Me again, with more costume-making shenanigans.
I have a customer who is... kind of flaky, I guess is the nicest way to put it. He never responds to e-mails unless I IM him and remind him to check his e-mail. His ideas of what he's wanted changed several times, though at least there were no changes after I actually started work. His "reference" for how his project should look appears to have been made in MS Paint. And he used to put a "z" at the end of every other word when he typed, though thankfully a few months ago he dropped that habit. (Seriously! "Hiz! How youz doing? I wantz to talkz about this ideaz I haz." Like that. Very wtf.)
He owes me a pretty considerable chunk of change, though he did also pay a pretty considerable deposit. (Around $700 in both cases.) Mid December his project was nearly done, so I e-mailed him and let him know that I'd need to be paid the rest before I'd ship it. He said he had no money now, but he would pay me after Christmas, with his gift money.
I gotta say I went like this:
at the idea of getting SEVEN HUNDRED BUCKS for Christmas. But apparently this was as wildly optimistic as it sounded, since he didn't have the money the next time I contacted him, a few days after Christmas. He told me then that he would be getting his money for college on January 18th, and would pay me then.
Cue the
again. He's going to pay me with his COLLEGE TUITION? Or even if it's with his living expense money, or the money his momma gives him to buy pizza or whatever, this is just... ludicrous, frankly.
But... I'm not his mother, so I'm not going to say he can't do this. I'd pretty much finished his project at that point and I wanted to be paid for my time, so I didn't say anything. I just sent him the photos of his finished product and told him I'd ship it as soon as it was paid for.
You may notice that it's now the 19th. He hasn't paid me. I've sent him a reminder e-mail, (and an IM so that he'll read the e-mail) but I gotta admit I almost kind of hope sanity prevailed here and he's not spending his tuition money on a costume! On the other hand, though, if I don't get the money, this month is going to be really tight, financially speaking... so I have no idea what to think about this one.
Edit: Yeah, he just got back to me. :P In addition to telling me his tail was "backwards" (real life translation for that turned out to be that the bright green I'd used on top should have been on the bottom, the white I used on the bottom shouldn't have been there at all, and the top should have been gray, communication is not his strong suit) he told me he hadn't gotten the hoped-for school money, and could only send me a tiny fraction of the amount owed, and would send the rest along in small payments as his school funds arrive *sigh* Worst of both worlds. He's still spending his school funds on this thing AND I don't get the money I need this month. Now instead of having plenty for rent and enough left over to buy some needed supplies and maybe get the rainbow boa I've been eying, I get to scramble desperately for rent, put off getting the supplies until next month, and kiss the boa goodbye.
I have a customer who is... kind of flaky, I guess is the nicest way to put it. He never responds to e-mails unless I IM him and remind him to check his e-mail. His ideas of what he's wanted changed several times, though at least there were no changes after I actually started work. His "reference" for how his project should look appears to have been made in MS Paint. And he used to put a "z" at the end of every other word when he typed, though thankfully a few months ago he dropped that habit. (Seriously! "Hiz! How youz doing? I wantz to talkz about this ideaz I haz." Like that. Very wtf.)
He owes me a pretty considerable chunk of change, though he did also pay a pretty considerable deposit. (Around $700 in both cases.) Mid December his project was nearly done, so I e-mailed him and let him know that I'd need to be paid the rest before I'd ship it. He said he had no money now, but he would pay me after Christmas, with his gift money.
I gotta say I went like this:

Cue the

But... I'm not his mother, so I'm not going to say he can't do this. I'd pretty much finished his project at that point and I wanted to be paid for my time, so I didn't say anything. I just sent him the photos of his finished product and told him I'd ship it as soon as it was paid for.
You may notice that it's now the 19th. He hasn't paid me. I've sent him a reminder e-mail, (and an IM so that he'll read the e-mail) but I gotta admit I almost kind of hope sanity prevailed here and he's not spending his tuition money on a costume! On the other hand, though, if I don't get the money, this month is going to be really tight, financially speaking... so I have no idea what to think about this one.
Edit: Yeah, he just got back to me. :P In addition to telling me his tail was "backwards" (real life translation for that turned out to be that the bright green I'd used on top should have been on the bottom, the white I used on the bottom shouldn't have been there at all, and the top should have been gray, communication is not his strong suit) he told me he hadn't gotten the hoped-for school money, and could only send me a tiny fraction of the amount owed, and would send the rest along in small payments as his school funds arrive *sigh* Worst of both worlds. He's still spending his school funds on this thing AND I don't get the money I need this month. Now instead of having plenty for rent and enough left over to buy some needed supplies and maybe get the rainbow boa I've been eying, I get to scramble desperately for rent, put off getting the supplies until next month, and kiss the boa goodbye.
