Alright. Today has been a nice, quiet day for me. I mean, I had got so bored that I had cleaned the desk, put new “Safe-tape” on our Chip n’ Pin pads (we tape them up because we’re not allowed to use the chip n’ pin pads as card readers) Chased tech not-much-support about a credit card machine that was playing up...and was generally getting paid just to look busy. That’s the kind of day I want
Anyway, this guy comes up and my day went downhill from there
SC: Stupid customer
Me: Tech wandering how much longer before I start to lose my cool
SC: Hi there...*Looks at my name badge* ...Flea. I’m Gay
Me: *Somewhat stumped* Hi. How can I help
SC: I’m a homosexual
Me: ...Okay. How can I help?
SC: Do you charge gay people more?
Me: Nope *points out the rainbow coloured wrist band I’m wearing that has 2 male symbols on it*
SC: So you won’t discriminate against me for being Gay?
Me: I’d be bloody hypocritical if I did
SC: Well, I have a problem with my laptop. The SD Card reader appears to have stopped working
Me: Is it under warranty?
SC: Nope. It’s 18 months old
Me: Okay. We charge £30 for diagnostics, if we can fix the fault and you want us to fix it, we refund the £30 and charge you the cost of the repair
SC: I think that’s disgraceful!
Me: I’m sorry you feel that way but that’s our pricing structure
SC: It’s not your pricing’s because I’m a gay man.
At this point I am looking around for people looking into their bags, or backpacks with open zips pointing towards me, this is a common way that hidden cameramen get you when you’re on some prank TV show or if someone is just trying to set me up so they can show employees from our company on TV making mistakes (We’re a pretty big company so we very occasionally get the BBC jumping on the tiny little and the big massive mistakes we make, but I am as certain as I can be that some of them are set-up like I thought I was being) But I see no sign of cameras so I realise this must be for real
Me: No, mate. I’m not charging you extra because you’re gay. I’m charging you because we charge for the work we do.
SC: it’s because I’m gay. You’re a homophobe! *Storms off*
Next Customer: What the fuck was HIS problem? You’re not allowed to be homophic are you?
Me: Nah, I have no issue with gay people. And his problem was one I see a lot of. It’s quite common
Next Customer: What is it?
Me: Stupidity.
Next customer: I Getcha
Anyway, this guy comes up and my day went downhill from there
SC: Stupid customer
Me: Tech wandering how much longer before I start to lose my cool
SC: Hi there...*Looks at my name badge* ...Flea. I’m Gay
Me: *Somewhat stumped* Hi. How can I help
SC: I’m a homosexual
Me: ...Okay. How can I help?
SC: Do you charge gay people more?
Me: Nope *points out the rainbow coloured wrist band I’m wearing that has 2 male symbols on it*
SC: So you won’t discriminate against me for being Gay?
Me: I’d be bloody hypocritical if I did
SC: Well, I have a problem with my laptop. The SD Card reader appears to have stopped working
Me: Is it under warranty?
SC: Nope. It’s 18 months old
Me: Okay. We charge £30 for diagnostics, if we can fix the fault and you want us to fix it, we refund the £30 and charge you the cost of the repair
SC: I think that’s disgraceful!
Me: I’m sorry you feel that way but that’s our pricing structure
SC: It’s not your pricing’s because I’m a gay man.
At this point I am looking around for people looking into their bags, or backpacks with open zips pointing towards me, this is a common way that hidden cameramen get you when you’re on some prank TV show or if someone is just trying to set me up so they can show employees from our company on TV making mistakes (We’re a pretty big company so we very occasionally get the BBC jumping on the tiny little and the big massive mistakes we make, but I am as certain as I can be that some of them are set-up like I thought I was being) But I see no sign of cameras so I realise this must be for real
Me: No, mate. I’m not charging you extra because you’re gay. I’m charging you because we charge for the work we do.
SC: it’s because I’m gay. You’re a homophobe! *Storms off*
Next Customer: What the fuck was HIS problem? You’re not allowed to be homophic are you?
Me: Nah, I have no issue with gay people. And his problem was one I see a lot of. It’s quite common
Next Customer: What is it?
Me: Stupidity.
Next customer: I Getcha
