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I can't believe I did this...

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  • I can't believe I did this...

    Still unemployed, wheee. On the full disability with social security now - basically I'm still looking for work, but only part-time or casual work that won't adversely affect my health. Which is... not going well. The job market sucks horribly at the moment.

    Picky Customer from here has reappeared in my life, and done me some real physical damage.

    A few weeks ago I was helping my dad move some new furniture about the house and did... something to my wrist. It was okay for a while, but the pain is getting worse and it's a while yet til I can see the doctor, so I have a support bandage on my wrist.

    This bandage is extremely visible. Cause of my sun-hating nature and my bike gloves, my hands haven't seen real sun in something like seven years and they're really pale. Even though the rest of me is starting to tan up again (yay spring!) the bandage is hot pink.

    Hell, the damn thing is almost visible from orbit.

    Cue Picky Customer and her attitude problem.

    To reiterate; the staff at this supermarket wear red shirts and black pants. I was wearing a blue shirt and black leggings.

    Picky Customer: Take your headphones off when you're working!
    Me: *blinkblink* *points at self* Me?
    PC: YES! I can't believe the staff here are so rude!
    Me: *memory strike* Oh for... Lady, we've been here before. I do not work here.
    PC: Bullshit! Get me your manager!
    Me: Not only do I not work here, I don't work at all! Smeg off, I'm busy! *grumpily returning to my shopping*
    PC: *following me* I'm going to get you fired!
    Me: You can't fire the unemployed.
    Me: *starting to get seriously pissed off, but reining myself in because there are kids present* Get lost, you lunatic!
    PC: *keeps following me and screaming for a manager*
    Manager: *different from the last one, but still awesome* ...Can I help you?
    PC: This staff member is being rude! Fire her!
    Manager: ...*long, slow silence, until he realises she's serious* She doesn't work here.
    Me: See?!
    PC: FIRE HER AT ONCE!! *grabs my bandaged wrist and yanks me towards the manager, HARD*

    Did I mention I did self-defence for my school sport for two years and have managed to keep up with monthly lessons even when my health didn't really think it was a good idea ever since?

    Me: *SCREAM of agony* *kicks woman in leg and punches her in the face with the good hand as she goes down* JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!
    Manager: Holy shit! Are you alright?
    Me: I'm pretty sure that counts as self defence, right? *cradling arm and swearing*
    Manager: Pretty sure.
    Me: Call the fucking cops!

    So, three statements to the cops, a reviewing of the security tapes and a quick check from a nurse later, guess who's going back to court? Turns out this woman is a complete nutball with a record... Oh well, at least I'm in the witness box and know the judge quite well now! (Three jury duties in less than a year and cause I'm unemployed...)

    Still, sweet jeebus... If my wrist is fucked by this you bet your ass I'ma sue for medical costs and sue HARD.
    "Everyone walk behind me, your new glorious leader!"
    "Watch the ego, hon, you're scaring the paladin again."
    ~ Sand and Olivia, NWN2 Fanfiction Stupidity

  • #2

    That crazy bitch needs to be in a quiet room with nice soft padding and a tight white jacket.

    Hope everything goes better for you in the future, Tolly!
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


    • #3
      Well, the nurse doesn't think there's any lasting damage... still got the doctor's appointment though. I NEED THIS HAND, THE NANOWRIMO APPROACHES. *flail*

      But yeah. This woman has Subscriptions, she is well beyond issues at this point.
      "Everyone walk behind me, your new glorious leader!"
      "Watch the ego, hon, you're scaring the paladin again."
      ~ Sand and Olivia, NWN2 Fanfiction Stupidity


      • #4
        I...had to read that twice to make sure I read it right. What the actual flying fuck? Your reaction was about right, I'd say. Woman was batshit insane, with an extra helping of batshit! Wow! Definitely keep up on things with your wrist, and make sure the crazy bitch gets every bit of punishment she deserves!
        "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


        • #5
          I'm just glad nobody thought I was overreacting! I'd normally have just gone for the leg but owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww jesus h christ that hurt!

          Mostly I'm wondering how the judge is gonna react, seeing me yet again!
          "Everyone walk behind me, your new glorious leader!"
          "Watch the ego, hon, you're scaring the paladin again."
          ~ Sand and Olivia, NWN2 Fanfiction Stupidity


          • #6
            How much would you like to bet she sues the store for one of its employees attacking her?


            • #7
              Quoth Tolly View Post
              Hail to thee, fellow Wrimo and sibling of the quill!

              Hope your hand is better by the time of the Great Writing.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #8
                So sorry to hear that this idiot as aggravated your injury!! But is it wrong of me to be happy that she finally got hers??

                Who in their right mind would act like a psycho to anyone, let alone to someone they should have enough brain cells to know is not an employee in that particular store??


                • #9
                  I have to honestly believe there is something going wrong in the wiring of her brain. I can't imagine anyone who is sane doing something like this, because it might damage my own tenuous grasp of sanity.

                  I hope that she didn't do any additional damage to your wrist, because that sounds really painful.
                  My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
                  It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


                  • #10
                    @ TheShadow: Oh god please yes I want her to be thrown out of court and pay for the time I do I really do.

                    @ Jay 2K: Yay, fellow Wrimo'er! *hi 5!*

                    @ kibbles: No. No it is not wrong at all.

                    And now I am going to bed. As much as I would like to drink all memory of this woman away, I'm not even allowed booze thanks to the new meds. JOY.
                    "Everyone walk behind me, your new glorious leader!"
                    "Watch the ego, hon, you're scaring the paladin again."
                    ~ Sand and Olivia, NWN2 Fanfiction Stupidity


                    • #11
                      Quoth Tolly View Post
                      @ Jay 2K: Yay, fellow Wrimo'er! *hi 5!*
                      High five!

                      Although the goal is always to hit 50K words in 30 days, considering my past performance in the Great Writing (only 1000 words two years ago and 5000 last year), I'll be happy if I can double the amount of words I did last year.
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        Great job, Tolly! Good for you.

                        I'll bet you don't go to court, though. She'll plead it down to a lesser offense, more than likely. Which won't stop you from taking her to small claims court to get your medical bills paid for!
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          Quoth TheSHAD0W View Post
                          How much would you like to bet she sues the store for one of its employees attacking her?
                          I'll be betting money on this!

                          And geeze, she was verging on stalker!!!
                          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                          • #14
                            @ Jay 2K - I'm the opposite. I've upped my personal goal to 70,000 words this year because the last couple years I got to 50,000 just after halfway through the month. Not as bad as one girl in my writer's group, though, she did 150,000 last year! O_o

                            @ Panacea - I dunno, she's genuinely nuts and even when the cops were reading her the riot act and putting the cuffs on she was going on and on about me being a lousy employee and getting me fired. I think she's gonna fight this.

                            On the upside, just got a call from my doctor, a spot opened up and I get to go in tomorrow! Yay!
                            "Everyone walk behind me, your new glorious leader!"
                            "Watch the ego, hon, you're scaring the paladin again."
                            ~ Sand and Olivia, NWN2 Fanfiction Stupidity


                            • #15
                              Quoth Tolly View Post
                              I'm just glad nobody thought I was overreacting! I'd normally have just gone for the leg but owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww jesus h christ that hurt!

                              Mostly I'm wondering how the judge is gonna react, seeing me yet again!
                              At least he/she should buy you a coffee ...

                              And yeah, considering she grabbed you by an already-injured body part, she got pretty much what she deserved.

                              Quoth TheSHAD0W View Post
                              How much would you like to bet she sues the store for one of its employees attacking her?
                              THAT would be an interesting trial to be at, especially when the store manager gets up and explains that you don't, in fact, work there!

