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She Must Be Very Proud (epic)

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  • She Must Be Very Proud (epic)

    I have mentioned on here the issue with parents collecting confiscated items from the office. The problem is that as soon as I start my shift, all the staff that can get into the safe where the confiscated stuff is kept go home. So if someone turns up wanting something, well, tough. They have to wait until the morning.

    A parent and his daughter came in. The parent looked…well the only word I can use is scary! He looked like your stereotypical prisoner. I will call him SP.

    SP: My daughters phone was taken off her today. I want it back.
    Me: Oh, I’m sorry, but all the office staff have gone home…

    I could see his face fill with rage in an instant. I attempted to calm him.

    Me: …but I will just make a phone call to see if there is anyone still around who can get it.

    I made a call to a deputy head. They said there was no one in that could get the phone, and they would have to get it in the morning. She also stated that this was the fourth time in a couple of weeks that this girl had had a phone confiscated, so she didn’t have much sympathy for her.

    I went back to SP.

    Me: I’m very sorry, but there is no way I can get the phone. It is locked away and I do not have access to the safe and everyone else has gone home for the day.

    I could see his face getting redder and redder.


    Did I mention that the reception area was full of children and parents? Some as young as four years old! Several parents immediately gasped and started to cover their kids ears. Others expressed disgust.

    I could not think of what to say except “Excuse me?!”

    Me: I’m phoning the police.

    Daughter grabbed her dad.

    D: Dad, come on, let’s go. Come on dad.

    She dragged him out. Yeah, that looked good. A thirteen year old girl dragging her insane father out. He left with her though, and the reception area was left with a deadly silence. I stood there for about a minute, chewing on my hand wondering what to do. It was so different from being at the pub. If a customer at the pub had spoken to me like that, I would have used similar language back at him, or got the doormen to see to him. I was left with neither, and I had children to consider.

    I sat down and called the police. After that, I sent several e-mails to every senior member of staff, notifying them of the incident. I was very, very shaken for some reason. I mean, I dealt with that kind of stuff on a daily basis of the pub, but this behaviour had completely shocked me.

    After getting an e-mail, one of the deputy heads immediately ran downstairs to see that I was OK. The police turned up pretty quickly as well and took a statement. SP really didn’t plan very much before he went nuts, did he? I mean, I knew his daughter’s name, so all I had to do was look her up on the system and find all of his contact details! One of the police officers turned to me.

    PO: Can we have the phone?
    Me: Oh well, I don’t have access to the safe. That was the problem in the first place.
    DH: I may have a number for one of the office staff! I will call them.

    DH made the call, and we got the code for the safe. We handed it over.

    PO: We’ll keep that! And we will pay Mr. SP a visit. And if his attitude hasn’t improved, then I think a night in a cold cell will do, won’t it?
    Me: And what about if he returns in the future?
    DH: I want him banned from this school.
    PO: That’s fine. We will put that in place. If you seen him set foot in your car park, call us.

    The police left. The next thing I knew, I was being surrounded by random members of staff. People I hadn’t even told about the incident! It had only been half an hour, and the whole school knew. They arrived, armed with chocolate, sandwiches and hot drinks, and started hugging me! A co-worker spoke up.

    CW: Go home customersruinmylife, I will do your shift.
    Me: No, really, I’m fine.
    CW: No, what happened to you was one of the worst things I’ve ever heard. I want to volunteer and do your shift.
    Me: No, seriously, it’s OK. Thanks a lot, but I’m OK.
    CW: Are you absolutely sure?
    Me: I am.

    I couldn’t believe it! I’ve never had co-workers who were so…caring! It brought a tear to my eye.

    You may ask “Well, if DH had the number for someone all along, why didn’t they just do that when I called them earlier?” Well, the answer to that is that we don’t expect parents in a school of all places, to go ape-shit when they are told no. Most parents when told they cannot have something back until the morning turn to their child and say “Oh well, that will serve you right for getting it confiscated in the first place!” Plus, why should be bother someone at home for someone who was stupid enough to get caught on their phone in class?

    What was most worrying about this tale is that the police seemed to be completely aware of who I was talking about. I didn’t even have to give a description of the man, and they didn’t ask to review the footage. They knew exactly who he was just from the name. Which says it all really.

  • #2
    I'm glad you're ok. You handled yourself exceptionally well; far better than I would have in the same situation.
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      Jeepers! I'm glad you did what you did. If you hadn't, i am fairly certain that man would have come back in a little later to...make due with his promise. ><

      So glad you are safe and well. A little shaken no doubt, but all together well.
      I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

      When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


      • #4

        Around here, that would get the child expelled too. Along with any of their siblings that may not have even been present.


        • #5
          CRML, you had every reason to be upset. SP has some serious issues, not just as a criminal, but I would guess he has some mental issues, and crazy people can be very dangerous. I ride public transit every day, and I would rather sit with the gangbangers than with the crazy.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            And this is the person who is responsible for that poor girl. And she went home with him.


            • #7
              i'm also glad you're ok and have coworkers who care; that guy needs more than a cooling off session in jail...anger management, counseling and maybe some meds.

              here's to him never returning or you seeing him anywhere else.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Wow...just wow.
                Talk about Courage under Fire! Well done! The cool head prevailed. Hopefully the hot head can cool off in a nice jail cell.


                • #9
                  You know, that's why it's called a safe? If everyone had the combination, it wouldn't be too secure, now would it?

                  And I'm so happy to hear about your coworkers. I know you enjoy your work, but I still keep wishing even better things for you and your job. Good luck with everything you've been working on!
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    I think it must be crazier to experience that at your new job than at the bar because you aren't half-expecting that sort of behavior anymore. Plus, you don't have a bouncer at hand and a dozen regulars who you know from personal experience might have your back if someone got violent. At the school, everyone's so shocked that for the instant, you're more on your own. My thoughts on the matter at least.

                    This parent aside, it makes me so happy to read your posts now-a-days after all the craziness you used to have at that bar. I'm thrilled for you that you've gotten into such a better situation and are happy where you are. Gives hope to the forum as a whole that such can be achieved.


                    • #11
                      Why don't you have one of those trap doors installed like Mr. Burns has on The Simpsons?

                      If there's ever a spinoff section of CS, like oh.. "Homicidal Customers", this IS the first entry.


                      • #12
                        Scary. Glad you're OK. I would have been a basket case.
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear you went through that, customersruinmylife. You handled yourself well.

                          It sucks to work in a profession where you have to be the "bigger person" and take all the crap that flies your way. It's not right, but it's the way it is.

                          I admire your coolness under fire.
                          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                          • #14
                            Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                            Daughter grabbed her dad.

                            D: Dad, come on, let’s go. Come on dad.
                            At least the daughter seems to have some modicum of situational awareness. She's going to need it.
                            Life's too short to drink cheap beer


                            • #15
                              Scary!! I'm so glad that you are okay! You have some amazing coworkers too!!! *hugs*
                              The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

