Haven't had anything worth putting up here for a while. But this one story from Saturday stuck in my mind.
So, it's the weekend and I'm once again at the ticket stand, bored out of my skull. Even with Wolverine playing (which I saw and enjoyed, but that's a different area of discussion) it is slower than usual.
These two women come up to the stand, early to mid 30ish at the most. And as I'm tearing the first one's ticket this exchange goes down.
W1: woman 1
W2: woman 2
Me: Thourougly wierded out.
W1: I like your salad.
Me: What?
Thinking: We don't sell salad's at the concession stand, unless we started a new, low sugar, low salt, low artery clogging trend at the theatre. And nor am i currently holding a salad.
So I have no idea what she's talking about and dismiss her for the nutcase that she most likely is. W2 comes up and adds the last little bit.
W2: Tossed.
And then the dirty feeling hits me. Salad. Tossed. Tossed salad. Uh-huh. Well excuse me while I go take a cold shower and then douse my genitals in gasoline.
I related the story to my coworkers just to make sure that tossed salad ment the same thing to all of us. Sure enough, it did. And thus i was resolved to spending the rest of the evening in self loathing.
God I hate the public sometimes.
So, it's the weekend and I'm once again at the ticket stand, bored out of my skull. Even with Wolverine playing (which I saw and enjoyed, but that's a different area of discussion) it is slower than usual.
These two women come up to the stand, early to mid 30ish at the most. And as I'm tearing the first one's ticket this exchange goes down.
W1: woman 1
W2: woman 2
Me: Thourougly wierded out.
W1: I like your salad.
Me: What?

So I have no idea what she's talking about and dismiss her for the nutcase that she most likely is. W2 comes up and adds the last little bit.
W2: Tossed.
And then the dirty feeling hits me. Salad. Tossed. Tossed salad. Uh-huh. Well excuse me while I go take a cold shower and then douse my genitals in gasoline.
I related the story to my coworkers just to make sure that tossed salad ment the same thing to all of us. Sure enough, it did. And thus i was resolved to spending the rest of the evening in self loathing.
God I hate the public sometimes.