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A collection of SCs

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  • A collection of SCs

    So here is my digest of all the SCs that have crossed our doors recently. Presented for your amusement


    Alex was dealing with a customer. What you have to remember with this one is that Alex is a trained medic who is waiting for a job to come through in the ambulance service. He won’t be with us for much longer. When there is a medical emergency, Alex is the one we go to.

    This particular customer was a little bit old and wanted to exchange a netbook (I think) because it wasn’t the one he wanted. He’d made up a shed load of faults which Al had proved him wrong on each and every time. This is what ensued;

    SC:’’re...look at what your doing to me *Holds up his hands which are shaking*
    Alex: I’m sorry but I don’t quite see wha—

    I’d been standing next to Alex the whole time working on the terminal and listening to what was going on. Even I could see he wasn’t having a stroke. I’ve had some basic medical training which includes F.A.S.T. and...well...I’m not sure what else to say there

    Alex: I see. Hold your arms out straight and level for me please
    SC: *Holds his arms out straight and level*
    Alex: And while you’re doing that could you say “Silly Sammy ate a Sausage” in your own time
    SC: Silly Sammy Ate A sausage
    Alex: You’re not having a stroke. There’s nothing wrong with you

    (at this point the masturbation jokes come into my head and I have to stop myself from giggling)

    Alex: I see. We’d best call you an ambulance then, shouldn’t we?
    Alex: Okay, I’m going to put this plain and simple *Fetches out his wallet and shows the SC a card which I can only presume is some kind of medic ID card or something* I’m a trained Medic. I know how to tell when someone is having a stroke and when someone is just being an idiot. You Sir, are not the former. Tell me; are you aware of the FAST pneumonic? Face Arms Speech Time. Your face is straight, you can hold your arms out level, you speech isn’t impaired so we can ignore “time” in this instance. I’m not [refunding/replacing whatever it was the SC wanted] your netbook, now leave without waiting anybody else’s time
    Security: Yeah, Have fun with that.


    Half the store is closed right now because we’re being refitted to the new look stores. The contractors have had to put up a tarpaulin to stop the dust from the digging they are having to do from coming over to the operating side of the store. This has of course bought on many customers asking us “What’re you having done?” “Are you extending?” “are you closing down?” etc

    One customer I was dealing with had a computer that was 4 years old and the PSU had gone pop because it was clogged with dust. They were telling me it was unfit for purpose and trying to quote E.U Legislation to me

    Me: The PSU has blown because of dust build-up, not because of a fault. You have no extended warranty therefore you have to buy a new Power unit!
    SC: I’m not paying £120 for a new power unit! E.U Law dictates that I get a 2 year warranty with everything
    Me: Okay, First off, it’s not a warranty, CHECK the damn law before you quote it to me. Secondly, your computer is 4 years old and you’re trying to use a law that lasts for 2 years. Third, the BRITISH law that we have to go by, since we live in England, Gives you the same protections as the European one but for 5 years and fourth, that law is about manufacturing defects NOT DUST!
    SC: Dust is created by humans, correct?
    Me: Yes. Dead skin, hair, bits of fabrics, Pet fur and a few other things
    SC: So what? I should just rip off my skin, wear no clothes, have no fabrics in my house and skin my cat too??!
    Me: Wha—NO!! You need to CLEAN inside your computer once in a while. Switch it off, buy an in-expensive can of compressed air, hold that near the components and fans then fire when ready. That will clear out the dust
    SC: Well dust shouldn’t build up in these things!
    Me: Dust is in the air! It builds up on everything
    SC: You HAVE to do something for me free of charge
    Me: No I don’t. By rights I should charge you for the diagnostic but that’s just too much hassle for me to bother with.
    SC: *points to the curtain as he grabs his PC and storms off* It’s no wander you’re going out of business with an attitude like that!!
    Next Customer: I wander how stupid he’s going to feel when he walks past and sees they’re construction workers building up the new side of the store?


    This one was a brilliant one. I was really on my toes and am quite proud of this one.

    SC: I’m going to damage every single staff car on this car park! Starting with YOURS!
    Me: *Leans over and calls after him* You’d have a job! I WALK to work!!
    SC: *Stumped...storms off*

    I must confess: I don’t walk to work. I just wanted to put that guy in his place for trying that one.

    Karateeee CHOP!

    Some guy had been arguing with me over an exchange that I wouldn’t do because he’d broken the device. It was a £15 USB wifi dongle. He’d snapped the USB plug off it, which is easy enough to do, I’ll admit that (to anyone but customers) and on this one, I could even tell how he’d done it. It was in the back of the computer and the PC had been shoved against the wall. That’s why Manufacturers provide you with a short USB fly-lead. Use it.

    Me: This has been damaged, The manufacturer won’t accept it back and I’m not exchanging it!
    SC: How about I jump over this counter and smash your face in, Geek-boy?
    Me: Try it. I do kickboxing so I will have no hesitation making you look like an even bigger idiot by bouncing your face off this counter, pinning you to the floor and holding you there until the police arrive to arrest you for assault.
    SC: O.O;


    This ones an age-old one. I think we’ve all heard this, if not had it thrown directly at us

    SC: Need I remind you, young man, that I am a customer so I pay your wages!
    Me: Need I remind you that if you’re gonna take that tone of voice with me, I don’t have to serve you. On the subject of wages, I’m pretty sure my wage slip doesn’t say Sucky McCustomer, but actually says Electronics Retail Group HR Dept. However, if your claim is right then I want a raise
    SC: on what grounds?! You don’t deserve a raise
    Me: On the grounds that I have to deal with people like you


    SC: I was sold this laptop yesterday and it doesn’t even power up! *Practically throws an open laptop at me* This place is shit
    Me: Okay, there are kids around so stop swearing *Presses the power button on the laptop. The light flashes saying that the battery is totally flat* Okay, have you got the charger with you
    SC: Of course not! It’s wireless
    Me: *Can immediately tell where this is headed* So you’ve not charged it at all?
    SC: No! It’s WIRELESS. Are you so stupid you don’t know what wireless means?!
    Me: Oh I know what it means. You see this? *Pulls the battery out* This is called a Battery. You need to charge this up or the laptop won’t work
    SC: That’s ridicules! I’ve never heard such a stupid thing in my whole life!
    Me: That computers need electricity?
    SC: But it’s Wireless! Just the same as your mobile phone. I assume you don’t live in the stone ages?
    Me: Okay, you know how you have to recharge your mobile phones battery?
    SC: Of course! Do you think I’m stupid or something?
    Inner-Flea: Yes
    Me: Well, you have to do the same with this!

    Daffyd Thomas

    For those of you who aren’t British and/or who have never watched “Little Brittain” let me introduce Daffyd Thomas he is just about everything I HATE about that particular type of Gay guy. Okay, up until this point I thought Daffyd was a little bit extreme and that no one was really like that. I’ve known I’m gay for at least the last 10 years and although I have met some really camp “Balls-to-the-walls” gay guys who piss me right off (you know the type. The ones that turn everything into a sexual situation, who are whores...I guess I’m trying to say the ones who really fit the stereotype) but I never thought I would meet this guy...

    Basically he was there with his boyfriend and was trying to play a game of grab-ass with him while yelling at me because I wouldn’t repair a laptop they owned and had spilt something on. The one doing the talking looked and sounded a hell of a lot like Daffyd Thomas, and his behaviour was pretty much the same. But this was the highlight of the conversation

    SC: So you won’t do anything for me then?
    Me: Not without payment
    SC: What is it you have against us?
    Me: Uh...? against you guys? Nothing
    SC: No, sweetheart, I mean against gays!
    Me: Excuse me?
    SC: Fuckin homophobe! You won’t help us because we’re gay!
    Me: I won’t help you because you won’t pay me. Last Time I checked with my BOYFRIEND, I didn’t have a problem with gay people
    SC: *Stumped at the realisation that he’s just called a gay guy a homophobe* well...erm...If you help us, we’ll make it worth your while *strokes my hand*
    Me: AH!! Excuse you!! No! Don't touch me! (I don't like being touched like that by stangers)
    The Boyfriend: (To his SC boyfriend) What the HELL do you think you’re doing?!
    SC: ...?
    Me: ...?
    The boyfriend: I’ve stood here quietly long enough. It’s not because we’re gay, it’s not because he’s a homophobe or because he wants to get some off you, it’s because you’re a fucking IDIOT and I’ve HAD IT with you. I’m taking my car and I’m LEAVEING *Storms off*
    SC: Bu---Wha—Come back!! *Chases after him*

    Side-note: I’m not lucky enough to have a boyfriend. I was just illustrating a point. I have my ‘husband’ and co-conspirator instead! Lol!
    Last edited by AdvancedFlea; 09-25-2009, 02:05 PM.
    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    Me: On the grounds that I have to deal with people like you

    as for the gay guy; wowzers, calls you a homophobe then proceeds to make you an offer? *shakes head* the cards they pull...
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
      Side-note: I’m not lucky enough to have a boyfriend. I was just illustrating a point. I have my ‘husband’ and co-conspirator instead! Lol!
      So how many times do you get lines about needing help with your "software" and "Harddrive"?
      "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


      • #4
        Wait... faking a stroke, regardless of your coworker having training... that makes me

        Dear lord guy should be glad I wasn't there, I woulda shamed him with things like, "you're the reason people aren't taken seriously when they have one, off and die already>" or something to that effect, specially right now.

        A Fargo woodchipper is too good for him IMNSHO.
        Last edited by MadMike; 09-29-2009, 10:40 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


        • #5
          Quoth bunnyboy View Post
          Wait... faking a stroke, regardless of your coworker having training... that makes me

          Dear lord guy should be glad I wasn't there, I woulda shamed him with things like, "you're the reason people aren't taken seriously when they have one, off and die already>" or something to that effect, specially right now.

          A Fargo woodchipper is too good for him IMNSHO.
          What an asshole. Here's something for him. Love the ownage you gave the "I'll damage your car" "I'll smash your face in" and "I pay your wages" !!!11!!! SC's. As for the Daffyd Thomas-esque SC, that was just awesome how his boy toy left him!
          Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 09-25-2009, 03:54 PM.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Wow. It is my dream to someday get away with telling-off SCs like you do. You are my new idol!
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
              the cards they pull...
              Oh tell me about it. Thats one of the many things about that particular type of gay person that pisses me off. Mainly because the rest of us then get tarred with that brush. I don't think I'm alone in being the only gay guy who hates people who act like that.

              Still an amuseing turn around though "HOMOPHOBE! Oh wait, you're gay? Oh. Fancy a shag?"

              Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
              So how many times do you get lines about needing help with your "software" and "Harddrive"?
              Not as often as you might think lol. I'm not obviously gay, most people don't know unless I tell them. I have used the "Want to see my hard drive?" line once or twice though. Much the the amusement of the person who I've been trying to pick up who immediatly laugh in my face lol

              Quoth bunnyboy View Post
              Dear lord guy should be glad I wasn't there, I woulda shamed him with things like, "you're the reason people aren't taken seriously when they have one, off and die already"
              I think Al wanted to, to be honest. The guy would have deserved it too

              Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
              Love the ownage you gave the "I'll damage your car" "I'll smash your face in" and "I pay your wages" !!!11!!! SC's. As for the Daffyd Thomas-esque SC, that was just awesome how his boy toy left him!
              Oh, those were the ones where I was either on the ball or not in the mood to deal with their crap. If I'm in one of "those" moods, people don't get away with very much It's fun to do it some days though

              and oh my god, I wanted to laugh so badly when his boytoy left him. When he said he was taking the car too, so he had no way of getting back (his accent wasn't a local one)

              Quoth LillFilly View Post
              Wow. It is my dream to someday get away with telling-off SCs like you do. You are my new idol!
              hahaaa! There's no need for the trust me *blushes*

              There is a simple key to it; Know when you are right, know when NOT to do it (because it can make a situation worse) and above all else...know when you can get away with it without the shit hitting the fan

              However, being able to say what you want at the exact moment you want to say it is a blessing and a curse. I can fire one-liners at people to put them in their place quite easily but remose quite often follows if they are one of my friends or someone I am close to. It's a dangerous weapon.

              On the flip side, you CAN do it it's not hard to do. The key thing is getting over that fear of what could happen if things go pear-shaped. Try it on a situation when you know you're absolutly's fun
              Last edited by AdvancedFlea; 09-25-2009, 04:57 PM. Reason: quoted somthing but didn't reply to it
              -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

              Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

              A guide for customers about retail


              • #8
                Heh, of course it's not homophobic. I've seen many a straight equivalent, and I've read about them right here on CS. I think a few have made the comic--they're usually women, I hate to say.


                • #9
                  I, sadly, have had it happen before

         Gay man

         Sexy woman

                  Niether of them got very far. Allthough, I have to give the woman points for making me laugh
                  -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                  Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                  A guide for customers about retail


                  • #10
                    Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
                    SC: I’m not paying £120 for a new power unit!
                    That does seem steep. I wouldn't pay 120 dollars for a power supply.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juggler View Post
                      That does seem steep. I wouldn't pay 120 dollars for a power supply.
                      Thats £120 parts and Labor. The PSUs are only about 50 quid, realisticly. Hey, I never said The Computer Superstore or its owners, Electronics Retail Group were cheap

                      My arguement with that SC stands. if your psu blows because you don't clean it, you pay for the repair
                      -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                      Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                      A guide for customers about retail


                      • #12
                        You are my new hero! I wish I could say all the things you can to SCs.

                        I've managed to pull off the homophobe story, however, at one of my old jobs. I'm openly bisexual, and while dating a girl, managed to own a guy yelling at me that I was homophobic. Nice job.
                        Now appearing in comic form!


                        • #13
                          Quoth GroceryWench View Post
                          You are my new hero! I wish I could say all the things you can to SCs.
                          I keep saying! I am no hero...I'm just a very cool guy you can do it just follow the guidelines I posted above

                          it seems so sad that so many people can say "I had the homophobe one"
                          -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                          Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                          A guide for customers about retail


                          • #14
                            I pretty much hate any gay guy who cops an attitude and acts flamboyant. Like I'm supposed to give him a medal for being a douche.

                            That story kind of reminded me of the trial scene in Legally Blond, where Luke Wilson gets the defendant's "lover" to admit he's gay.


                            • #15
                              Oh my god! I had totally forgotten about that scene! yeah, you're right it's a dead ringer!
                              -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

                              Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

                              A guide for customers about retail

