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An update about me....

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  • An update about me....

    Just to let you folks know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
    This is a continuation of my crossroads thread.

    Well, the woman I left my wife for and I are separated for the time being.

    The whole thing was a load of errors from the start. When I get there, I learn that her stepdad had just learned that I was coming down (from her mom) and that I couldn't stay there after all.

    So off it was to a motel for a week, while she and I tried to look for an apartment. A friend of hers had promised to put me up until an application could be put in at the local Safe apartments (apartments for those with an urgent housing need), but it being Christmas/New Years week and all, they weren't accepting applications till after New Years, and to boot, her friend would not put me up, instead saying I could maybe stay in a church or homeless shelter in the meantime, and I would be picked up by her Monday.

    By this time she and I were out of money, and currently I'm living with my mom.

    ....And now for the positive....

    Her dog, Gizmo, loved me from the very beginning. At one point, I became sick, and slept in my lady's bed. (we were able to stay at her mom's in the daytime) Gizmo stayed by me while I slept with his head in my lap, bless his little heart! Now the poor baby is looking for me.

    She has pledged to me that this separation will not be permanent, and I'm holding her to it. One way or the other, we will be back together....we just love each other way too much for this not to happen. When we weren't worried about the housing situation, everything was perfect, relationship-wise, between us.

    Things have to work out, they just have to. Even if they don't, I have few regrets.

    I'll keep ya'll updated when I can!

  • #2
    So how's your wife taking the separation?



    • #3
      Quoth Rapscallion View Post
      So how's your wife taking the separation?
      She seems to be taking it in stride, considering all that's gone down.
      We're still civil to each other, even though talking is pretty awkward right now.

