Yesterday was a winner for those who decide the library is for fornication.
First, me and the cop were talking about different things. Like he gets paid time and 1/2 for overtime working at the library. It's $55
While we were talking, a guy comes up to me and asks for the kids room and I tell him where it is (fourth floor). Cop is surprised we let adults in the kids room but I explain that if an adult/teen doesn't have a kid with him, they can still go in to get a book but have to leave. I also mention (actually becomes important latter) that when the library had enough money, we had a guard on the on thet fourth floor watching the boys bathroom. The guard kept adults (unless it's dad with his son) out of the boys bathroom.
Then he tells me of the story of a woman vs. an 18 wheeler going 70 mph. Note, might cause some people to lose their appitite:
(MOD EDIT: Whited out squeamish story. Highlight to read at your own risk. -Dave1982)
This past Sat. a trucker was driving by the George R. Brown when he hit something. He thought it might be a dog but it felt too big to be a dog. He finally is able to move over to the shoulder by Fannin.
Looking at the grill, he realized that there was a human-shaped indention on it. At some point (after he called the cops) the cops let him go to the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown.
Seems a woman decided to cross the freeway and....
the freeway had to be closed for a mile. The only way they found her torso was because they noticed some birds milling around a spot. Her head was found far from the other body parts. Poor woman, poor truck driver.
Ok now the fornication story.
The cop is stationed at our Welcoming desk. There is also a guard stationed near us, by the doors.
The security office called the Welcoming desk asking for the guard. At the time the guard is stopping a person who went out the door and the door went off. I tell the guard on the phone the guard up here was busy. The guard on the phone wanted to speak to the cop then. You know it will be interresting if the cop is getting involved.
Short story, a guard noticed some guy in front of a men's room. He was watching the guy because he was acting odd. At some point the guard walked away but was able to watch the odd guy. The odd guy thought the guard is gone and motioned someone at the door of the bathroom and out came a lady. So guard has to call back up. The guard and the policeman and another guard are watching the door for the couple to leave but they don't see them. The guard (who witnessed this thing) and the cop finally decided to walk around and found the odd guy by the computers. First the guy denies then confesses, and when asked by the cop, he said he had warrents out for his arrest. Main guard tells him it's up to the cop. Cop says he didn't witness what happened so he isn't going to charge him. Main guard tells odd guy that he is suspended indefinately from the library. Cop tells me a few min. latter when he (cop) leaves, he will pull the guy over and take him in for outstanding warrents.
Finally the woman showed up. She almost got outside when the guard at the door noticed her and called her back. She has no id on her
She get's banned too.
I find out the next day that this couple where on the fourth floor men's bathroom...which happens to be the bathroom boys use! Granted, the bathroom is not in the kids' room, just outside it, but if some kid went in there, that would have been bad.
First, me and the cop were talking about different things. Like he gets paid time and 1/2 for overtime working at the library. It's $55

While we were talking, a guy comes up to me and asks for the kids room and I tell him where it is (fourth floor). Cop is surprised we let adults in the kids room but I explain that if an adult/teen doesn't have a kid with him, they can still go in to get a book but have to leave. I also mention (actually becomes important latter) that when the library had enough money, we had a guard on the on thet fourth floor watching the boys bathroom. The guard kept adults (unless it's dad with his son) out of the boys bathroom.
Then he tells me of the story of a woman vs. an 18 wheeler going 70 mph. Note, might cause some people to lose their appitite:
(MOD EDIT: Whited out squeamish story. Highlight to read at your own risk. -Dave1982)
This past Sat. a trucker was driving by the George R. Brown when he hit something. He thought it might be a dog but it felt too big to be a dog. He finally is able to move over to the shoulder by Fannin.
Looking at the grill, he realized that there was a human-shaped indention on it. At some point (after he called the cops) the cops let him go to the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown.
Seems a woman decided to cross the freeway and....
the freeway had to be closed for a mile. The only way they found her torso was because they noticed some birds milling around a spot. Her head was found far from the other body parts. Poor woman, poor truck driver.
Ok now the fornication story.
The cop is stationed at our Welcoming desk. There is also a guard stationed near us, by the doors.
The security office called the Welcoming desk asking for the guard. At the time the guard is stopping a person who went out the door and the door went off. I tell the guard on the phone the guard up here was busy. The guard on the phone wanted to speak to the cop then. You know it will be interresting if the cop is getting involved.
Short story, a guard noticed some guy in front of a men's room. He was watching the guy because he was acting odd. At some point the guard walked away but was able to watch the odd guy. The odd guy thought the guard is gone and motioned someone at the door of the bathroom and out came a lady. So guard has to call back up. The guard and the policeman and another guard are watching the door for the couple to leave but they don't see them. The guard (who witnessed this thing) and the cop finally decided to walk around and found the odd guy by the computers. First the guy denies then confesses, and when asked by the cop, he said he had warrents out for his arrest. Main guard tells him it's up to the cop. Cop says he didn't witness what happened so he isn't going to charge him. Main guard tells odd guy that he is suspended indefinately from the library. Cop tells me a few min. latter when he (cop) leaves, he will pull the guy over and take him in for outstanding warrents.
Finally the woman showed up. She almost got outside when the guard at the door noticed her and called her back. She has no id on her

I find out the next day that this couple where on the fourth floor men's bathroom...which happens to be the bathroom boys use! Granted, the bathroom is not in the kids' room, just outside it, but if some kid went in there, that would have been bad.