BG: I make and sell quilts and have an online store
Normally this time of year is well kinda dead for me. I just buy fabric and sew to my heart's delight, occasionally I'll sell a quilt and ship it off, no biggie.
This year I think I'm living in some kind of stupid vortex. I was actually completely booked over the holidays and even now I am running with at least 1 custom order at all times, right now I have 3.
But I'm getting all kinds of emails from "customers" ranging from the stupid and absurd to just downright ludicris.
"Hi I love your quilts, can I have one for free?"
Lots of variations on this one. Sometimes they'll tell me I'm a bad businessperson by charging too much, sometimes they'll try to tell me that they're a huge fan. Sorry, right now I only have 2 quilt groupies, more if you count the kidlets/hubby.
"Hi I have a blog and if you send me x item for free I'll tell everyone how awesome you are!"
Yeah, sorry sweetcheeks. No way. I'm not raking in the dough enough to pay for advertising yet, and besides word of mouth is the best. Also they always seem to want the most expensive/popular/time consuming to make things.
"I heard if I asked, that I could have something half off/free!"
Whoever you asked, they're a filthy liar. Even my friends don't get stuff for free. Even my mom doesn't get stuff for free. She trades quilts for more fabric for me.
"Do you have (insert whatever popular thing is hot right now) quilt/fabric?"
While it is true that I have not-quite-a-TARDIS-load of fabric to work with, I really don't have everything. And even with my google-fu sometimes there just isn't fabric. Invariably, when/if I do find the fabric they're lusting after it's wrong color/wrong scale. And of course they don't understand the concept of 'limited-run' fabric.
"What's a quilt? Why do they cost so much? You're ripping people off!"
A quilt represents a lot of time and energy. Most take me at least a week to make. Some of the fabric is old and out-of-print, sometimes the pieces are very very small and took me forever to get to fit just right.
And now in edited email form, my latest frustration
SC = you all know by now
me = quilter of awesome
SC: Hi I like (quilt), but I want it in a larger size, can you do that?
( this is a perfectly valid question. The only problem I have is that most of the fabric I buy has a limited run, so often by the time I've finished the quilt and put it up for sale, it may be difficult or even impossible to get the same fabric again. )
me: I would be happy to make you a quilt in a larger size. Let me see if I can locate the fabric again and I will contact you again.
( After this I call/email all my local fabric stores and find out that they are all out of the fabric. Then because I am super nice, I even break out the google-fu and find it online, at a fabric reseller's website. In the meantime, she's sent me another email. )
SC: Alright that's fine. It's so frustrating to have to email everyone and ask if they make their advertised quilts in larger sizes.
Me: Great news, I was able to locate enough fabric to make your quilt. It'll take me about a month to complete a quilt of that size.
SC: That's just fine, I'm in no hurry. How much will it cost?
Me: $xxx, with free shipping. Normally with custom orders, I ask for 50% up front and the other 50% upon completion, however I can split it up into smaller payments if you'd like.
SC: Why is it $xxx, when the other quilt is $xx?
Me: The original quilt is (small size) and the quilt you'd like is (larger size) also the fabric is out of print and somewhat difficult to locate.
SC: Fine, let me think about it. (I can hear the grumbling through the computer.)
So now that's where I am, she's musing over the fact that I have offered her exactly what she wanted, for actually a really good price considering the work that's involved. Plus I threw in free shipping. And the fabric I need to make her quilt is only on-hold with the reseller, so if she drags her feet on this, they'll sell it to someone else.
Also her "why don't people make larger sizes?!" whine : Personally all of my quilts are OOAK. I don't buy enough to make multiple sizes of each pattern. Some patterns don't even translate well to other sizes. Plus also, I'm not a department store.
Thank god it's a friday and tomorrow I can go grab superman and dragon fabrics my very very nice dealers....err fabric ladies said that they just got in.
Normally this time of year is well kinda dead for me. I just buy fabric and sew to my heart's delight, occasionally I'll sell a quilt and ship it off, no biggie.
This year I think I'm living in some kind of stupid vortex. I was actually completely booked over the holidays and even now I am running with at least 1 custom order at all times, right now I have 3.
But I'm getting all kinds of emails from "customers" ranging from the stupid and absurd to just downright ludicris.
"Hi I love your quilts, can I have one for free?"
Lots of variations on this one. Sometimes they'll tell me I'm a bad businessperson by charging too much, sometimes they'll try to tell me that they're a huge fan. Sorry, right now I only have 2 quilt groupies, more if you count the kidlets/hubby.
"Hi I have a blog and if you send me x item for free I'll tell everyone how awesome you are!"
Yeah, sorry sweetcheeks. No way. I'm not raking in the dough enough to pay for advertising yet, and besides word of mouth is the best. Also they always seem to want the most expensive/popular/time consuming to make things.

"I heard if I asked, that I could have something half off/free!"
Whoever you asked, they're a filthy liar. Even my friends don't get stuff for free. Even my mom doesn't get stuff for free. She trades quilts for more fabric for me.
"Do you have (insert whatever popular thing is hot right now) quilt/fabric?"
While it is true that I have not-quite-a-TARDIS-load of fabric to work with, I really don't have everything. And even with my google-fu sometimes there just isn't fabric. Invariably, when/if I do find the fabric they're lusting after it's wrong color/wrong scale. And of course they don't understand the concept of 'limited-run' fabric.
"What's a quilt? Why do they cost so much? You're ripping people off!"
A quilt represents a lot of time and energy. Most take me at least a week to make. Some of the fabric is old and out-of-print, sometimes the pieces are very very small and took me forever to get to fit just right.
And now in edited email form, my latest frustration
SC = you all know by now
me = quilter of awesome
SC: Hi I like (quilt), but I want it in a larger size, can you do that?
( this is a perfectly valid question. The only problem I have is that most of the fabric I buy has a limited run, so often by the time I've finished the quilt and put it up for sale, it may be difficult or even impossible to get the same fabric again. )
me: I would be happy to make you a quilt in a larger size. Let me see if I can locate the fabric again and I will contact you again.
( After this I call/email all my local fabric stores and find out that they are all out of the fabric. Then because I am super nice, I even break out the google-fu and find it online, at a fabric reseller's website. In the meantime, she's sent me another email. )
SC: Alright that's fine. It's so frustrating to have to email everyone and ask if they make their advertised quilts in larger sizes.
Me: Great news, I was able to locate enough fabric to make your quilt. It'll take me about a month to complete a quilt of that size.
SC: That's just fine, I'm in no hurry. How much will it cost?
Me: $xxx, with free shipping. Normally with custom orders, I ask for 50% up front and the other 50% upon completion, however I can split it up into smaller payments if you'd like.
SC: Why is it $xxx, when the other quilt is $xx?
Me: The original quilt is (small size) and the quilt you'd like is (larger size) also the fabric is out of print and somewhat difficult to locate.
SC: Fine, let me think about it. (I can hear the grumbling through the computer.)
So now that's where I am, she's musing over the fact that I have offered her exactly what she wanted, for actually a really good price considering the work that's involved. Plus I threw in free shipping. And the fabric I need to make her quilt is only on-hold with the reseller, so if she drags her feet on this, they'll sell it to someone else.
Also her "why don't people make larger sizes?!" whine : Personally all of my quilts are OOAK. I don't buy enough to make multiple sizes of each pattern. Some patterns don't even translate well to other sizes. Plus also, I'm not a department store.
Thank god it's a friday and tomorrow I can go grab superman and dragon fabrics my very very nice dealers....err fabric ladies said that they just got in.