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Wherein I Peddle Unimaginable Wonders

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  • Wherein I Peddle Unimaginable Wonders

    You know, even I'm starting to become alarmed and amazed at the quantity of....whatever this is....that I put up with every week. >.>

    Decidedly Un-International Man of Mystery

    Me: “And your name please, ma’am?”
    SC: “Uhh..”

    You may not realize this, but that is never an encouraging noise in response to a question. Now, I know that it’s rather cold up there, and much like a car engine your brain needs to be started up and left in the drive way for a few minutes to warm up. Before it is capable of accomplishing anything. However, I would appreciate if you did this before you called.

    SC: “I wanna put it under Jim Reindeer”

    ….Jim…Reindeer? Is there suppose to be a “The” in the middle? I feel compelled to point out two things here: A) I cannot accept orders on behalf of wild animals and B) Reindeers don’t actually need pants.

    Unless that was some sort of joke that just didn’t translate across the cultural divide that well. Come to think of it, it does sound kind like a sort of low budget rip off of 007. Perhaps one produced locally that airs on public access. Documenting the adventures of a distinctly un-international but never the less sly, debonair superspy / dog sled racer who does battle with the sophisticated criminal masterminds of the north. Who…ever they might be….I don’t know. Perhaps a locally infamous walrus smuggler with a penchant for lasers. His nefarious plans can be stopped by only one man:

    Reindeer, Jim Reindeer.

    Move It Along, Sister

    Me: “And your phone number please, ma’am?”
    SC: “uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh…..8 <giggle>”
    Me: “……….?”
    SC: “…….You got it?”

    Yes, I got it. I am also capable of processing more than 1 number at a time. You may proceed through the rest of the phone number in wild abandon. Rest assured I will be able to keep up my stalwart documentation. So go ahead, let your hair down, cut loose and party your way through all 10.

    Me: “And the item number, please?”
    SC: “6”
    Me: “……..?”
    SC: “……..”
    Me: “….Yes?”
    SC: “7”
    Me: “…….?"
    SC: “……..”
    Me: “….....Yes?”
    SC: "0"

    Right, the next time you call to order, do you think you could give me a heads up? I mean, obviously we're going to be enduring each other's company for some time here. The least you could do when you call is have the courtesy to go "Ok, this may take a while. Do you want a minute to get some water and an energy bar?" or even a simple "Ha ha! I hope you packed a sandwich, fucker!" would suffice.

    ( Call Duration: 15m37s. Items Ordered: 3 )


    I spent the whole trip downtown this evening sitting behind an older gentleman I’ve taken to calling Rubberneck McGrundy. Solely because, despite being in at least his mid-40s, he still seems absolutely amazed that vagina exists. Thus any appearance of a an attractive female ( the younger the better, of course ) on the Skytrain platform led to him plastering his face and hands against the window as the train pulled up. Eyes like saucers. Mouth agape. Just…staring. At every station. He would select a target and fixate. Stopping only when the train pulling away finally broke his line of sight.

    Because if there’s anything you want to make you feel at ease riding public transit after dark, it’s looking up and realizing you're being eye fucked by a man twice your age with poor impulse control.


    Me: “Could you hold a moment, please?”
    SC: "No! I've already been on hold for TWO HOURS!!"
    Me: "Ma'am, the lines have only been open for 12 minutes."
    SC: "........"
    Me: "........"
    SC: "Well, hmph!"

    You know, frankly you wouldn't have looked less like an idiot if you had waited on hold for 2 hours either.

    Dubious Superpowers

    Me: “And the item number please?”
    SC: “xxxx”

    Let me just stop you right there. I feel the need to intervene in what I am sensing is a terrible, terrible idea that may lead to grevious bodily harm.

    I know that "Marmot Gravity Jacket" with "Angel Wing Movement" sounds like a jacket that has a high possibility of granting at least some basic low level superpowers. But trust me, they're just marketing terms. This jacket in no way negates gravity nor allows the user to fly or even glide over short distances. Marmots have the exact same gravity as everyone else.

    I guess it might grant you the power of marmots themselves. But seeing as those are basically slower, fatter squirrels, I’m not sure such abilities would have any practical applications.

    Such A Stupid Question

    I was momentarily stunned by an inquiry on my way out of the station this evening. You know, the sort of question that is so beyond silly your brain actually shuts down to protect itself and you just sort of stand there. Wordlessly opening and closing your mouth, trying to formulate a serious response. I was only able to answer in single words and gestures after recovering from the shock.

    You see, some Skytrain stations have one big middle platform for both East and Westbound trains. But others have two seperate platforms, one for each direction. So you must select the correct staircase in order to get to the correct platform for the Eastbound or Westbound track. It might cause momentary confusion, but it is a rather easy riddle to figure out. Especially with all of the giant signs everywhere telling you where to go.

    Thus when someone stopped me and asked “Hey, how do you get to the other side?” referring to the opposite platform, I was briefly stunned into incoherence. Mainly because in order to reach me to ask this question, he had to walk around the staircase and past the elevator that would have taken him to the other platform. Both of which are plastered with signs. The elevator even has "ELEVATOR" stamped on the door in giant letters.

    I could only point at the stairs and elevator in turn and grunt “Stairs. Elevator.”. Which is fortunate, as a more complex explanation may have gone over his head.

    By Your Powers Combined

    SC: “It stinks again! My face is going numb.”

    Clean your house. Seriously, I have 15 calls in my log here from the last 7 days. 14 are from you. Whatever you smell is localized to your immediate environment. You may wish to search your immediate surroundings for dead bodies and/or expired milk.


    Me: “Do you have an account number?”
    SC: “Uh, yes, but I don’t know where i-OH HO HO WOAH! LOOKY HERE! OH MY GOD! I do too!”

    …Yes, truly it is a miracle. Allow me to hum the chorus of “Hallejuah” for the duration of this call in celebration of your achievement.

    The Line

    Me: "Alright, your tickets should arrive in a week or two-"
    SC: “If I win I’ll take you out for a steak dinner.”

    Now now, Mr Bond. I never mix business with pleasure.

    SC: “If I can find you.”

    ……I….I rather think I would prefer to not be found. You must be a hit at parties. If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.

    Oddly Specific

    “Hey, do you have a couple bucks for a transfer?”

    No, no I do not Rob the Native guy with the wavy hair in the dark shirt with the sunglasses carrying a Chihuahua who is Rick’s roommate. But I do wonder why it is you’re on the Skytrain asking me this question when you obviously lack the transfer that demostrates you have paid the fare.

    Although, I do wish you could have seen the look on the face of the guy whose cell phone you borrowed to call a “friend to pick me up” when you had to loudly remind this “friend” who you were. By describing yourself as “Rob the Native guy with the wavy hair in the dark shirt with the sunglasses carrying a Chihuahua. You know, Rick’s roommate.”

    But We Have Such Wonders

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “Uh, not really.”

    You don’t sound convinced. Are you sure you don’t want to place an order? We have many wonderous and amazing items in a plethora of eye searing colours that will help you stand out for miles on the arctic tundra. Whether you’re just trying to survive the tempature or you want to look like an extra in a rap video. Or both. We’ve got you covered!

    We even have a jacket that will grant you the power of a large squirrel.


    Me: “Good evening, <company> Tech Support”
    SC: “What’s this?”
    Me: “This is <company> Tech Support”
    SC: "Is this a taxi cab?”
    Me: “No”
    SC: “What is this again?”

    You know, you’d think <company> Tech Support wouldn’t really leave any room for mystery as to the function of this company.


    Me: “And your first name please, ma’am?”
    SC: “Siaqawatukkij”

    O…okay…….are…are you serious? I mean, I’ll be the first to admit that some rather odd names tend to go by on this line. But this is the first time I’ve encountered anyone whose parents turned to one another and went “Oh, Honey, we should name her after what’s left on screen after we shoosh the cat off the keyboard. It’s perfect!”.

    Northern Exposure

    Me: “What is your name please, sir?”
    SC: “Vaqvauqajittkshaa”

    Oh, hey! I think I met your sister.

    Me: “Which catalog are you looking in there?”
    SC: “Uhh……..I’d like to…..uhhhh……jeans”
    Me: “Which catalog are they in though? I can't find them in my inventory.”
    SC: “Jeans”
    Me: “Yes, but which catalog are you looking in? 2010? 2011? Fall? Winter?”
    SC: “Wha?”
    Me: “Which catalog is this?”
    SC: “What? Code?”
    Me: “Is this the Fall catalog? Or the Winter catalog or?”
    SC: “Uh. 1.”

    ….Sure, Catalog #1. Let’s just go with that. I’d like to finish this call before the end of my shift and I only have 5 hours to go.

    Me: “And the item number please?”
    SC: “xxxx”
    Me: “I only have that in stock in small.”
    SC: “That’s the large?”
    Me: “I don’t have that in stock in large, sorry.”
    SC: “Extra large?”
    Me: “I don’t have that, sorry. I only have it in small.”
    SC: “Uhhhhhhhh… that pretty small?”
    Me: “Yes, that’s small.”
    SC: “Is that very small?”
    Me: “…Yes.”
    SC: “I need a big one.”
    Me: “I don’t have any in stock, sorry.”
    SC: “Uh, well, I’ll just get it anyway.”

    But…..but why? It’s not going to fit. It would be pointless. Futile. You’re paying for something you cannot possibly utilize. Do you not see the inherent folly with this decision? You, as in you, the person calling me right now and desperately trying to struggle his way through a basic conversation. Are going to pay, as in trade your shiny objects for, an article of clothing, that’s the thing you have to put on to stop you from being arrested when you leave the house, that you cannot actually wear. Thus rendering it futile in preventing you from being arrested when you leave the house.

    SC: “What about….uh…..wait………..xxxx”
    Me: “I’m sorry, I don’t have any of those in stock.”
    SC: “Wha?”
    Me: “I don’t have any of those at all.”
    SC: “I’ll get a large.”
    Me: “I don’t have that in stock, sir.”
    SC: “Huh?”
    Me: “I don’t have any of those”
    SC: “Uhhh……wait…..”

    I’m beginning to get the impression that the sentences I am using are too complex for you. If you wish, I can just shout “NO! BAD!” from here on whenever you’re about to make a tragic mistake.

    SC: “I’ll just get uh, xxxx”

    ……That’s the same item you just asked for. Which I do not have. Wait, sorry….

    NO! BAD!

    Me: “I don’t have that one, sir.”
    SC: “Wha?”
    Me: “I don’t have that item.”
    SC: “You don’t have that one?”
    Me: “No.”
    SC: “You don’t have it?”
    Me: “No, I don’t have that item, sir.”
    SC: “Uhh….”

    I have none. Nadda. Zilch. Zero. Where that item should be is only nothingness. Much like the inside of your head.

    SC: “Uh, what did I order?”

    …What? Really? Alright, before we proceed can I just ask you to do me a quick favour? Put the phone down, take off your hat ( You’re wearing one. We both know it. Just admit it. ) and place both hands on your head. Now, start feeling around your skull for holes or damp spots. Your ears don’t count. We’re looking for any possible leaks or cracks leading directly into your brain that may have resulted from the cranial trauma you seem to be suffering from.

    SC: “xxxx”
    Me: “….You already ordered that, sir. That's the one I only had in small.”
    SC: “Oh yeah? I’ll get that one.”
    Me: “…You sure want it in small?”
    SC: “Is that too small?”
    Me: “It’s a small sir, I don’t have it in L or XL”
    SC: “Uh, yeah. I’ll just get it.”
    Me: “Are you absolutely sure? It’s not going to fit.”
    SC: “Yeah, I’ll get it.”

    .....I can’t believe you just made this mistake twice, even with my cautionary counsel.

    SC: “And this one: xxxx”
    Me: “You’ve already ordered that one, sir.”
    SC: “Yeah.”

    …..Then why did you ask for it again?

    SC: “xxxx, that one too.”
    Me: “You’ve already ordered that one as well.”
    SC: “Yeah, I know.”

    ……..Then…why did you…..ask……NO! BAD!

    Me: “Will that be by credit card or COD?”
    SC: “Oh, I dun have ID, I jus got outta jail 2 weeks ago.”

    Let me guess: Indecent exposure?

    annnnd rest

  • #2
    Man, so many Skytrain encounters.

    So, do you ever talk to the day-shift folks? Do they ever get the calls from that "it smells funny" woman?
    Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
    Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
    Fiancee: What?!
    Me: Nevermind.


    • #3
      Wow. I've worked at a number of call centers in my time, but none of them have had the crazy like you. Your posts always make me laugh and cry from the sheer horror of the stupidity.
      "I try to take reality one day at time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

        Decidedly Un-International Man of Mystery

        B) Reindeers don’t actually need pants.
        Perhaps the denizens of the North didn't get that memo? Aha! THAT's why they need all those pants!

        Jim Reindeer


        Come to think of it, it does sound kind like a sort of low budget rip off of 007. Perhaps one produced locally that airs on public access. Documenting the adventures of a distinctly un-international but never the less sly, debonair superspy / dog sled racer who does battle with the sophisticated criminal masterminds of the north. Who…ever they might be….I don’t know. Perhaps a locally infamous walrus smuggler with a penchant for lasers. His nefarious plans can be stopped by only one man:

        Reindeer, Jim Reindeer.
        Once again I am thankful to be alone, as not to get strange looks from my maniacal laughter

        Come to think of it maniacal laughter is sometimes a trait of those criminal masterminds... oh no no no! Don't send Jim Reindeer after me!!!
        Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


        • #5
          An Experiment

          I wonder, if we all got together and decided to call up GK during business hours to see if any of us make up anything more out there than his usual callers. Could we out whatever the usual's?
          Also, GK, your SkyTrain encounters are virtually always way more entertaining than than your callers. I hope for our sakes (unfortunately, it may not be good for you) that you get to experience many more.
          Last edited by Stryker One; 10-10-2011, 10:18 PM. Reason: Post Icon removal.


          • #6
            <snip>SC: “If I win I’ll take you out for a steak dinner...SC: “If I can find you.”<snip>
            Oh noes, THE pickup line has escaped to the frozen north and mutated!

            My B-I-L's favorite pickup line is: "Would you be seduced if I bought you a steak dinner?" The current success rate is around 95%, with no expenditure on steak dinners and the one girl that said "I'm a vegan, so if you'd said a chicken dinner, I'd have been seduced." She was not amused when he laughed and explained that chicken is an animal.
            Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

            Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              This jacket in no way negates gravity nor allows the user to fly or even glide over short distances. Marmots have the exact same gravity as everyone else.
              Considering some of the marketing terms they use around the thing, I can totally see why some of your more special customers might be confused.

              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              SC: “It stinks again! My face is going numb.”
              If you're super-lucky, her face really will go numb and take away her ability to smell anything.

              Then, when she calls (because you know she will), you can tell her it's all in her head.

              Not that that will stop her, either.... >_>

              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              You know, you’d think <company> Tech Support wouldn’t really leave any room for mystery as to the function of this company.
              Yeah, but you also have no idea what <company> Tech Support sounds like to someone who is too drunk to drive himself home.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8

                Me: “Could you hold a moment, please?”
                SC: "No! I've already been on hold for TWO HOURS!!"
                Me: "Ma'am, the lines have only been open for 12 minutes."
                SC: "........"
                Me: "........"
                SC: "Well, hmph!"
                Customer Standard Time strikes again.

                And the lady with the stinky home: Her face is going numb? Good, when it reaches her mouth, you shouldn't have to hear from her again. Unless she just calls anyway and randomly punches numbers trying to beep S.O.S. on her phone...
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  Dubious Superpowers

                  Me: “And the item number please?”
                  SC: “xxxx”

                  Let me just stop you right there. I feel the need to intervene in what I am sensing is a terrible, terrible idea that may lead to grevious bodily harm.

                  I know that "Marmot Gravity Jacket" with "Angel Wing Movement" sounds like a jacket that has a high possibility of granting at least some basic low level superpowers. But trust me, they're just marketing terms. This jacket in no way negates gravity nor allows the user to fly or even glide over short distances. Marmots have the exact same gravity as everyone else.

                  I guess it might grant you the power of marmots themselves. But seeing as those are basically slower, fatter squirrels, I’m not sure such abilities would have any practical applications.
                  Sir, I am dissapoint. I actually looked up this marvel of clothing engineering in the hopes it actually WAS a jacket with wings and that your description was provided so that the clueless callers could not get their hands on such a marvellous treasure. Alas, it was not to be, as it is just a jacket with no special features. I will call 50 times a night and complain about the stench as your punishment.

                  Btw, I just spent an unholy amount of time at your experiences. Thanks for another week of stories!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    No, no I do not Rob the Native guy with the wavy hair in the dark shirt with the sunglasses carrying a Chihuahua who is Rick’s roommate.
                    I totally thought you meant the Chihuahua was Rick's roommate. Also, thank you for knowing how or taking the time to look up how to spell Chihuahua.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                      I totally thought you meant the Chihuahua was Rick's roommate.
                      So glad I wasn't the only one that thought this.
                      Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                      Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                      • #12
                        Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                        Also, thank you for knowing how or taking the time to look up how to spell Chihuahua.
                        I've never had trouble spelling chihuahua since I saw an episode of "WKRP In Cincinnati" where Les Nesman kept pronouncing chihuahua as Ch-eye-hoo-uh-hoo-uh.


                        • #13
                          OK, I'm done crying from laughing so hard now...but I do so look forward to the GK postings...(sorry to laugh at your misery, GK, but...why else would you post these?? )

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Me: “Do you have an account number?”
                          SC: “Uh, yes, but I don’t know where i-OH HO HO WOAH! LOOKY HERE! OH MY GOD! I do too!”
                          With us it's usually an order number, but yeah...they say they can't find it, I ask for some other information to look them up with and as soon as I'm done typing that in they say "Oh, HERE it is!" Geez. I will admit, though, that sometimes I get disorganized when I call customer service somewhere and then I do the same Sorry
                          "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Grumpy View Post
                            I've never had trouble spelling chihuahua since I saw an episode of "WKRP In Cincinnati" where Les Nesman kept pronouncing chihuahua as Ch-eye-hoo-uh-hoo-uh.
                            Is that the one with "Ch-eye Ch-eye Rod-reh-gweez"?

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              ( Call Duration: 15m37s. Items Ordered: 3 )
                              That is scary in ways I can't even begin to explain. Now, the one benefit to your job is that you only have to deal with one of your customers at a time. Imagine that same sort of pondering slow-witted interaction when you have a full bar or dining room section and have other customers waiting on you, and you go through the food service equivalent of that particular caller:

                              SERVER: "Are you folks ready to order?"
                              SC: ".....yes."
                              SERVER: "What can I get for you?"
                              SC: "'ll"
                              SERVER: "Which one is that?"
                              SC: " Gravekeeper........Special.......Roasted Elk. With.....fries."

                              Sadly, this is a common thing, and the above typed passage does not adequately convey the amount of dead air and delay and just utter lack of life involved in these interactions.

                              So yeah, I feel your pain.

                              But at least I have access to shots.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Solely because, despite being in at least his mid-40s, he still seems absolutely amazed that vagina exists.
                              I, being in my early 40's (shhh...don't tell anyone) am still amazed that vagina exists, and enjoy looking at it/watching it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Unlike your fellow traveler, however, I learned how to (usually) appear nonchalant about it by, oh, the age of FIFTEEN. And even on those few times when I am caught staring/leering/optically drooling, at least I am not plastered to a window like a penniless kid outside of FAO Schwarz.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              you're being eye fucked by a man twice your age with poor impulse control.
                              Truly one of the best phrases you have yet come up with.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              I guess it might grant you the power of marmots themselves. But seeing as those are basically slower, fatter squirrels, I’m not sure such abilities would have any practical applications.
                              Unless, of course, they really like nuts.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              You know, the sort of question that is so beyond silly your brain actually shuts down to protect itself and you just sort of stand there. Wordlessly opening and closing your mouth, trying to formulate a serious response. I was only able to answer in single words and gestures after recovering from the shock.
                              I have dealt with such questions. The most recent memorable one being, "That Mount Gay that a rum designed for gay people to drink?"

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              You see, some Skytrain stations have one big middle platform for both East and Westbound trains. But others have two seperate platforms, one for each direction. So you must select the correct staircase in order to get to the correct platform for the Eastbound or Westbound track.
                              In other words, just like pretty much every other mass transit train system in North America, and probably the world.

                              Yes, very complex, that.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              SC: “Uh, yes, but I don’t know where i-OH HO HO WOAH! LOOKY HERE! OH MY GOD! I do too!”
                              I have actually been this person. On more than one occasion.

                              Yes, I very much amuse many telephone CSR's.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”
                              Sadly, I've also been this person. Sadly, also on more than one occasion.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Although, I do wish you could have seen the look on the face of the guy whose cell phone you borrowed to call a “friend to pick me up” when you had to loudly remind this “friend” who you were. By describing yourself as “Rob the Native guy with the wavy hair in the dark shirt with the sunglasses carrying a Chihuahua. You know, Rick’s roommate.”
                              Since we could not see the face of that guy, would you care to describe it for us? As I'm sure it was classic, and you do rather have a way with words.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              You know, you’d think <company> Tech Support wouldn’t really leave any room for mystery as to the function of this company.
                              To be (somewhat) fair, I could see someone hearing <company> Tech Support as <company> Taxi Port. It's not that big a stretch.

                              They're still blithering idiots, mind you. But I can see how they might be more confused than what is normal even for their dull minds.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Me: “Which catalog are you looking in there?”
                              SC: “Uhh……..I’d like to…..uhhhh……jeans”
                              Me: “Which catalog are they in though? I can't find them in my inventory.”
                              SC: “Jeans”
                              Me: “Yes, but which catalog are you looking in? 2010? 2011? Fall? Winter?”
                              SC: “Wha?”
                              Me: “Which catalog is this?”
                              SC: “What? Code?”
                              Me: “Is this the Fall catalog? Or the Winter catalog or?”
                              SC: “Uh. 1.”
                              I'm beginning to form a theory that your callers from the northern climes are not simply stupid, dull-witted troglodytes, but that their phone reception is rather poor due to their extremely northern locale, and thus they don't always hear you clearly.

                              Of course, it's probably more likely that they are, in fact, stupid, dull-witted troglodytes, but I felt it necessary to point out this other very reasonable possibility.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              SC: “I need a big one.”
                              Me: “I don’t have any in stock, sorry.”
                              SC: “Uh, well, I’ll just get it anyway.”
                              Troglodytes. Check.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              I’m beginning to get the impression that the sentences I am using are too complex for you.

                              Sorry. Couldn't resist.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              .....I can’t believe you just made this mistake twice, even with my cautionary counsel.
                              And I can't believe that at this point in your career, you have any trouble whatsoever believing this sort of thing.

                              Quoth Stryker One View Post
                              I wonder, if we all got together and decided to call up GK during business hours to see if any of us make up anything more out there than his usual callers. Could we out whatever the usual's?
                              I'm pretty sure that *I* could. But then, I am a creative writer that drinks heavily and hangs out with magicians, strippers, swingers, nudists, drunks, artists, writers, hippies, nomads, and people from Ohio. So it's not that much of a stretch.

                              Quoth Mishi View Post
                              My B-I-L's favorite pickup line is: "Would you be seduced if I bought you a steak dinner?"
                              My favorite bad pickup line that I ever heard was "Is your husband married?" For some reason, that just struck my funny bone.

                              Quoth Mishi View Post
                              The current success rate is around 95%
                              The pickup line I usually use does not have nearly as great a success rate, as I start with "Hello," and go from there.

                              However, I do have one pickup line that has been 100% effective. That line is, "So, do you wanna fuck?" And yes, when I say 100% effective, I mean it worked every single time I used it.

                              Of course, I only used it once, but damn it, it worked!

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

