Oy. This lady hurts my head.
Bit O' Background: Since I now have a kid of my own, I decided to start up my own tiny company for web design and such. This makes it easier on both my husband and I, since he can go work, and I can work whenever the heck I feel like it at home, and still take care of the kid. A major bonus is the fact that I don't have to do anything strenuous right now, especially since I'm nine months pregnant. :P
So...the story.
A few months back, I was hired by a freelancer programmer to design a portfolio for her to display her work in. We had a nice little chat, talking shop....mainly about how difficult the freelance world could be sometimes. With all of this, I (stupidly) agreed to be nice and do the design for the very low price of $135.
...She then turns into Le Major SC.
We went through no less than SIX major revisions. We're talking, total revamping of EVERY SMIDGEN of the design. I spent two weeks and countless hours working on it to make it "just right". Eventually, I mentioned to her that she was starting to go beyond what the original contract stated...which was a design that she had in mind already and a couple of revisions. (She gets a full-blown copy of each revision. This is important.)
She apologized, and said she'd definitely pay for the extra work I'd put into it....and asked for another revision.
Okay, well she did just say she'd pay...sure. I email it, and ask for feedback on it. No response.
A week later, she finally gets back to me, and explains that she has a brother-in-law who wants to design it for her for "cheaper". Okay, well, I understand that but she did sign a contract and she did take up all of my time for two weeks. She agrees to pay, and I send her the payment info so she can just get it paid and get it over with.
Guess what happens?
Yep. No response. For two months. I called, emailed, IMed her (she eventually blocked my AIM, even though the most I ever sent was a single polite "Hey, xxxxx, can we talk for a minute?")...even called her husband's cell phone. So, sick and tired of having been walked all over on, and since I also had a couple of other unpaid accounts, I decided to hire a collection agency to handle it. (Yes, it's *only* $135....but that's a lot of money to me.)
Collection agency calls back...apparently they got ahold of her the first phone call...and she SCREAMED at them. According to her, since she never ended up using my work, she should not have to pay. She also said that I agreed to not accept any payment, even though she "generously offered to pay $50 for my time". Oh, and the final kicker? We apparently had a nice long chat about the whole thing, in which we joked and generally were buds.
W. T. F.
I laughed and sent every bit of correspondence between the two of us, clearly showing that she was lying through her teeth. CA people go back to her...she starts to cry on the phone. Yes, cry. And then gives the phone to her mother, who announces that she is now the only one to speak to regarding the matter. Yes, she dragged in Mommy. Oh, and Mommy then says she has now hired a lawyer, who will take me to court over this.
Yes, she hired a lawyer...which is what...$400 an hour?...to fight paying $135 that she ever-so-clearly owes. While this will slow up the process, I gotta wonder how much she'll end up blowing before she realizes she has no other recourse than to eventually pay me the $135.
I've now turned the entire matter over to CA...I really don't need to be dealing with the "stress" of the matter (even though it's more comedic to me than anything).
I just hope that my SC and her mommy enjoy the slow but painful eventual realization that they're going to have to pay up sometime...and that they then look at that nice lawyer bill.
Bit O' Background: Since I now have a kid of my own, I decided to start up my own tiny company for web design and such. This makes it easier on both my husband and I, since he can go work, and I can work whenever the heck I feel like it at home, and still take care of the kid. A major bonus is the fact that I don't have to do anything strenuous right now, especially since I'm nine months pregnant. :P
So...the story.
A few months back, I was hired by a freelancer programmer to design a portfolio for her to display her work in. We had a nice little chat, talking shop....mainly about how difficult the freelance world could be sometimes. With all of this, I (stupidly) agreed to be nice and do the design for the very low price of $135.
...She then turns into Le Major SC.
We went through no less than SIX major revisions. We're talking, total revamping of EVERY SMIDGEN of the design. I spent two weeks and countless hours working on it to make it "just right". Eventually, I mentioned to her that she was starting to go beyond what the original contract stated...which was a design that she had in mind already and a couple of revisions. (She gets a full-blown copy of each revision. This is important.)
She apologized, and said she'd definitely pay for the extra work I'd put into it....and asked for another revision.

A week later, she finally gets back to me, and explains that she has a brother-in-law who wants to design it for her for "cheaper". Okay, well, I understand that but she did sign a contract and she did take up all of my time for two weeks. She agrees to pay, and I send her the payment info so she can just get it paid and get it over with.
Guess what happens?
Yep. No response. For two months. I called, emailed, IMed her (she eventually blocked my AIM, even though the most I ever sent was a single polite "Hey, xxxxx, can we talk for a minute?")...even called her husband's cell phone. So, sick and tired of having been walked all over on, and since I also had a couple of other unpaid accounts, I decided to hire a collection agency to handle it. (Yes, it's *only* $135....but that's a lot of money to me.)
Collection agency calls back...apparently they got ahold of her the first phone call...and she SCREAMED at them. According to her, since she never ended up using my work, she should not have to pay. She also said that I agreed to not accept any payment, even though she "generously offered to pay $50 for my time". Oh, and the final kicker? We apparently had a nice long chat about the whole thing, in which we joked and generally were buds.
W. T. F.
I laughed and sent every bit of correspondence between the two of us, clearly showing that she was lying through her teeth. CA people go back to her...she starts to cry on the phone. Yes, cry. And then gives the phone to her mother, who announces that she is now the only one to speak to regarding the matter. Yes, she dragged in Mommy. Oh, and Mommy then says she has now hired a lawyer, who will take me to court over this.

Yes, she hired a lawyer...which is what...$400 an hour?...to fight paying $135 that she ever-so-clearly owes. While this will slow up the process, I gotta wonder how much she'll end up blowing before she realizes she has no other recourse than to eventually pay me the $135.

I've now turned the entire matter over to CA...I really don't need to be dealing with the "stress" of the matter (even though it's more comedic to me than anything).
I just hope that my SC and her mommy enjoy the slow but painful eventual realization that they're going to have to pay up sometime...and that they then look at that nice lawyer bill.
