plus the local LE is strip searching her grossly oversized purse.

    What an idiot.
    SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


    • #3
      Ah, the wonderful customers of the Marmaxx group...I remember them well. Unfortunately.

      I hated socks. Hated them, hated them, hated them.
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        LOL. I've come across a lot of shoplifters, but 2 that come to mind as dumbest - one guy put a Nintendo 64 on layby, then decided to help himself to a bunch of games and other stock. Gave the police the name, address and phone # he lodged the layby with, and they pick him up 5 minutes after he gets home. We got all our stock back, got to keep the deposit on the layby, and he got to play Nintendo 64 at one of Her Majesty's holiday camps

        The 2nd standout idiot was this guy who stole some products - can't remember what, but not worth a lot, and did a runner when the door alarms went off. One of our juniors gave chase, and the bloke trying to get away climbed the barrier then jumped off the retaining wall around our complex. The 20 foot drop onto the footpath below broke both his legs! And the goods were only a couple of dollars over the threshold where it is mandatory for the offence to go to court, so not only did he bust both his legs, he got a permanent criminal record for his troubles too.


        • #5
          If criminals were smart, then they wouldn't need to be criminals.


          • #6
            ...and a couple from my days at Hechinger's

            1. One of the power drills went 'missing' from the display in hardware. Apparently, someone had grabbed a pair of bolt cutters from the next aisle over...and snipped off the security cable. Somehow, the person walked right out of the store with it. The kicker? Did I mention that the display drills didn't contain motors? I'm sure that guy went nuts trying to get it to work

            2. This one takes the cake. Multiple people got busted over this one...all employees. These idiots got caught stealing sheets of drywall. Over a period of several months, usually at night, one of the gang would back a pickup into the 'outside yard' area. (This was a roofed-over, walled-in area. The front was a large chain-link gate. All of the cinder blocks, bricks, bags of fertilizer, etc. were kept here.) Anyway, they'd load the truck up with drywall, and drive off.

            The stuff kept disappearing, and whoever did it got away with it. That is, until the Hills store across the way got robbed one night. What the drywall thieves didn't realize, is that Hechinger's had installed security cameras in several locations, including the outside yard.

            This time, they got caught. Not only did they lose their jobs, but got arrested, had to pay back what they'd taken, and pretty much destroyed their chances of getting *future* jobs. Nice job, morons!
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              The wheelchair story in the OP reminds me of our wheelchair shoplifter last spring.

              All we see in the front end is a lady zooming by us in an electric wheelchair. I think we only noticed her because she was going so fast. She seriously must have souped up that thing because I've never seen a wheelchair go that fast before. As we were watching her hang a left and zoom out our front doors, we realize she has a package of steaks on her lap. She shoplifted!

              So a few of us start to run after her until we see her zoom over to her grand getaway vehicle...or where her getaway vehicle was supposed to be anyway, she zoomed herself to the bus stop outside our parking lot. And stopped. And was obviously waiting for the bus.

              Well, I take that bus and knew there wasn't another one for at least another 15 minutes and that was IF it was on time. A.M. decides to call the police. We watched until a bus came, driver got her on the bus and just as the A.M. was about to stop the bus, two cop cars come screeching through the intersection and cut off the bus.

              She did not go quietly. It was quite a show. She cursed at bus driver for not getting her on the bus fast enough and was starting to curse at the cops for how they were treating the disabled (they did nothing wrong by the way) when I had to finally go back inside.

              I don't normally laugh at the disabled, but this lady would have gotten away faster on her souped up wheelchair rather than waiting for a bus to make her grand getaway.
              "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
              George Carlin


              • #8
                Friend of mine at my old store came by yesterday and told me this. Guy and woman come in Guy is in wheelchair woman is pusing him. They check-out and then Guy stands up grabs something hidden in the wheelchair and takes off running. Unfortunately he only gets a few steps before another customer takes him down. Then whips out the cuffs. Turns out the guy is an off-duty cop. Guy was arrested and charged.


                • #9
                  Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                  Friend of mine at my old store came by yesterday and told me this. Guy and woman come in Guy is in wheelchair woman is pusing him. They check-out and then Guy stands up grabs something hidden in the wheelchair and takes off running. Unfortunately he only gets a few steps before another customer takes him down. Then whips out the cuffs. Turns out the guy is an off-duty cop. Guy was arrested and charged.

                  Gotta love it when you've got an off-duty on hand when people try stuff like that.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    I love the people who hide stuff then go sprinting off once they get to the register. I have never shoplifted, the closest i've done is eat from the bulkbin when i was 3 or 4, but i think i would be a better shoplifter than half these tards without ever having attempted to shoplift. Its just a matter of leaving them nothign to suspect.


                    • #11
                      Friend told me this story of a guy trying to steal rotiserie chickens from the deli and the S Club where he works. The chickens had just come off the rotiserie and had just been wrapped. the guy shoves one down the front of his pants and the liquid melted through the wrapping. He collapsed shortly passed the registers screaming in pain. He had second and a few third degree burns around his crotch area. They (the managers working that time) didn't know who to call first, the cops or the paramedics.
                      Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


                      • #12
                        Quoth looney_librarian View Post
                        Friend told me this story of a guy trying to steal rotiserie chickens from the deli and the S Club where he works. The chickens had just come off the rotiserie and had just been wrapped. the guy shoves one down the front of his pants and the liquid melted through the wrapping. He collapsed shortly passed the registers screaming in pain. He had second and a few third degree burns around his crotch area. They (the managers working that time) didn't know who to call first, the cops or the paramedics.
                        Ouch. I almost feel sorry for they guy, but that is really funny and stupid.

                        I bet everyone involved will never forget that idiot.


                        • #13
                          At the Deb shop, young teen mothers (or just mothers in general, but since it catered to mostly young girls) would stuff things in their strollers or hide it under the baby or something like that. Pretty pathetic.

                          What amazes me in these stories is how the person in the wheelchair all of a sudden gets up and runs away....I guess the wheelchair was just for a prop?

                          Another thing, I totally believe the suped up wheelchair story. Growing up in my hometown, my mother never drove, she'd walk all over town (it was small anyway). There was this older woman (not OLD, but older) who had one of those electric wheelchairs, and she would ZOOM down the streets. It had a yellow flag on the back of it. The worst part was she'd ZOOM right into the middle of roads and not give a shit who was coming......scary!
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Top speed of my scooter is 10 kilometres per hour on flat smooth surfaces. Anything that goes faster than that has laws about registration and whatnot: most mobility scooters/powered wheelchairs in Aussieland are 10kph max.

                            And yes, the classic 'stupid criminal' looks at a wheelchair or scooter and thinks 'hey, lots of places to put stuff'. (Actually, you can carry more if you're wearing cargo pants, a jacket with pockets, and a tote bag; than you can in a wheelchair. A scooter with a basket and a grocery bag on the back is good, though.)

                            The 'stupid criminal' also looks at a wheelchair and thinks 'noone's going to bother checking me if I look disabled'.

                            Smart loss prevention folks and retail staff know that anyone can be a crook, don't you?

                            A terrific way to look into the bag on the back of a scooter, by the way, is to offer to put the shopping there. It's also great customer service! It's really awkward to put things there myself, and I always appreciate the offer. (Besides, there's never anything there to hide.)
                            Seshat's self-help guide:
                            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                            • #15
                              Quoth blas87 View Post
                              At the Deb shop, young teen mothers (or just mothers in general, but since it catered to mostly young girls) would stuff things in their strollers or hide it under the baby or something like that. Pretty pathetic.
                              That would happen when I worked at Aero.. then they would say, "Oh I bet the baby grabbed it" Not when its $50 worth of stuff that the baby couldn't reach. Or my personal favorite, the baby was about 2-3 weeks old. Yep, the baby grabbed it.

                              I think its a common occurance in retail stores.

