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I swear, some of these WIC customers are getting on my nerves!!

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  • I swear, some of these WIC customers are getting on my nerves!!

    Hey everyone, ltns! Just thought I'd share a story of what happened last night regarding a couple WIC customers.

    Starting this year, WIC vouchers (at least those in KY) specify either "whole milk" or "2%, 1%, 1/2%, or skim". Now, as the rest of you grocery cashiers know, on WIC orders we MUST go by the voucher and the pamplet EXACTLY TO THE LETTER or else risk fines or even the loss of the store's WIC license.

    So I first have one customer who has the wrong milk. I tell her she must switch them to match the voucher. She tries to say any milk will work but I insist it must match the voucher. Luckily she didn't give TOO much trouble over it.

    But not the very next WIC customer, oh no. She too got the wrong kind of milk (I THINK she got whole when the voucher said "2%, 1%, 1/2% or skim") and thus I told her she had to change it. Then she tried to get a Kraft block of cheese when the WIC rules state you must get the store brand. She tried to say that there was a "WIC approved" label on it (which I much later found out there was not) but even so, I explain that the vouchers/pamplet ALWAYS have the final say. Not only THAT, but she had a 46 oz juice when the voucher said it must be 64 oz.

    Through it all, she made the standard threats of "calling the health department" as well as threating to go to another store next time. I explain very patiently that all the other stores must follow the same rules we do, or they risk the consequences I mentioned in the beginning of this post. Afterwards I ask the asst. CSM about the situation just to confirm my initial suspcisions and that I was indeed 100% in the right. I also tell him that we probably should post a notice to all the checkers that WIC vouchers/pamplets must be followed to the letter so that beginner checkers would not be intimitated by SC's.

    Seriously folks, if they would just go by the voucher/pamplett they would not have to have "do overs" at the checklane.

  • #2
    I needed to use WIC a long time ago: they couldn't make the program any easier, really! Not only is everything printed on each check, they give you a pamphlet with PICTURES of what you're allowed to buy! Sure, most of them are white labels with the word "Store Brand" on them, but come on, how dumb do you have to be not be able to figure out that at Wally World that's the same thing as "Great Value", not Hi-C?

    I had a few "oopses" along the way (wrong size, wrong flavor, etc.), but I never berated the cashiers for my mistakes.
    Last edited by Ree; 08-24-2009, 12:39 AM. Reason: Unnecessary remark
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


    • #3
      We are currently using WIC and at times it can be confusing figuring out what's allowed and what isn't. But we always carry the pamphlet with us, that the WIC Office gave us. It has picture and details what you can and can't get. It's not that hard if people would just look at the damn thing every once in awhile.


      • #4
        WIC was & is a godsend for my 23 yo (3 kids under 5!). Of course, being a waitress, having a mother who's done customer service all her life, AND she and her sister having worked in a supermarket, she 'GASP' actually READ the pamplet and follows the rules. Scary, isn't it?


        • #5
          I feel the pain for those whose stores run WIC/Food stamps.

          we don't have a food stamp system per se here, but rather, they get a card (or cards) to a specific value, or they can set up an account with the store. Both have limits, notably, that cigarettes and alcohol CANNOT be purchased on them. While the accounts are easy to do as they're regulated by the service desk, the card (these are one-time use cards) is a bit harder as it can look like a regular gift card.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            I've heard other states (was it Texas?) have started using a WIC card instead of vouchers. Oh the anguish that is the vouchers. Not only must everything be rung up exactly, but we must be super careful when writing on the check. For example, I cross my number 7s when I write. If I do that on a check, the state rejects it. Grrr.

            It's been worse since the new year, when a plethora of new items were added to the selection. Which is terrific in theory, except the checks are still for exact items. Meaning that 16 oz loaf of bread must be one of 10 specific brands and 15 specific styles. Is that loaf Pepperidge Farm 100% whole wheat stone ground thin-sliced? Oh it's regular sliced? *sigh* Let me see if someone can get a different loaf for you. The customers are confused, the cashiers are confused and I'm pretty damn sure the whole program is confused.

            I hear tell that *competitor's* computers will state if something is WIC or not, which takes the guesswork out of the system. Oh how I envy them. I tire of the headache and arguments. No, the italian-seasoned tomatoes are NOT approved. Neither is the Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds, it has to be Vanilla clusters (now crunchies or something). Yes, I know it used to be allowed, but it isn't anymore. Yes, I'm sure. Read. Your. Pamphlet. Gaaahhhh!
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              suddenly, i'm glad i live in michigan. we use cards here for WIC, thank god. we scan the items, and the little machine tells us when it's not a WIC item.

              we do get people that argue about what is or is not WIC-approved, but we just point to the machine and make noise about how we can't override the system.
              verily, i doth be a buckete.


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                I've heard other states (was it Texas?) have started using a WIC card instead of vouchers.
                Yes, Texas uses cards. The EBT program is pretty easy to use here - anything that's intended to be consumed on-premise is disqualified (so for example, hot foods, sandwiches, small bags of chips, single soft drinks, etc). No alcohol, no tobacco. And.... that's about it. Food-bearing plants and seeds for such plants may also be purchased.

                I do have to shake my head a bit when I see someone buying expensive cuts of meat with the cards though. Most people I see using them are pretty responsible.


                • #9
                  Quoth bean View Post
                  Yes, Texas uses cards. The EBT program is pretty easy to use here - anything that's intended to be consumed on-premise is disqualified (so for example, hot foods, sandwiches, small bags of chips, single soft drinks, etc). No alcohol, no tobacco. And.... that's about it. Food-bearing plants and seeds for such plants may also be purchased.

                  I do have to shake my head a bit when I see someone buying expensive cuts of meat with the cards though. Most people I see using them are pretty responsible.
                  And yet they still try. Again, and again and again. Also I WILL NOT scan a item that is a few cents cheaper than you coffee so you can get the tax payers to pay for your instant caffeine fix.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Fleur View Post
                    suddenly, i'm glad i live in michigan. we use cards here for WIC, thank god. we scan the items, and the little machine tells us when it's not a WIC item.

                    we do get people that argue about what is or is not WIC-approved, but we just point to the machine and make noise about how we can't override the system.
                    They've changed (Of course I realize it's been 15 years since I've been a cashier). We used to have the cards that told specifically what you could buy. I seem to remember with cheese that it couldn't be the processed cheese, it had to be something like cheddar in a block or something like that....Or maybe my memory is fuzzy...who knows.


                    • #11
                      What if a store have different brands for a same kind of product? Around here, some store chains have up to 4 different brands for the same kind of food stuff: the "super saving" (aka "cheap-ass") brand, the regular store brand, the "gourmet" brand and, sometimes, even an "organic" or a "fair trade" brand.

                      I guess that most of those products wouldn't be covered by WIC, but I'm just a bit curious and felt like playing the devil's advocate.
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #12
                        Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                        They've changed (Of course I realize it's been 15 years since I've been a cashier). We used to have the cards that told specifically what you could buy. I seem to remember with cheese that it couldn't be the processed cheese, it had to be something like cheddar in a block or something like that....Or maybe my memory is fuzzy...who knows.
                        Personally I would prefer cheddar in a block, the crap called american cheese sucks .. no flavor to it.

                        I adore extra sharp cheddar .... If I want bland oilyness ill smear on mayo.
                        EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Samaliel View Post
                          What if a store have different brands for a same kind of product? Around here, some store chains have up to 4 different brands for the same kind of food stuff: the "super saving" (aka "cheap-ass") brand, the regular store brand, the "gourmet" brand and, sometimes, even an "organic" or a "fair trade" brand.

                          I guess that most of those products wouldn't be covered by WIC, but I'm just a bit curious and felt like playing the devil's advocate.
                          Usually it's "regular" store brand. Our pamphlets had pics and a written list (and our local store does have everything in computer as well ) So it's really hard to screw it up, at least on the cashiers end.
                          Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                          • #14
                            Yeah Texas has EBT cards for both Foodstamps and WIC now. It's much easier and is a much faster process. Also with WIC if it doesn't take the product there's no way to make it take it. Either the card pays for it or not. If you got the wrong thing it won't work period.

                            It's still annoying when people don't get the right thing when they don't pay attention to their nice pamphlets. But at least WIC orders are much faster. I'm glad the vouchers are gone!


                            • #15
                              Also I WILL NOT scan a item that is a few cents cheaper than you coffee so you can get the tax payers to pay for your instant caffeine fix.
                              Seriously, Mattm? People really asked you to break federal law so they could get a cup of coffee? I mean, I shouldn't be surprised ...
                              "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper

