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X-rated senior prank

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  • X-rated senior prank

    I thought the first prank mentioned in the story was a lot more original than the second, even though a lot of people were outraged by it. It was bad, but I know I would have laughed if I was there
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago

  • #2
    My dad's class somehow got a car into the hallways. God knows how they managed that.

    My class decided stink bombs would be a good idea. That sucked ass, wasn't funny, and they deserved the detentions.
    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


    • #3
      LOL! I thought that was my high school at first.

      Off topic story: My high school's cafeteria had a glass ceiling and pretty much the entire school hung around there. One day I walk in there to find some rather detailed and anatomically correct drawings of our administration. One of them was the assistant principal (Who got pregnant every school year) drawn in some very obscene fashion. Quite possibly one of the craziest things about my school was how normal this was. (We had a guy videotape himself naked and uh "touching" things in the school. Sad thing was I was his teammate in cross-country.)
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        I love it!

        Or prank was at our grad ceremonies. A bunch of the students went and bought some bags of marbles and handed them out, one per student. The plan was when we shook hands with the principal, we would palm the marble. I think our grad class that year was over 300 people.

        With about every 10th person, he would pocket the marbles in his hand. I don't think those pants ever fit right after that.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #5
          My class thought a good prank would be to park all crazy all over the lot. They double-parked, parked horizontally across 2 or three spots, parked at crooked angles, and so on. What did the underclassmen do? They parked around them, blocking all the seniors' cars and trapping them at the school for the whole day. Since I hitched a ride to school, I was one of the few who got to leave at mid-day since I didn't have to wait for an underclassman to move their car

          The class of 97 probably had the most destructive prank. They literally destroyed the practice field for the football team, soaking it with water then doing donuts and driving all over every inch of it. They also tied a cable around the goal posts and attached the other end to someone's truck and broke them, then spraypainted "We don't give a f***" on the side of the school. For the Paper Throw (an annual event where all the seniors gather at their lockers and throw tons and tons of paper all over the place before leaving the school for the last time - and yes, porno mags were usually tossed about as well), they had the bright idea to implement fire, forcing the school to be evacuated. Then they all stood outside in a group chanting (I can't remember who sang the song now) "We don't need no water, let the motherf***er burn..." We weren't sad to see them go.

          They returned the following year, the last day for the class of '98, someone spraypainted "We still don't give a f***" on the side of the school.

          I knew my class ('99) was going to do the parking thing, but I wasn't interested in it. A far better idea was had by a couple of people in my German class. They talked about stealing the statue of the school mascot (a spartan) and taking pictures of it blindfolded at various locations around town and mailing the pictures to the school. In the end they punked out. Someone else said she was going to put a condom on the statue's sword and put a sign on him that said "I'm not a Spartan, I'm a Trojan," but she also didn't follow through with it.

          Last one: The paper reported the havoc wreaked throughout the school for the prank performed by one class (it was either '96 or '95). According to the paper, they released a crazed pig in the school that tore up walls and carpets, ate books in the library, and had to be subdued by an entire army of teachers, several of which were injured in the process. What actually happened was that the pig was released at 6:30 in the morning. It wandered around a little bit, then laid down in one of the main hallways and my Sociology teacher got it to stand up and walked it outside to find a small group of giggling seniors waiting.
          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


          • #6
            "to determine what actions can be taken against the individuals responsible for this act."

            In response to that quote about the X-Rated prank, I'm sorry but the only response I got is a big

            Now that quote would be an appropriate response to Kara's story about the destruction of the football field. But the story in the link, I have no other comment besides


            • #7
              At a high school about 45 minutes south of me, a some students dumped dead alewives all over the hallways.

              Alewives are small fish in Lake Michigan notable only for dying in mass quantities, washing up the beach, and becoming quite fragrant.

              Somehow I don't recall any prank done by the seniors in my class, or any other class during my years there. If there was one it wasn't clever or unusual.
              Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 06-10-2007, 05:20 PM.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                The only senior prank at my college was started by me as a joke one spring day. On April 1, I put one blue devil duck in the pond outside the library. The next day, there was another one. Then 3, then I recall we filled the pond and it spilled over into the surrounding parklike area. The grounds staff was in on it so it would remain undisturbed; everyone else was mystified.

                A classmate of mine had pondered a geometric progression after the second day (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc), but...for numerous reasons that was not taken on (not the least being: after 45 days we probably would have filled the damn library!...that actually would have been really fun had a manner of procuring a few zillion rubber ducks existed).
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Quoth kibbles View Post
                  "to determine what actions can be taken against the individuals responsible for this act."
                  In response to that quote about the X-Rated prank, I'm sorry but the only response I got is a big
                  And they want the police to investigate! What crime has been committed here?

                  I understand that not everyone is going to find that funny, but seriously, these folks need to chill out.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    And they want the police to investigate! What crime has been committed here?

                    I understand that not everyone is going to find that funny, but seriously, these folks need to chill out.
                    ITA, my point exactly If that was a quote in response to the destruction of the football field and the graffitti (spelling?) on the school then I'd understand totally. But for that, come on ...chill out for goodness sakes!


                    • #11
                      There were no senior pranks at my high school. At St John's College, however, we were very naughty...and not just at senior prank time. We were all hyper active and too smart for our own good, and we did all sorts of crazy things.

                      At the end of the year party, Reality, one year the seniors snuck in Peterson Hall, where the bookstore, mailboxes, cafeteria, and many other things were, and turned everything upside down. I mean literally. They rehung all the stuff on the walls, and suspended all the chairs and benches from the celing with strong twine. It was like going through the rabbit hole, hehe.

                      We let loose thousands upon thousands of little bouncy rubber balls, at the top of the big outside stairs. The balls went everywhere! Of course, we also used to go up on the dorm roof and use a big 3 man slingshot to lob pineapples at the bell tower. One weekend we dug a pit, lined it in plastic, filled it with green jello and had a big school party around it, cheering people while they wrestled, naked. That was fun. Oh, and we also used to take off our clothes at dorm parties, and leap off the balconies into the snow drifts. Repeatedly. And this is all tame stuff, I wont even get into the REALLY naughty things we did. Our dean was well known for being thrown out of the school twice before he finally graduated from it---twice for the same thing: setting his mattress on fire and pushing it off his balcony.

                      yeah, I miss that place sometimes.
                      Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                      • #12
                        My senior class didn't get to do any pranks - the ones from the year before me were so bad (although I don't remember what they were!) that we had threats hanging over our head. If anything was done, we'd lose all of the typical "last week of school" senior perks and the banquets and stuff.

                        But my friends and I had a great one - too bad we couldn't get to do it. We had the old fashioned bells in that school at the time, so plans were to remove the clackers inside of them and return them to the school about 4th period the next day, used as the weights for a bunch of balloons delivered to the principal. Oh, well.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Boozy View Post
                          And they want the police to investigate! What crime has been committed here?
                          The answer to your question is "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor." Let's remember that while the majority of the senior class is likely 18 and old enough to purchase porn, the majority of the school is not, with kids as young as 13 sitting and watching those same morning announcements. I have nothing against porn, but school is not the place for it. The "prank" was in extremely poor taste.
                          The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                          • #14
                            Well here's the latest 'senior prank' that happened at Central High School a month after a false report of a gunman was filed.
                            Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                            I'm a case study.


                            • #15
                              The only thing my school had was "Senior Skip Day" which was when supposedly, the entire senior class would skip school. Except I went to school with morons, so none of them knew A) you're not supposed to TELL the teachers what you're going to do, and B), in a school as small as our's was, 23 people all being absent would be extremely noticeable.

                              However, me and my friend Samantha came up with a plot, discussed it with our mothers (who approved it), and went through with it. When Senior Skip Day came, Samantha and I went to school. None of the other 21 members of our class were there. Obviously, they couldn't really go through with our classes with just the two of us there, so...we got to goof off around school by ourselves all day...go out on the playground and swing, go to the gym and play basketball with the younger kids, go to the computer lab and surf the web, whatever. So long as we went to class on time and checked in, we got let back out pretty much immediately to go play. Whoot!

                              All the seniors who were gone got unexcused absences for the day because they were too dumb not to announce their intentions and were obviously busted when they tried to say they were all "sick," and all of them lost credit for that day (didn't get to make up assignments, whatever).

                              A week later, Samantha and me and our moms took our own skip day, went to the movies, had lunch, played at the park and the mall, etc., while the rest of the goons were at school...and since we knew better than to annouce our intentions, we were "sick", got excused absences and made up our work.

                              End result: We got TWO days off instead of just one, and without losing any grade credit. MWAH HA HA HA. Idiots.
                              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

