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Horror Movie Generator

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  • Horror Movie Generator

    This is the last one. Honest.

    Our story begins with a group of unwitting travellers walking up a hill. At the top looms an enormous house, its windows shuttered, its dark paint flaking. The sky is overcast, and as the rain begins to fall somebody says...

    Raps: It's raining!

    You: Really? I hadn't noticed.

    Yourself, IPW, Raps, and Puck begin jogging up the hill towards the house. As you reach the cover of the porch you stop and shake yourselves off as the rain begins to fall even more heavily.

    IPW: Phew, we got here just in time.

    Thunder rumbles menacingly.

    Raps: This place is creepy...

    You: Creepy, but cheap.

    Raps: It's gotta' be haunted.

    You: It's a possibility... But I'm sure we can handle some ghosts.

    IPW: I'm scared.

    Puck: Don't worry, Lace will protect you.

    Taking IPW by the hand you slowly approach the large wooden door. You reach into your pocket and pull out a large, ornate key. You turn the key in the lock as more thunder rumbles and the door slowly opens before you.

    Puck: I've got a bad feeling about this.

    Raps: Aww, it will be fun.

    You: Got torches?

    All at once IPW, Raps and Puck switch on their torches and shine them in your face. You squint and step aside so they can light the way into the house. Together, the four of you enter.

    IPW: Wow...

    Raps: This place is amazing!

    Puck: I've never seen anything like it!

    The front foyer is enormous, and still in remarkably good condition given the exterior of the house. Lush red carpet lies underfoot, and a huge staircase rises to a first floor landing. Huge paintings of unrecognisable historical figures line the walls.

    Raps: So there's no electricity?

    You: That's right.

    Puck: Where are we going to sleep?

    IPW: I think over there looks perfect.

    You follow the light of IPW's torch into a large living area. Most of the space in here is empty.

    You: Ah, the fireplace. The owner told us that we could use it. There's wood in it already.

    Raps: Let me! Let me!

    Raps rushes forward and begins tending to the fire. The rest of you roll your eyes and begin unpacking your sleeping bags, while Raps gets the fire started.

    Puck: Well... This place is awesome. Thanks for finding it Lace.

    You: No problem. Hopefully we'll see a ghost.

    Suddenly Raps screams and falls away from the fireplace. A fire is now flickering steadily.

    You: What's wrong?

    Raps: The fire... The fire...

    IPW: Yes, you did a good job.

    Raps: I didn't start it.

    You: Huh?

    Raps: I was just about to start it and flames just came out of nowhere! Almost burnt my hands off!

    IPW: Riiight.

    Raps: It's true!

    Puck: Here, have some absinthe.

    Puck and IPW begin handing out drinks. Raps's outburst is quickly forgotten as the storm grows louder outside and the alcohol warms your veins.

    Raps: So why is this place deserted?

    IPW: Oh no, not this story again.

    Raps: You know it already?

    IPW: Lace made something up when I first heard about this place.

    You: I didn't make it up! Well... The owner might have. But that's where I heard it!

    Puck: So what's the deal?

    Raps: Yeah tell us.

    IPW: Go on. Enchant your captive audience.

    Wind batters the house as you begin your story...

    A few generations ago, a rich man by the name of Horace K. Longbottom had a vision to create an enormous gothic mansion. He liked horror stories, even wrote a few that were published in magazines at the time. In his search for a suitable place for the mansion he discovered this hill and knew at once that it was perfect...

    Raps: Indian Burial Ground?

    You: No, he just liked it.

    IPW: Isn't there a forest nearby that some monster lives in or something?

    You: Oh yeah. But that's got nothing to do with the house. Anyway...

    So he built the house we're in right now. After he moved in, he rarely left. Previously he had been a jovial figure who would often drink in the local bar and had many friends. But the house seemed to swallow him up... Nobody would see him for months at a time.

    Puck: And then?

    IPW: Exciting, isn't it?

    You: And then... People started disappearing.

    Raps: Oooh.

    Outside, lightning crashes. You continue the story.

    People were suspicious of Longbottom, but there was never any proof. He stopped going into town at all and everybody forgot about him until an old friend came to visit and found his decaying body at the base of the stairs. He was holding a letter that described the murders of the missing people, but he was clearly mad so it was impossible to tell whether or not the letter was true or if it was another story he had been working on. In the letter he made mention of a hidden dungeon beneath the house were he had kept the missing people, but the dungeon was never found...

    Suddenly Puck cries out in pain and you all turn.

    Puck: I cut myself on this stupid bottle cap.

    Raps: Umm... Puck?

    Puck: Yes?

    Raps: Is your blood usually black?

    You: Now that is strange.

    Puck: It's probably just a trick of the light.

    Suddenly a new voice speaks from behind you and you all scream at once, turning to see...

    Marilyn Monroe: Hello.

    You: Marilyn Monroe?

    Marilyn Monroe: Yes.

    You: But aren't you..?

    Marilyn Monroe: Dead? Yes.

    You: You're a ghost!

    Marilyn Monroe nods.

    IPW: What are you doing here?

    Marilyn Monroe: I have been sent to warn you. An ancient and powerful force lives beneath this house, and it is going to eat you.

    Puck: Um...

    You all turn to see that black blood is now spewing wildly out of Puck's finger and splattering all over the floor.

    Raps: That's no trick of the light...

    Marilyn Monroe: Ahem. Ah... Excuse me. I'm trying to speak here.

    You: What do we do?

    Marilyn Monroe: You must leave the house, but you can't use the front door because that will eat you too.

    Raps: Like Hell it will! I'm out of here!

    Raps stands up and walks straight through Marilyn Monroe towards the main foyer. A moment later you hear a loud scream and Raps comes sprinting back in, clutching at his stomach.

    Raps: The door had teeth!

    Marilyn Monroe: I told you.

    You: Umm... Raps what's that on your shirt?

    Marilyn Monroe: I believe it's liver.

    Raps looks down at the rip in his shirt. Small pieces of liver appear to be oozing from a shallow wound.

    Raps: Oh my God, I'm bleeding livers.

    IPW: Well that's certainly exciting.

    Marilyn Monroe: It's worse than I expected. You must leave through a secret passage. Go to that bookshelf over there and pull out Strange Deaths. Follow the passage that opens and you should be safe. Now I must leave you...

    Marilyn Monroe slowly fades away.

    Raps: Anyone want some liver?

    You: Urgh.

    Puck: Let's get out of here.

    You all gather your belongings and head for the bookshelf. As you pull the book free the case slides aside revealing a dark passage.

    Puck: Wait! What if it's a trap?

    IPW: You got any better suggestions?

    Raps: The front door has teeth, remember?

    You: Marilyn Monroe wouldn't lie to us! Let's get out of here.

    You all enter the dark passage and the bookshelf slides closed behind you. There is no way out. Together you rush forward, as large chunks of flesh begin dropping from the ceiling.

    IPW: I think it's raining hearts.

    Suddenly you come to a large room lit by candles. A strange shape that seems to be constructed of several different bodies stands in the center of the room, next to a large machine. The rain of hearts appears to have stopped.

    Weird Figure: Welcome to... THE HOUSE OF GUTS!

    Puck: Did you just talk in capital letters?

    Weird Figure: YES I DID.

    Puck: Wow, that's cool.

    Weird Figure: THANK YOU.

    You: Right... So who are you?

    Weird Figure: Haven't you figured that out yet? I am... HORACE K. LONGBOTTOM.

    You: Can I have your autograph?

    Horace: Excuse me, you are supposed to be COWERING IN FEAR.

    Raps: Hey Horace could you help me out? I'm bleeding livers here.

    Horace: Don't worry, it's not your liver.

    Raps: Oh, well... That's a relief.

    Horace: Why aren't you cowering yet?

    Raps: Right, sorry.

    All four of you start screaming and running aimlessly around the room. A slippery trail of livers follows Raps wherever they go. Puck's finger seems to have stopped bleeding.

    Horace: That's better. Now if you would be so kind as to walk into my machine so that I can steal your bodies and harvest their organs...

    You all stop running and stare at Horace.

    You: I'm not sure about that.

    IPW: Yeah, why should we let you harvest our organs?

    Raps: I have some extra livers you can have.

    You: And how is Raps bleeding livers anyway?

    Puck: And what about black blood?

    IPW: None of this makes sense!

    Suddenly another voice speaks from a dark corner of the room and a monster leaps out of the shadows, brandishing a hoe.

    You: It's the monster from the forest!

    Monster: I've had enough of your discarded organs polluting my forest Longbottom. It all ends NOW.

    Puck: Wow, the monster can speak in capital letters too.

    You all watch as the monster moves towards the machine and starts beating it with a hoe.

    Horace: No! What are you doing!

    Monster: Something I should have done a long time ago!

    The monster turns to look at you all.

    Monster: The exit is over there.

    You all turn to see a flickering green EXIT sign above a doorway.

    You: Why didn't we see that before?

    IPW: Let's go!

    Raps: Hold on... Before we leave I need to know the truth.

    Raps rushes towards Horace who is too busy watching the Monster destroy his machine to notice.

    Raps: Now let's find out who you REALLY are!

    Puck: Raps don't!

    But it's too late. Raps grabs Horace by the chin and pulls at his head. It comes off easily in Raps's hand, leaving only a bleeding stump.

    You: Oh that's just gross.

    Raps: So it's true! You were really just a bleeding neck stump all along!

    Suddenly you all realise that the monster has stopped destroying the machine and is watching you all.

    Monster: Why didn't I think of that?

    The monster throws away the hoe and starts for the exit. Together you leave THE HOUSE OF GUTS.

    IPW: Thanks Monster.

    Monster: No worries. Come and visit me in the forest sometime.

    You all make your way down the hill towards your car. As you get in and start the engine Puck speaks from the back seat.

    Puck: Wow, my finger has completely healed.

    Raps: Then why am I still bleeding livers?

    IPW: I don't know, but I wish you'd stop.

    You turn to see a growing pile of livers on Raps's lap.

    IPW: We should get him to a hospital...

    You: Yeah, someone might need a donor.

    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Oh Jesus...oh God...I'm laughing too damn hard at the livers to do my own yet...holy crap that's awesome. So going to use that in my signature.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

