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On the 7th Day of Ramadan, an Inmate Gave to Me...

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  • On the 7th Day of Ramadan, an Inmate Gave to Me...

    A common practice among inmates is to change religions whenever it's close to whatever religious holiday is coming up, so they can take advantage of extra food and/or programs. So this month is Ramadan. Now, I'm not Muslim, I don't know much at all about Islam, but I know more about it than most of these guys (it never ceases to amuse me to see a guy on the little prayer rug thingy praying while facing any given direction except east). The main idea of Ramadan is that they are supposed to fast all day, spending all their time instead to praying and reading the Koran. So the inmates that observe it get a sack lunch from the Chow Hall instead of a regular meal, then they take it back to their cell and eat it in the evening when they break their fast. In the meantime, they watch TV, play cards, act stupid, and basically do everything they normally do. Except in the evening when they get called out to a conference room to pray. I don't really understand why so many of them get in on it, since they basically get hosed on the meal (they get a sack lunch instead of the food everyone else gets). It's probably for the "prayer" time in the evening when they get together and trade contraband. Oh, and, even though they don't "officially" eat when everyone else does, they also spend the day snacking on all the junk food they've bought off the Commissary.

    So here's the latest crop of crap from the Prison, starting with the Ramadan-flavored stories.

    CW = Coworker
    SGT = Sargent
    IM = Inmate
    ME = Duh


    One of our inmates in the Intake process gets a Ramadan meal. In the Intake houses, they aren't allowed to keep food in their cells, so the officers from that house was going to take it back and put it in the fridge til the guy was ready for it. The officer approached our SGT with the following.

    CW: Hey, uh, this guy said that his Ramadan meal is sacred and I can't touch it.
    SGT: Bullshit.
    CW: But-
    ME: Who in the hell does he think blessed it for him? The inmates in the kitchen? The food service supervisor?

    I don't care who you are or what you believe in. Bologna is not holy. Inmates love to play the "you-can't-touch-that-cuz-it's-sacred" game. Because most people are stupid enough to take their word for it and are afraid to get in trouble. Despite the fact that the only sacred items that we cannot touch (by law) are Native American medicine bags.


    IM1: Man, it's almost time for the fasting to end already.
    IM2: Good thing, too, cause I'm hungry.

    Nothing wrong with this conversation, in and of itself. What really makes it special, though, is the fact that the second inmate was eating a snack cake at the time.

    Respect Your Beliefs

    IM: Where da Ramadan Callout at?
    ME (Working in the Programs area tonight): Down the hall, room 120.
    IM2: A'ight. Let's do this fuckin' thing.

    Yeah, um, "this fuckin' thing" is supposed to be a time to repent for your sins and probably give some praise to Allah and whatnot.

    I Have No Idea What it's Supposed to Stand For...

    I was walking through the Chow Hall during evening meal. You know, making sure they weren't like, dealing drugs or anything under the tables. I walked past a skinhead who had a large tattoo on the side of his head. It was a four-leaf clover, with flames around it. And a voice in my evil brain said "They're magically delicious, bitch!" I had to suppress my giggle fit while I quickly headed back into the kitchen area where I could safely release it. Because laughing at a skinhead is probably a bad idea.

    And They Say Chivalry is Dead

    IM1: I probably wouldn't be into her.
    IM2: Man, as long as she has two legs and a vagina, you'd be interested.
    IM1: Hehe, yeah, true. Hell, she even could have a wooden leg and we'd be alright.

    I felt like I should have been obligated to be offended by this remark, but I couldn't help but be amused.

    Tainted Meat

    While working in the kitchen, I observed an inmate sneeze into his hand, then immediately use that hand to pick up a burger, put it on a tray, and give it to the next guy on the assembly line. I mean, I don't care if most of them live or die, but, just the same,

    I Sense a New Warning Label Coming....

    The following is an actual radio call:

    Officer: I have a Signal Medical in (Cellhouse).
    Control Operator: *Sounds Alarm Tones*
    Captain: Incident Commander to Unit calling the condition, what is the nature of your signal?
    Officer: Uh.............C-Can you 21 me for that? (radio code 10-21 = Call by phone).

    This occurred in a Segregation cellhouse. The inmate had paged the house Control Room Officer to inform her of his problem. She had the floor officer go check on him, and he confirmed it and called the condition. What happened? He had "lost" a bottle of hot sauce. I'll let you guess where.

    More Fun on the Radio

    This was while I was driving the Perimeter car.

    ME: #### to Control, be advised, there is a black cat inside the fence at zone 24.
    Control Officer: Control, 10-4.
    Unknown Officer: SHOOT IT!

    There is a gun in the perimeter car, since it is a post outside the fence. Two of them, actually. A .38 and a shotgun. I love cats. But that damned black cat.... It likes to roam around along the fence, which sets off the microwave alarm, which causes a Condition 5 (possible escape) to be called, which causes the response team to have to go make sure no one is getting through the fence. It does this several times a week (sometimes daily).

    Go My Pretty! Kill! Kill!

    While posted in a tower, I saw a wheel bug walking around on the rail. I briefly wondered if it could be trained to be prey on humans, and be a real assassin bug. But I've never, ever seen one in this area before (this is the first one I've ever seen period, for that matter), and a lone bug isn't as formidable as an army of them. So it's back to the drawing board for recruiting minions I guess.

    Conversations with No One

    I was in a Seg house the other day. This guy talked for like 3 hours straight. The guy in the cell next to him was asleep. It didn't take me long to figure out that he wasn't talking to anyone at all. Here are the highlights.

    IM: Yeah, see, the thing is, that's not me. That's not what I do.
    IM: Bill Gates? Yeah, he got lucky. Used to be, he was just sittin around in a t-shirt watching TV like everyone else.
    IM: You know what I mean?
    IM: It's kind of like... Okay, you know, when you have another man's **** in your ass? It's like that.

    The guy just kept going. It was actually fun to just listen to him ramble on.

    On that Note...

    IM1: What I'm saying is, just because you f***ing someone that has a penis, that don't make you gay.
    IM2: Right, right.

    I really have nothing else to add to this. It's perfect just the way it is.

    So ends another thrilling episode.
    Last edited by Kara; 09-14-2008, 04:18 PM. Reason: Forgot One
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Kara View Post
    On that Note...

    IM1: What I'm saying is, just because you f***ing someone that has a penis, that don't make you gay.
    IM2: Right, right.

    I really have nothing else to add to this. It's perfect just the way it is.
    Pure genius.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3

      The people who think that criminals are brilliant haven't met one, apparently.
      The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the D20 rules all!!!


      • #4
        Quoth Kara View Post
        IM1: What I'm saying is, just because you f***ing someone that has a penis, that don't make you gay.
        IM2: Right, right.

        I really have nothing else to add to this. It's perfect just the way it is.
        I'm waiting for homosexuality to give you "street cred". Because you obviously picked it up in jail, yeah, homie?


        • #5
          Bologna is not holy.
          Isn't bologna usually made from pork?

          Aren't Muslims not allowed to eat pork?

          (And yes, I agree, bologna is definitely not holy. Ick.)
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
            I'm waiting for homosexuality to give you "street cred". Because you obviously picked it up in jail, yeah, homie?
            It already does, just not with the game you used to hang out with
            "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
            "What IS fun to fight through?"
            "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              Isn't bologna usually made from pork?
              The state already has that covered. Rather than having to prepare different food for different religions, their food is made with neither beef nor pork. Most of it is turkey. I like to tell the inmates that they get whatever poor creature happened to get tangled in the razor-wire on the fence and/or whatever the perimeter drive ran over last night

              But that's why so many guys change religion all the time. Because when there's a special religious dinner, they get real food brought in rather than some unholy meat bi-product.
              Last edited by Kara; 09-14-2008, 05:20 PM.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #8
                Quoth Kara View Post
                I felt like I should have been obligated to be offended by this remark, but I couldn't help but be amused.
                I was amused, too. I could just *hear* that conversation.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I Sense a New Warning Label Coming....

                  The following is an actual radio call:

                  Officer: I have a Signal Medical in (Cellhouse).
                  Control Operator: *Sounds Alarm Tones*
                  Captain: Incident Commander to Unit calling the condition, what is the nature of your signal?
                  Officer: Uh.............C-Can you 21 me for that? (radio code 10-21 = Call by phone).

                  This occurred in a Segregation cellhouse. The inmate had paged the house Control Room Officer to inform her of his problem. She had the floor officer go check on him, and he confirmed it and called the condition. What happened? He had "lost" a bottle of hot sauce. I'll let you guess where.
                  Just imagine if the hot sauce bottle broke while "lost" and some sauce got into a wound.
                  Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kara
                    What happened? He had "lost" a bottle of hot sauce. I'll let you guess where.

                    Quoth Kara
                    IM1: What I'm saying is, just because you f***ing someone that has a penis, that don't make you gay.
                    IM2: Right, right.
                    Per the Internet: "Its not gay if the balls don't touch.".


                    • #11
                      Quoth daleduke17 View Post
                      Just imagine if the hot sauce bottle broke while "lost" and some sauce got into a wound.
                      I clenched in sympathy just reading that!
                      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                      • #12
                        Not to get picky but are inmates technically considered customers?


                        • #13
                          No, they're not but not having the posts here would make me a sad panda.
                          Melody Gardot


                          • #14
                            Quoth Kara View Post
                            A common practice among inmates is to change religions whenever it's close to whatever religious holiday is coming up, so they can take advantage of extra food and/or programs.
                            We have a criminal courts judge here who has stated many times that he is convinced that Jesus lives in the jail, but never leaves it. He says this because almost every prisoner who comes before him hoping for a light sentence claims to have found Jesus and turned his life around while being held in custody, but then will appear before the judge a few months later charged with the same type or much more heinous crime.
                            "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                            .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                            • #15
                              I Sense a New Warning Label Coming....

                              The following is an actual radio call:

                              Officer: I have a Signal Medical in (Cellhouse).
                              Control Operator: *Sounds Alarm Tones*
                              Captain: Incident Commander to Unit calling the condition, what is the nature of your signal?
                              Officer: Uh.............C-Can you 21 me for that? (radio code 10-21 = Call by phone).

                              This occurred in a Segregation cellhouse. The inmate had paged the house Control Room Officer to inform her of his problem. She had the floor officer go check on him, and he confirmed it and called the condition. What happened? He had "lost" a bottle of hot sauce. I'll let you guess where.
                              That could be, um, painful.

