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Gamer Suck

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  • Gamer Suck

    You know, I'm not even sure this is the right section for this, but it sure as hell seems like it.

    A brief history. Ace Attorney 5 is coming out for the 3DS as an eShop title in the United States rather than a physical release. This is understandably upsetting some people who would love to see a full physical release from Capcom that happen to be fans of the series. So some of them are boycotting the title on the fact that it's a digital only release.

    Then you get this little EW.

    Now, you can argue the legitimacy of piracy and whatnot... (That probably belongs on Fratching), but his sheer attitude in that thread astounds me. Yeah, I'm not sure I should have engaged, but I did.
    Last edited by iradney; 08-29-2013, 10:11 AM.

  • #2
    lol! You pegged him as an EW, that's for sure.

    "why should I needlessly suffer because of a business decision if I don't have to?"

    Really? Not playing a GAME is suffering? FWP, indeed.

    Nice thing about this argument is it ramps up nicely. "Standing in the cold waiting for the bus makes me suffer. I'll take a car from that Lexus dealership. I don't wanna pay what they ask for their vehicles; that's their bad business decision to price them like that..."


    • #3
      In a thread about the Ace Attorney series, not a single person threw out an, "Objection!!!" At the little prick. How odd...


      • #4
        Quoth Zapper View Post
        not a single person threw out an, "Objection!!!"
        lol - I kept expecting to see it so I read all the way through them.


        • #5
          Quoth Zapper View Post
          In a thread about the Ace Attorney series, not a single person threw out an, "Objection!!!" At the little prick. How odd...
          Problem solved with my reply.

          $30 is too much for PW5? OBJECTION! (sorry, couldn't resist) I think it's a reasonable price, after all I'd rather have a digital download than no release in the west. I've been waiting for this ever since I heard Phoenix is an attorney again, Apollo Justice was an ok game, but I missed playing as Phoenix.

          That's exactly what I put as my reply, I don't know if it'll be kept up there. I just remembered something else that I wanted to put, if you have a digital copy there won't be a chance of you losing it like you can a physical copy. If you lose a physical copy you might think you accidentally threw it out or something and go buy a new one, last summer I somehow wound up with 3 copies of Pokemon Platinum that way and I don't remember buying a third one.


          • #6
            Hah! The EW lost his recommended poster status! Seems like he revealed himself a little too much.


            • #7
              That guy is a total ass, he just doesn't get that if the game does well and sells enough copies through digital download then they'll most likely release the next one both ways. Hopefully Ace Attourney Investigations 2 as well, I was pissed off we didn't get that one over here because I liked he first one. Still I hope he guy gets caught illegally downloading the game and gets arrested.


              • #8
                See, the thing that makes him most an EW isn't that he's pirating. It's that he's acting like his piracy is a punishment toward Capcom for them trying to punish him.


                • #9
                  I'm so happy to see the game out...just to see it at all.

                  Phoenix LOOKS COMPETENT in this one!
                  My Guide to Oblivion

                  "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sarah Valentine View Post
                    $30 is too much for PW5? OBJECTION! (sorry, couldn't resist) I think it's a reasonable price, after all I'd rather have a digital download than no release in the west. I've been waiting for this ever since I heard Phoenix is an attorney again, Apollo Justice was an ok game, but I missed playing as Phoenix.
                    I agree with this completely.

                    When I first heard about PW5, I kept hoping for a North American release. I love the Ace Attorney series and have the other games that were released here. When I heard that PW5 was getting a North American release as well I was ecstatic.
                    I couldn't care less if it's a digital-only game. I'm just happy that I'll get to play it.

                    And hopefully if it does well enough in sales, Capcom will decide to release the second AAI game over here as a digital copy as well. Edgeworth is one of my favourite characters, and I'd love to play as him again. I was really upset when I found out it wasn't getting a physical release here due to lack of sales for the first AAI game, but I'll gladly pay for a digital copy if they decide to release it.

                    Also hoping for a North American release of Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney. I love the Layton games too and want this one so badly. lol

                    (Yeah, I'm basically an Ace Attorney and Professor Layton addict. I'll shell out for any AA or Layton game that becomes available. I hear about a new game in either series and I basically go "take my money!" )
                    my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
                    it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


                    • #11
                      If he was smart he'd buy two copies of the digital version. ;p

                      Capcom is likely testing the waters ( This is the first main Ace Attorney game in 5 years ) with the digital download and the fact its digital means its half the price of a physical copy anyhow. If it does well we should hopefully get the Edgeworh sequel and moar AA games.


                      • #12
                        I just downloaded and played the demo, HOLY SHIT it is AWESOME! I can't wait until the release, I'm so glad they decided to put up the digital download.

