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3 Easy Steps to being Completely Emasculated.

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  • 3 Easy Steps to being Completely Emasculated.

    A little bit of background first.
    I work at a liquor store a couple of times a week. It's located in a pretty crappy area in B.C's capital. It also has a downside of having 2 entrances, one leading to a parking lot with a single wooden door, and the other leading to the shopping centre it's attached to. This one has 4 glass doors. Because of this less than stellar layout, all the alcohol has sensor detectors attached to them. These are taken off at the checkouts and reused. If you try to go through the doors with them still on, we zero in on you pretty damn quickly.
    Next door we have the Pub that is owned by the same company. You have to walk past the entrance to the pub when you leave via the glass door exit.

    This happened on a Sunday. It was the night of the company's X-Mas party in January. As such, both locations were closing early so we could all party. At the time of the incident I was stationed at the checkout for the glass door exit, CW1 was at the parking lot checkout, CW2 was fixing up the liquor displays, and M was patrolling the store.

    Enter SC1, SC2, and SC3 through the glass doors. At this point I must point out SC3 is about 6'5" and all solid muscle.
    Awesome Coworker (ACW) enters the store slightly behind them. ACW has just finished work at the Pub. She is also 5'5" at the most, and petite.

    STEP 1: Consult each other about your brilliant plan to steal a bottle of alcohol whilst standing outside the door to the pub. Ignore ACW when she walks past you.

    ACW quietly alerts everyone in the store about their cunning plan. Security is called (like they'll even show up). Everyone is on high alert.

    STEP 2: Circle the floor several times. Knock back any offers of help from the staff.

    Even if we hadn't been alerted, you become immediately suspicious when you do this. Most people enter a liquor store with a particular thing in mind. No-one circles the store constantly without stopping.

    At this point ACW comes through my checkout a buys her alcohol (to start the party early!) and leaves. Security hasn't shown up, and no-one wants to approach the group as they haven't technically done anything wrong yet, and because SC3 scares even gym-addicted M.

    SC1 and SC2 come through my till and buy a $6 bottle of Sherry. Nothing wrong so far. As they leave, they stop at the glass doors and appear to chat with each other while holding the glass doors open.


    SC3 makes his move. Grabs a large bottle of expensive alcohol and legs it through the door.
    Sensors go off.
    I yell.
    CW1 yells.
    CW2 and M start after him, but they're never going to catch him with his massive head start.

    STEP 3: Celebrate your victory too early and turn back to sneer at your pursuers.

    In his distraction, ACW, who was waiting to see what would happen, drops her shoulder as he passes by her, and rams him.
    He crashes to the ground.
    ACW stomps up and RIPS the bottle out of his hand and tells him to go @#$% himself.
    Disorientated, SC3 jumps to his feet and takes off empty handed.

    Yeah, that's right! You got taken out by a GIRL. Not so tough now are ya!

    Security finally turns up, but the group of would-be shoplifters are long gone.

    Double bonus: Clear pictures of all their faces on our security footage to pass on to the police.

    Now, I in no way encourage people to ever take the same actions as ACW, I just thought it was AWESOME!!!
    It was also not the first time she's taken a shoplifter out like that since she started work with the Pub.

    Guess who got free alcohol all night at the party?

  • #2
    That. Is. AWESOME. I would've loved to have been there hahaha


    • #3
      Thank heaven for little girls (and their vengeful wrath from hell!!).
      "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


      • #4
        At the point of where ACW knocks SC3 to the ground, and grabs the bottle, I pictured his lifeless body continuing to lay there, as ACW danced atop his back, holding the bottle up in the air like a hard earned trophy!



        • #5
          Someone on CS has asserted that small women are pure concentrated evil. This thread makes me believe it.

          Remember folks, being small means you have a lower center of gravity, and therefore more stability. It also puts you closer to castration level!
          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


          • #6
            awww you guys are giving away all our secrets! (says the 5 foot 3 girl who does medieval fighting with a 6 foot 6 poleaxe)
            Me to a friend: I know I'm crazy, you know I'm crazy, the zombies at the end of the world will know I'm crazy. Thus not eating my brain for fear of ingesting the crazy. It's my survival plan.


            • #7
              My mother could have been ACW, She works in a Big House(tm) and managed to throw a 300lb solid mass of muscle to the ground when he started trying to intimidate her.
              I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


              • #8
                My mother: 5'3"... 54 years old (at time of incident). Robbers tried to push their way past her into her OWN house one day. There were three of them, but I guess they weren't expecting a fight, and seeing as it was daytime, they probably figured they needed to get inside quickly. She beat them off before my dad could do more than stand up from the couch. (SO glad my parents moved out of that neighborhood to some place a little less crime-filled. I still get shivers thinking what might have happened if they HAD forced their way into the house.)

                I will never underestimate a short woman. They get picked on once, and then they learn to get MEAN so it never happens again.


                • #9
                  Quoth SansDoute View Post
                  In his distraction, ACW, who was waiting to see what would happen, drops her shoulder as he passes by her, and rams him.
                  He crashes to the ground.
                  ACW stomps up and RIPS the bottle out of his hand and tells him to go @#$% himself.
                  W00T! ACW!

                  I love it when scammers and shoplifters get their asses handed to them!
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Talon View Post
                    Someone on CS has asserted that small women are pure concentrated evil.

                    good things come in small packages...then again so does C-4....
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      Quoth bankworking View Post
                      She beat them off before my dad could do more than stand up from the couch.


                      Sorry... I am so going to hell.
                      wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
                      Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


                      • #12
                        I'd have been hilarious if the guy had managed to smack himself on the head with the bottle on the way down too
                        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                        • #13
                          Never...NEVER underestimate the small ones. This from a 5'0" girl who was shown how to fight at a young age by her big brother. I got the height (or lack thereof) from my mother's side. My mother? 5'3" and not someone I would EVER piss off. We always said that if anyone hurt me, or any of my nieces and nephews, she'd get to the jackass before Dad even tried, and my dad is 6 feet tall and not a man I'd mess with, either. God rest you, Mom, God rest you.
                          "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                          • #14
                            My mother is in her 60s, and about 5'4." Even so, she can, and possibly *will* kick your ass--she's a blackbelt in Hapkido Seriously, during a demonstration at her graduation ceremony...she dropped a guy about half her age, and twice her size
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              Small women are fierce because they NEED to be. My husband has started acknowledging the truth of my comments that he can be as dedicated a pacifist as he is because he's 195cm/92kg (that's muscle, not fluff). His sister, at about 150cm/50kg is a much more fierce person than he is. Not that she isn't a good pacifist (sorry if I'm maligning her here), but she needs to be more aggressive than he does. Heck, she needs to be more aggressive than he CAN be.

