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So I quit...

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  • So I quit...

    Yep, I quit the bar.

    I am very sad to do it, it had nothing to do with the people who worked there, it had nothing to do with the management and not even the SC's. Everything just got too much.

    Things over the past few months have been so bad in my personal life, that I found myself turning into a zombie. My life consisted of dragging myself out of bed and going straight to work. It didn't matter what time of day it was, I could have been starting work at 6pm, and I wouldn't get out of bed until 5pm. I would go to work, complete my shift, go home and go to bed.

    I was diagnosed with exhaustion a few months ago, and I was feeling worse than ever. All I kept thinking was "It'll get better. It'll get better. It'll get better."

    Well, I've had enough of waiting for things to get better. I decided I had to take action. My dad paid me a visit, and after lots of thinking, I came to the decision. I needed to go home.

    Fortunately, my manager completely understood, and has pulled some strings and got me a job in a bar owned by a friend of his which is just a couple of miles away from my parents house. He said he is gutted to lose me, but he said he is glad because he thinks it will be really good for me.

    So yeah...I'm leaving. My last shift is in a weeks time. It's going to be emotional. My co-workers are like family to me.

  • #2
    It's a shame that it had to come to this. Make sure that you look after yourself, right?



    • #3
      I will. Thank you.

      I'm actually kinda relieved at the moment. Like I said, things have been unbelieveably tough and I'm looking forward to going back to my friends and family.

      I'm going to take things one step at a time. First of all, moving. Then starting my new job, and then seeing where it goes from there. I might go back to college, I might travel. Who knows?


      • #4

        It sounds that you are doing the best thing for you. Home is always good and you will have more support. AND you even have a job to go to which is fab.

        I feel the same way as you, can't wait to quit the airline, the passengers and funny hours are too much for me!
        No longer a flight atttendant!


        • #5
          Good luck with the new job. Sometimes a change of scenery helps. I'm sure your family will be glad to have you close by too.
          Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


          • #6
            Good luck to you.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #7
              At least once in every person's life, there is a needed time is think, plan and start over. You're going home and you have a job waiting for you. You have the opportunity to go back to school. You have the support of your parents. Everything I see looks good for you.

              Although you might not think so now, I have read your posts and know that you have strength and intelligence. You will do well in the long run.

              Take care of yourself. Eat properly, get sufficient rest and try to relax as much as possible.

              I was once in a job that gave me eye infections because I woke up every morning crying at the prospect of going to that horrid place. Don't ever get there! You are the most important person in your world and there are people out in the larger world who will value what you have to offer. All you have to do is find them.

              That might not be easy but it can be done. I offer you hugs, cookies and prayers for your well-being. May we hear from you soon again with happy stories of your success in life. I'm sure we will hear them.
              Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.


              • #8
                Best of luck to you with the new job and the changes in your life! I hope the change of scenery helps you rest up and start enjoying life again.
                Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.

