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The most powerful phrases...

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  • The most powerful phrases...

    Within the past week or so, I've heard and said some of the most powerful, earth-shaking phrases that I've ever had the pleasure and the honor of hearing, or even putting forth into the world.


    1) This was said by a Coworker who had been driven over the edge by a customer who just would not accept reality itself. A customer had called in hours earlier and asked if we had six foot umbrellas. Someone had told her that we do. We don't. When she arrived, (Semi-short, dark-haired woman in her 40s.) she took a coworker aside (One of the new hires.) and asked to see where they are. He said that he didn't think that we had any such umbrellas, but said he'd look anyway. He led her to the spot all of our umbrellas were, and lo and behold, no 6 footers. She became extremely frustrated and irate, and went on a massive spiel about how she had been misled, and had driven all the way out here. The coworker was getting a red face from being yelled at. He wasn't the one who had told her we had six foot umbrellas, yet was getting ripped a new one anyway.

    Eventually he leaned close to her, and said something akin to this: (Coworker, Miss Sucky)

    "Okay, look. I wasn't the one who told you we had something we didn't. I do not appreciate you treating me like a dog just because someone else didn't know what stock wYes you are, you are responsible fOh don't even start. You don't march in here and tell people hWELL I AM HERE NOW, AND II've had it with you. Right now, the only thing stopping me from doing something that will make both of us regret ever having been born, is the fact that I am employed here. Once that ends, I cannot be held responsible for my actions. *glares at her in further silence* She stares, gapes, shakes her head, trembling a little bit, and turns around to leave. Walks right out the store.

    Amazing. He's still employed, even two weeks later. He's a great guy, really. I wish I had his courage. Actually, I do. It's whatever wisdom I seem to have accumulated over the years that has kept me from saying something like that. Oh how we wouldn't want to, if given the chance. ...


    2) This was said by me, after helping a customer that I honestly wish there were more of. A lot more of. Due to a newly altruistic personal awakening, it's all I can think about as of late. No seriously, this guy was just ... beyond awesome. I mean, the experience just felt so awesome when we were done, that I just wanted to break down and cry, in wishing there were more people like him.

    That is powerful stuff. Very powerful stuff.

    I had just returned from my half hour break. I have taken up meditating to relieve any stress and exhaustion that builds up. I find a nice quiet spot somewhere hidden among the massive pallets of dirt or sand or whatever, climb up on the highest one that's as hidden as possible, (Like, twelve feet in the air.) and just veg and find myself again, restoring energy and the like. I generally come out of this a different person. So I walk back in the store as serious and sharp as a sword, in a no nonsense mood, ready to finish up the day and get it over with so I can go home and do some homework to finish up the semester.

    I had been helping some pretty overbearing and bothersome customers today. I was in no mood for dealing with more crap. I'm called over to help a guy get some power tools from the locked up cabinet. Our power tools area has always been a mess. The displays aren't accurate to the selection we have at all, and there is no other stock other than what's below the displays. Hell, we have like, four times as many displays as we have actual stock. It sucks. So having to tell people that the display is a lie is nothing easy. I have to be frank about it.

    But this guy ... there's something different about him. He looks like one of those punk-rockers, without the studs and goth-bling. He's just looking for a Palm Sander to get into those hard to reach areas. He's been waiting for like, half an hour. I figure that he's going to go nuts with the wait, but he waits there patiently, just looking at everything. Already, I can feel the love from this guy, though It doesn't penetrate deep to my heart yet, considering the day I've had. I hope it doesn't get any worse, at this point.

    We went through all the cages looking for some stuff. Eventually we find something he's looking for. I had a rather large line of people behind me, but I'm determined to keep my attention on this guy for some reason, despite that they are waiting patiently for me. (I can never seem to resist that.) So I stay with him and scan items for him, eventually attaining a price, despite the numerous failures that my scanner has. He's incredibly patient about all of this, despite the hassles he's been through here. I mean, like, ... he still has one of those "It's okay, bro, life is a gift." looks about him.

    Eventually he decides on a Palm Sander with a lower power output but is only less than $25. That's a great price for a palm sander. I ask him if he needs the sandpaper for it. We look in the box and there was some included. Awesome! And it was the kind he wanted! That made my day.

    I have never, ever wanted to pay for someone else's purchase more in my life. I mean the need was so overpowering. I actually seriously regret not having done it even a day after it happened. He was just so spiritually powerful. His aura, if you believe in that sort of thing, could have made flowers bloom all around him wherever he stepped. I felt it. I felt it like a blow to the face with a block of masonry.

    We parted ways with him saying "Man, thanks so much for the help. I would have never been able to get this deal anywhere else. Thank you so much, definitely. This is awesome! Have an awesome day, man!"

    I simply couldn't find any other words to reply with, other than "No. Man, you walk in here with the patience of nature, and the smile of a benevolent deity. You and your attitude are one of the greatest gifts to this world that mankind will probably ever see. Please reproduce, and share yourself and your spirit with the world so that it may be enriched by your presence on it. I can think of no greater gift to this world."

    He just nodded, and smiled, as he left. I felt the world become a little bit brighter that day. I had to wear my keymaker sunglasses visors for the rest of the day to hide my eyes, and not speak too much. It was too hard.

    So rarely in life, do we ever have experiences such as these. Treasure every one of them. You never know when they will be your last.
    Last edited by ShadowTiger; 05-24-2010, 02:45 PM.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    Heh... I've known people like that. I've got an attitude like that. Some people do have powerful auras. Always helpful when I'm reading for people like that.

    Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


    • #3
      Your coworker is an extremely brave man, yes indeedy.

      But your star customer sounds like one of my own coworkers. He's got this great and wonderful aura that you just want to be around. He looks like a punk rocker too, with only gauges in his ears. He's patient, thoughtful, honest, and very serene about everything. Yeah, he jokes that he hates his job, but he also says he's thankful for it. He's also been one of those that's encouraged me from the get go, even when I started off terribly, but am now matching his speed at work. Even if you don't believe in auras (he has a very calm, light, light blue aura around him for those who can see them and not just sense them) he's got a vibe that makes you like him automatically. I've only known him for three months, but if I didn't love my fiance so much, I'd be terribly jealous of his wife. Sadly he's quitting, and starting work in a bookstore. I'll miss him and so will many of my coworkers. But he's starting a new chapter, and I'm sure he'll be able to work his calm influence where ever he works here after.


      • #4
        I've met a few--very few--people like that. The way they come across to me is that they are absolutely certain of their place in life, spiritually; and that gives them a "joy wattage" like the sun itself.

        The first one I met was a tiny, little old nun. My parents and I were visiting my grandfather in the hospital, and this nun happened to get in the same elevator. Happiness was just beaming from her.

        The other one was a woman who heads a pagan sanctuary/retreat. Same kind of spiritual certainty.

        It's pretty cool that even though the denominational differences may seem like they're a world apart, both of these ladies were full of joy. I only wish I could be that serene.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Your brave co-worker definitely deserves some kudos and a for how he handled and put that SC in her place! I love people that have joie de vivre.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Got chills up my spine reading that second story. People like that give me hope for myself and others, knowing we can grow to be like them.
            Don't just do something...sit there!


            • #7
              Quoth ShadowTiger View Post
              So rarely in life, do we ever have experiences such as these. Treasure every one of them. You never know when they will be your last.
              My Nan was like that.

              I try very hard to be like her. Some people who've met us both say she'd be very proud of me.

              Nan died in 2001, having seen her youngest grandchild's daughter, and being the matriarch and the heart of an extended family. Many of us - myself included - made a special journey to be with her during her final illness.

              I always have a Camellia plant (her favourite flower) in my garden in her memory.

              Sorry. I'm babbling. I was privileged to grow up as her grandchild. And now I'm crying. I love my Nan.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

