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Your baby caused a CRITICALLY EPIC FAIL.

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  • Your baby caused a CRITICALLY EPIC FAIL.

    This happened on Tuesday. It's now Saturday. I wanted to report it when it was fresh in my mind, but I still can't wrap my mind around what happened. I had to leave at 4, and I believe it occurred around 3:45.

    The entire events took place within 30 seconds of each other for the most part.

    I'll try to post the events chronologically. Let's see how it turns out.

    (MAIN) - Is the direct perpetrator and cause of this thread.
    (NEAR) - Are store staff.
    (ME) - I'm not nearly as important here as the blue parts are.
    (BY) - Innocent bystander shopper.
    1. (MAIN) - Thin Lady in her mid 20s with a baby in her cart walks up to the hardware desk. Is not there yet.
    2. (NEAR) - Paint guy is assisting another customer barely within the aisle adjacent to the above main character.
    3. (MAIN) - Lady is shuffling things around in her cart; baby included. Baby is wearing nothing but a diaper. (In this weather? Seriously?!)
    4. (ME) - I spot the lady with her keys in her hand; am eager to make some keys, rather than let it be any other question she has unrelated to keys. I do not want to be working today.
    5. (MAIN) - She says "Can you help me?" as she continues shuffling things around. She is now holding the baby up above the floor in both hands. I discover a cell phone between her shoulder and her cheek.
    6. (ME) - I leave the relative safety of the desk I was standing behind to see what she needs.
    7. (MAIN) - She has paused holding the baby outstretched above the floor.
    8. (NEAR) - Paint Guy is concluding his assistance with the other customer.
    9. (NEAR) - Manager-Type is walking down the central aisle to the desk with a rather full register drawer in his hands, heading to the main office to count the money in it. It is obviously a defense mission. If he had chainsaw nunchucks, they would be in full swing as his skeletal minions dance behind him to protect him from fates worse than their own grisly bony demise.
    10. (ME) - I approach the lady and inquire as to how I may aid her.
    11. ------------DANGER--------------
    12. (MAIN) - The baby's diaper explodes outward in a violent torrent of the demonic forces of hell rampaging forth from the frothing, bubbling portal from the depths of the infant's underworld. More foulness than I have ever been privy to (Or have found in a privy, for that matter) is rapidly spilling onto the floor from this tiny source without any end in sight.
    13. The Chaos Begins...
    14. (NEAR) - Manager slips in the stuff, landing shirt-down in it. Coins roll everywhere with such a ruckus. Dollar bills are laying in it, forever ruined by the vile substance coating a surprisingly large amount of the floor.
    15. (NEAR) - Paint Guy runs to get disinfectant, as he is essentially standing right next to the aisle it is found in, but trips on the diaper, as if it was a banana peel +5 nature damage, and at least lands face-up, staring at the underside of the baby.
    16. (MAIN) - Her expression is a curious mix of jaw-gaping awe, and the curiosity to see what happens next. Nope folks, no remorse here.
    17. (ME) - I radio the cleaning guy to get a mob and bucket and the heaviest disinfectant, and run to get some wet floor signs, all the while pondering what the lady would do with her baby.
    18. (BY) - Screams bloody murder in shock, and in an attempt to dodge away from the expanding puddle of deadly ick, jumps into a display of gallon size Clorox Bleach. Bottles clatter to the floor. Several of them open on impact with the floor, adding to the mix.
      • Note: About six or so seconds have passed since the Danger mark.
    19. (NEAR) - Manager is screaming into his headset to get all available staff near the hardware desk not to pick up any loose coins or bills, that he would do it himself, and yells for several of the staff to hand out latex gloves from the very aisle we were standing near to handle anything biological that spilled onto anything else as they clean. Sadly, the spill had occurred right at the entrance to the aisle the gloves were held, so I surmised they were all going to have to go in by the back way, near the back wall of the store.
    20. (NEAR) - Paint Guy gets up and runs off to get a trowel scraper to pool the filth into a single area to minimize the spread of contamination.
    21. (MAIN) - She says "Okay where's yo bathroom. I'll get him all cleaned up."
    22. (NEAR) - A collective mental facepalm.
    23. (MAIN) - She trails her cart off directly through the muck (creating a wagon trail) towards the back wall without waiting for a response.
    24. (BY) - Fallen customer is helping herself out of the pile of plastic gallon bottles. Is rather unsuccessful. Is slipping far too much on the spilled Clorox. She is afraid to accept help because everyone is covered in vilebabyfilth.
    25. (NEAR) - Manager is quickly hoarding up bills into a nearby empty garbage bag we keep under the paint area garbage can. Just shovels all the money into it, just to get it out off the floor. He yells at people to keep away from anything on the floor, and instructs all staff to stand around and watch for people looking at the floor, while not handling anything themselves. People are already beginning to pick up coins that have rolled onto their ankles, with the staff yelling not to pick them up. Of course, they do not hear.

    After that, it was pretty much a standard cleaning operation. We actually never saw the lady again, despite her baby not having a diaper, (How did we not hear any comments about that? I'm horribly shocked.) We quarantined the area, asked the customer if she was okay, and that we were glad she didn't get anything on her; she was laughing about it, luckily. She knew it wasn't our fault. She apologized for all that money going to seemingly waste. The managers wouldn't let the rest of the staff touch any of the money to clean it off, aside from safeguarding the area from people picking anything up. He just stuffed all the money into the same bag. I'm not going to hazard a guess as to what he did with the bag. I didn't really see the end of it, because I had to leave less than fifteen minutes later.

    I guess we were used to cleaning up stuff. We'd had several gallons of paint spilled all over the paint area within the past week alone.

    We have named it "That Crappy Tuesday." Pardon the pun.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    I feel awful for the two who ended up slipping and falling in the baby's feces, but

    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Yeah, that was pretty epic.

      You wish you had cameras for moment like this.


      • #4
        holy crap! (padon the pun) that is epic!!!!


        • #5
          That reminded me of an ad that's currently running here in Australia for a particular brand of nappies.

          First, there's the nappy change and the kid weeing in the middle of said change (Number 1)
          Then picking him up and noticing a funny smell (Number 2)
          Then the kid's been strapped into the car, mum gets in, the car rocks and the windows turn brown. (Number 3's)
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #6
            camera in that aisle perchance? If so America's Funniest next winner there


            • #7
              Oh...GODS!!! *%$@^*(^&!!!

              I too, wish there was video! I can't believe that woman...and just rolling through the poop afterwards.

              Babypoop is truly the most disgusting substance on earth!
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                Well this will destroy all my Good Karma Points(tm) but.....


                I am sorry for those poor unfortunates who did face plants into dookey tho.
                My Wajas cave


                • #9
                  I can hardly type for the tears of laughter streaming down.
                  Last edited by Dips; 01-11-2010, 07:53 PM.
                  Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                  TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    was she feeding her baby to cause an explosion of Pompeiian proportions?! Strained jalapeños?!
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Wow. That was EPIC! Though I do feel bad for Manager and Paint Guy. That's just gross. But still...
                      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                      • #12

                        This brings back memories of my own (very similar) situation. It's the middle of a North Dakota winter and my first born was all snuggled up in her snow suit, sitting in the shopping cart as I loaded it with goodies at K-Mart. I'd been in the store at least thirty minutes when my foot slipped in something. I looked down in disgust at the liquified brown good on the bottom of my shoe and noticed that it extended down the aisle behind me as far as I could see in an almost unbroken line of ick. I looked ahead of the cart, thinking I must be following someone else's slime trail, but there was nothing there.

                        That's when I noticed poop-gloop oozing out the waistband and ankles of my daughter's snowsuit, running down over the items in my cart, and dripping onto the floor. I swear it was like watching the blob oozing through the movie theater doors! It didn't seem to be slowing, and there was at least thirty feet of trail behind me.

                        The only difference between me and the OP's subject is that I had the grace to 1) pay for everything in the cart my daughter's mess had ruined and 2) find a store employee and offer to clean up the trail! The hubby and I still can't believe the amount of poop that came out of her that day! She wasn't even sick!
                        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                        • #13
                          Oh eeewwwww. I also have pity for the poor person in the cash office. And what about the bank?!? Would anyone give them warning? Would this cash be distributed to others? Blech.

                          Little Susie, don't put that quarter in your mouth!
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #14
                            I can imagine the mom probably left a pile of used paper towels lying on the bathroom floor. And going home, telling hubby, "guess what happened today. I went to get an umbrella for the patio table but they don't have any! And Bubba had a little accident, and I didn't have any extra diapers on me so I used the pink insulation with that Pink Panter on it to make a temporary diaper."
                            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                            I wish porn had subtitles.


                            • #15
                              Well, at least it didn't happen during the Summer, on the room cooling device aisle!


