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It always seems to be my fault.

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  • It always seems to be my fault.

    Not wanting to threadjack this post I'm starting my own.

    But Betweenshades, I can top you. Wish I couldn't but you just had to re-awaken the repressed memories didn't you?

    Since this happened 10 years ago, what I have in quotes may or may not be accurate to the exact wording. I can assure you however that what I put in quotations will be accurate as to the content of what was said and how it was said.


    A while ago, back in my days of computer retail.

    You know when computers were custom made and you didn't throw them away and buy a new one just because the case is getting dusty.

    I had sold a woman a new computer. She wanted the internet on it and so I pointed her towards the local cable company and the cable internet that was just starting to become popular. I helped her get signed up and she paid for the service over the phone and then the cable company and I coordinated when the services would be up so I could come over and install the computer for her.

    So computer is built and the Cable is installed. I go over and hook everything up and get her online. Yay! Everything is happy.

    Or so thought I.

    About three weeks later I get a VERY angry call from her asking demanding at the top of her lungs to know where in the hell her order is.

    Now for two of those weeks, I was on vacation and I'm wondering if someone else had placed an order and being the poor schlub who answered the phone I may have been unaware. So I ask when the order was placed (sure enough, right when I went on vacation) and I went to check our records.


    I go and tell her that there is no record of any order and this sends her into a screaming rage (nothing she said was coherent) and she hung up on me by the classic process of slamming the phone on the desk several times before pressing the off button.


    The very next day the woman comes in with her husband (who is built like a brick wall and is a Maryland State uniform) and demands the money that we took from her back. She throws a printout of the credit card statement at me. I pick it up and I'm trying to read it while listening to her threaten to have her husband arrest me for theft and seeing in the corner of my eye this guy puffing himself up and making himself look even more imposing.

    I look and see that there is the charge for the $1,200 for the computer and installation and nothing else.

    Confused (and a little nervous from the MST towering over me like a cartoon depiction of a Marine Corp Drill Sargent towering over the skinniest and most nerdy of all the raw recruits) I point out the charge and state that she got the computer and the installation and asked what the problem was.

    New rants and ravings ensue and once again I can't understand what she is talking about. Her husband says that he and his wife are looking for an order placed on the day in question. I look at the statement and the only transaction on that date is an order with "Was this about a book order?" I asked.

    "YES!" she screamed at me. "I placed this order on your computer and your internet and I want those books or my money NOW GODDAMNIT!"

    Now knowing that is a case of "dumbshit-itis" and not the fault of me or my store in any way shape or form I do the roll-stretch of the neck and I draw myself to my full height. I look the trooper in the eye and say...

    "First of all sir, the threats of arrest are pointless as I can show you hotel receipts for the day in question. The order was not given to me and so *I* never took your wife's money.

    Secondly (interrupting him so he couldn't get a word in edgewise), the order was placed to While the computer I sold your wife and the internet service I helped her to sign up for and hooked her new computer up to may have been used to make this purchase, we can no more be held accountable for this order than Verizon can if the order was placed over the phone.

    And thirdly, if you do not get your wife to calm down and stop hurling obscenities towards me about and my breeding them *I* will call the police myself and have her removed."

    The officer then started to say something with an angry look on his face, then that look turned to confused. He calmly asked me to see the statement. I hand it to him and point out the charge where she paid for the computer and the installation which he agreed that he got and I pointed out the next to the charge his wife was frothing at the mouth over.

    I wish I could say that I was exaggerating about the frothing at the mouth. Spittle was flying all over the place. I burned up a can of Windex cleaning the counters after they left.

    The trooper facepalmed, apologized for wasting my time and took his wife by the arm and hauled her out of the store. Before you start thinking "abusive husband", he had to haul her out since she wouldn't leave.

    I listened to them screaming at each other across the parking lot and even when they got to the car she wouldn't get in and they stood there screaming at each other for another 20 minutes before she stormed off and grabbed a taxi leaving the trooper to stand there for another 5 minutes staring down the road that the taxi and her left on.

    Never saw either of them again. Can't say that I really am disappointed about that fact.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    My brain crashed and needed to reboot while reading that. But why is it that I am not suprised about such behavior.
    It is stories like this that makes me lose hope in humanity, piece by piece. Not that there is much left anyway.
    “I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic hatreds.” -George Carlin


    • #3
      This story has caused my brain to explode, I demand you send me a's all your fault . Wow, that is .. a new kind of special...granted it was 10 years ago (I believe?) and fewer people knew anything about computers..but .. wow.
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4
        Wow. Just - wow.
        Thankfully the Trooper husband did have some brain left even though he is (was?) married to a screaming ranting foaming (and dumb as dumb goes) EW.

        This said, the other day I was walking along the Main Street in the village I live in, there was a pool of water after it had been raining for a couple of days, a car drove through it and... you can imagine what happened. My jacket got ruined.
        Now, should I sue Renault for having produced the car that caused the damage or Puma because they made the shoes that allowed me to be there?

        You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

        ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


        • #5
          Quoth C. Cecil Ivanish View Post
          Now, should I sue Renault for having produced the car that caused the damage or Puma because they made the shoes that allowed me to be there?
          Nah! The city for having the audacity to put a city right where a puddle could possibly form and enticing you with their city charms to live there.

          The @#$%ers.
          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            Quoth Architectus Assistantus View Post
            It is stories like this that makes me lose hope in humanity, piece by piece. Not that there is much left anyway.
            Re-read my .sig
            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              I did read it.
              It's just that I haven't been that badly damaged, yet. So I still have some small hope left for humanity.
              “I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic hatreds.” -George Carlin


              • #8
                I envy your ability to remain so cool. Personally I would have been rolling on the floor laughing my head off while trying to avoid getting trampled on by an even more irrate husband.

                My hat is off to you.


                • #9
                  I would have called the cops, and the State Trooper's office to report him. Right in front of him. He probably thought, at first, that you guys had simply scammed his wife. But it was a clear case of abuse of authority to threaten you like that.
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #10
                    You win.

                    Sorry Betweenshades, but Mongo totally wins.
                    Women can do anything men can.
                    But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kristev View Post
                      I would have called the cops, and the State Trooper's office to report him. Right in front of him. He probably thought, at first, that you guys had simply scammed his wife. But it was a clear case of abuse of authority to threaten you like that.
                      I've called 911 on the police twice. In both cases, everyone was so apologietic for having to come take care of one of their wayward brothers.

                      Once was by accident. I didn't know he was a cop, but a silly rookie tripped my commercial alarm. I see someone moving inside, and call 911. He was a bit embarrased when his sergeant had to come down to fill out paperwork. Sergeant must have filled it out wrong, because the city sent me a bill for a false alarm. Rather than fix it, the sergeant made the rookie pay it.


                      • #12
                        I think it's wrong that he tried to use his job position to threaten you like that; abuse of power and such. I'm glad he realized it was his wife that made the mistake and not you.
                        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                        • #13
                          damn. not only was she stupid... her stupidity actually put her husband's job at risk
                          although... really he should have looked at her "evidence" before trying to pull the police-card on you too

                          I've called 911 on the police twice.
                          of course now i'm curious what the other case was for
                          Last edited by PepperElf; 02-11-2011, 08:11 PM.


                          • #14
                            wow, forget about the book order, how in the hell did she pass a driver's test with that level of stupidity?

                            something tells me they won't be married long...his career can't handle this kind of stupid action for long.
                            look! it's ghengis khan!
                            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                            • #15
                              My guess is that he couldn't make heads or tails out of what she was saying at home or on the way there, either, but he figured she must have been scammed somehow, and he wanted to get it straightened out so she would shut the hell up.
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

