Well, here's my post from the week. I'm planning on doing weekly updates now instead of as I go. One of these I'm still stewing over which probably isn't healthy.
Have YOU ever used a touchscreen sir?
This has got to be the weirdest greeting I've ever had.
Me: hello.
Gentleman: I heard that the next version of Microsoft Windows will have touchscreens.
I already knew a little bit about this from my IT friend (he runs his own small business fixing computers on the side and while he won't take any money from me for his services, he does tend to direct me to places for parts). Ignored him until the end and then said "Sir, I've known about the touchscreens for months. Have a lovely day."
What I did know as well was that it's a bit more expensive to buy a touchscreen-capable monitor.
I am NOT a supervisor/manager
I cannot process returns. I cannot sell cigarettes (you don't have to be a supervisor to do so and I'm trying but my manager's a bit reluctant). I cannot do overrides. I am also serving a customer. Do not interrupt me while I'm serving. I'll direct you to the service desk anyway.
A mildly funny one though was that a couple came up to me while I was serving asking about home delivery. Yes we do have it available, but when I directed them to my manager, they go "oh, where is she?" Honestly, is there some universal rule that men cannot run the checkouts of a supermarket?
And stupidest ones have been customers who have walked past 7 or 8 registers to get to me...and asked for cigarettes.
(We cannot sell cigarettes from the registers, partially Australian law, partially common sense)
Fireheart's Law Of Bag Checking:
The size of the bag=how much of a fuss said customer will kick up about it being checked. I automatically check backpacks, laptop bags, green bags and any large bags. Handbags are a mildly grey area although can someone explain to me why people need such large bags for keys, wallet, mobile, iPod, maybe cigarettes or panadol?
Yes there is a limit!
Of 15 items in the express lanes. 20 I'll take because I'm quick. So WHYYY do you need to tell me that I should be serving trolleyloads 15 minutes after close? You sir, are nothing more than a douche and I swear that the next time I see you, I will not serve you. You can kick up a fuss and state that I have no rights, but really I do. First of all, stores are technically private property. we have the right to ban and refuse service to people provided that it's not because of discriminatory reasons (i.e. because they're gay, pregnant, black etc.). (this is the one I'm stewing over). (My reasons for refusing service are personal threats to me or my coworkers, comments indicating me or my coworkers are gay or should shove "it" up the "emergency exit", any form of physical abuse (obviously) to me and any form of physical abuse to my coworkers. Reasons for banning are mostly shoplifting and physical abuse)
Btw-my store manager saw the whole thing, so if this douche goes to him and lodges a complaint, my SM will back me up.
Have you heard of self-checkouts?
I got asked this repeatedly by customers who have shopped at our other stores. Yes, our sister stores are introducing self-checkouts and so have some of our other stores and yes I have heard of them. And my response to "they're taking away people's jobs?" "Actually sir/ma'am, it helps keep down the congestion in the lines and also, those people who may have supposedly lost their jobs? They're over there." (point to large lanes).
We're meant to be getting them at a later stage, dunno when, but I'm praying then when we do we introduce and enforce a limit on the number of items.
Do you NOT watch the news or read the paper?!
Two girls come through my line, look to be about 15 (turns out one of them was a about 18). And they have been in Australia for a fair amount of time (one of them stated that she'd been working at a small supermarket for x number of years). Now my method for working on the bag-free lanes is simple: I don't bag ANYTHING (unless it's meat) unless a customer asks for them. I also do not do the "this is a plastic-bag-free lane". Besides repeating it to customers almost repeatedly, it kind of contradicts us when we DO give out bags. So after they ask for a bag, I give it to them accompanied by "the standard spiel that from 4th May we will no longer have bags anywhere in this state." (yes I do actually say that
) Their response "is this true? Who decided that?"
I did my best to explain that it was the Government who decided this and that we have to follow it. They're just like..."oh." and left.
There are signs everywhere. It has been ON the TV. It has been IN the paper. How can you NOT miss it?!
Bag-free lanes are STUPID!
Sort of a pre-follow up for Sunday, I had a customer state "I don't think that you should have bag-free lanes on a Saturday, it's just stupid. I mean look at her, she's just standing there?"
OK, first of all, she's covering my coworkers break. Second of all, she cannot leave that register while she is covering a coworker's break otherwise she can't be found. And three, there are no jobs for her to do. She cannot go home either.
And finally....
Explain this logic to me: how one person can get fired for abusing a manager's override code, yet someone else hasn't been fired for harassing staff?
Have YOU ever used a touchscreen sir?
This has got to be the weirdest greeting I've ever had.
Me: hello.
Gentleman: I heard that the next version of Microsoft Windows will have touchscreens.
I already knew a little bit about this from my IT friend (he runs his own small business fixing computers on the side and while he won't take any money from me for his services, he does tend to direct me to places for parts). Ignored him until the end and then said "Sir, I've known about the touchscreens for months. Have a lovely day."

What I did know as well was that it's a bit more expensive to buy a touchscreen-capable monitor.
I am NOT a supervisor/manager
I cannot process returns. I cannot sell cigarettes (you don't have to be a supervisor to do so and I'm trying but my manager's a bit reluctant). I cannot do overrides. I am also serving a customer. Do not interrupt me while I'm serving. I'll direct you to the service desk anyway.
A mildly funny one though was that a couple came up to me while I was serving asking about home delivery. Yes we do have it available, but when I directed them to my manager, they go "oh, where is she?" Honestly, is there some universal rule that men cannot run the checkouts of a supermarket?
And stupidest ones have been customers who have walked past 7 or 8 registers to get to me...and asked for cigarettes.

(We cannot sell cigarettes from the registers, partially Australian law, partially common sense)
Fireheart's Law Of Bag Checking:
The size of the bag=how much of a fuss said customer will kick up about it being checked. I automatically check backpacks, laptop bags, green bags and any large bags. Handbags are a mildly grey area although can someone explain to me why people need such large bags for keys, wallet, mobile, iPod, maybe cigarettes or panadol?
Yes there is a limit!
Of 15 items in the express lanes. 20 I'll take because I'm quick. So WHYYY do you need to tell me that I should be serving trolleyloads 15 minutes after close? You sir, are nothing more than a douche and I swear that the next time I see you, I will not serve you. You can kick up a fuss and state that I have no rights, but really I do. First of all, stores are technically private property. we have the right to ban and refuse service to people provided that it's not because of discriminatory reasons (i.e. because they're gay, pregnant, black etc.). (this is the one I'm stewing over). (My reasons for refusing service are personal threats to me or my coworkers, comments indicating me or my coworkers are gay or should shove "it" up the "emergency exit", any form of physical abuse (obviously) to me and any form of physical abuse to my coworkers. Reasons for banning are mostly shoplifting and physical abuse)
Btw-my store manager saw the whole thing, so if this douche goes to him and lodges a complaint, my SM will back me up.
Have you heard of self-checkouts?
I got asked this repeatedly by customers who have shopped at our other stores. Yes, our sister stores are introducing self-checkouts and so have some of our other stores and yes I have heard of them. And my response to "they're taking away people's jobs?" "Actually sir/ma'am, it helps keep down the congestion in the lines and also, those people who may have supposedly lost their jobs? They're over there." (point to large lanes).
We're meant to be getting them at a later stage, dunno when, but I'm praying then when we do we introduce and enforce a limit on the number of items.
Do you NOT watch the news or read the paper?!
Two girls come through my line, look to be about 15 (turns out one of them was a about 18). And they have been in Australia for a fair amount of time (one of them stated that she'd been working at a small supermarket for x number of years). Now my method for working on the bag-free lanes is simple: I don't bag ANYTHING (unless it's meat) unless a customer asks for them. I also do not do the "this is a plastic-bag-free lane". Besides repeating it to customers almost repeatedly, it kind of contradicts us when we DO give out bags. So after they ask for a bag, I give it to them accompanied by "the standard spiel that from 4th May we will no longer have bags anywhere in this state." (yes I do actually say that

I did my best to explain that it was the Government who decided this and that we have to follow it. They're just like..."oh." and left.

Bag-free lanes are STUPID!
Sort of a pre-follow up for Sunday, I had a customer state "I don't think that you should have bag-free lanes on a Saturday, it's just stupid. I mean look at her, she's just standing there?"
OK, first of all, she's covering my coworkers break. Second of all, she cannot leave that register while she is covering a coworker's break otherwise she can't be found. And three, there are no jobs for her to do. She cannot go home either.
And finally....
Explain this logic to me: how one person can get fired for abusing a manager's override code, yet someone else hasn't been fired for harassing staff?
