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Girl Cries When Given Lexus

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  • #16
    Quoth Will-Mun View Post
    The only thing I could hate more than the kids? The Parents... Seriously, THEY'RE the ones that are molding this child into a bitch... I understand the mentality, you're rich, or at least very well off, and you want to dote on your child. Thats okay! A better life for your kid is all a parent ever wants.

    But teach some freaking humility! Teach them that they're not ENTITLED to whatever the hell they want, and sometimes they have to be grateful, and or, earn what they get!
    I was going to say something along these lines, but you beat me to it.

    These kids are more spoiled in ONE DAY than I will ever be in my entire life.

    I think I'll end up the better person for it.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #17
      Miss Entitlement Lexus Princess needs a serious wake-up call. The sooner, the better. Wwwahhh...I got a Lexus!! My life is over! *smack*

      My first car was an '88 LeBaron that I bought in 1992. I was 19 years old. I had slaved away at a certain fast food restaurant (think outside the bun) for two years and saved up enough money to pay cash for it. My dad was proud of me for paying for the car myself, so as a little present he bought me a full tank of gas and paid for the first six months of insurance. I had that car for 7 years before the poor thing was literally falling apart. Ah...what memories.

      I don't even own a car now. It's way cheaper to ride the bus or walk.
      I question my sanity every day. Sometimes it answers.


      • #18
        My first car was my parents' old Cherokee Jeep they bought in '96. The air-conditioning doesn't work, it stutters, and a bit slow. But I love it. I still have it, too. For the air-conditioning problem, I just roll down the windows during the spring and summer. And for the other problems, I just deal with them.
        "But I don't want to be among mad people."
        You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


        • #19
          My first car was a used Volkswagon Rabbit, that my parents bought for me so I could go to college. I think I paid some on the insurance when I had a job. I was extremely grateful for it. It had a short in the starter, so my dad rigged a switch on the dash. You put the key in and threw the switch. That's how you started the car.

          Also, if you drove it for over 20 minutes and shut it off, you'd have to wait about a half an hour to let it cool down before it would start again. So you really had to carefully plan your outings. The vacuum tubes were messed up, too, so sometimes, the ends would crack and not seal and so the car wouldn't start. I always kept a handful of small hose legnths and a pocket knife under the hood so I could cut off a new piece of hose, pop it into the end of the vacuum tube, re-insert it, and boom. Fixed.

          And the weatherstripping leaked in the back, so when it rained, the floor wells in the back would get sloshy. There was also a leak right over my accelerator foot. That was annoying, but hey. I had a car, right?

          I really liked that car. We were not rich, and I appreciated everything my folks gave me.

          I have never owned a new car, either. I don't really want a new car. I don't want to pay the taxes or the insurance on a new car. You can get very nice, like new used cars for a whole lot less. Why spend money you don't have to?
          Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 06-29-2007, 04:15 PM.


          • #20
            My parents gave me a '78 Chrysler LeBaron as an early college graduation gift in 1988. It was awesome! They didn't have to drive clear across the state and back to get me to college anymore. Drove that thing everywhere, back and forth across SD, out to Seattle, down to MO, LA and TX. I miss that car.

            Across the street is a '64 Mustang I wouldn't mind having. It is missing its front bumper and grill, and the 'paint' color is rust. Don't know if it is actually rust but it's the same color. Can't get close enough to it with out going over the fence to see what the interior looks like but it is just speaks to me. I want it and I don't know why.
            Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

            I'm a case study.


            • #21
              There was a show called "Boys of Baraka" Where they sent a bunch of inner city kids to Africa to go to a better school. I vote that this is what we do to the Princesses. Straigt to Africa, where people don't have alot of stuff, but are greatful for what they have (At least from what I saw in the show) Yeah, 2 years in a country that doesn't have cars, I think that they might learn their lessons. Or kill themsleves. It's a win-win.
              It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
              ~~~H.L. Mencken


              • #22
                To be fair, the mom was totally shocked and humiliated by her daughter's behavior, AND gave the car back to the dealership. I don't think she realized her daughter was such a spoiled brat until that moment.

                I'm 31 years old. I just got my driver's license last fall. When I was a teenager, I had to spend the money I earned working on clothes and shoes (because when I started bringing in a paycheque at age 14, my dad told me he wouldn't be paying for that stuff anymore). I couldn't afford driver's ed. My dad said if I wanted it badly enough, I'd find the money for it. Well, having to buy my own clothes and bike (to get to school & work) took up everything I had and once I left home at 17, I simply didn't have ANYTHING left over. I finally put myself through driver's ed last year.

                This past March, my aunt bought me a car. 100% paid for, insurance, plates, extended warranty, etc. She paid for EVERYTHING. All I have to pay for is regular maintenance and gas (have to renew my plates in Oct and start paying my own insurance next March, but still!) I was so floored at her generosity, I bawled for like an hour and walked around for like a week saying, "She bought me a CAR!"

                We went to the dealership to test drive it, and she said, "I'm sorry it's not the color you wanted."... er.... color? WHO CARES ABOUT THE COLOR, YOU BOUGHT ME A CAR!!!!!! She says it's part of my inheritance (her late husband's nephew and I are their sole heirs, although I've convinced her to leave all her jewelry to my cousin's wife, since I'll never wear it and she has TONS). Apparently, before my uncle died in December, they discussed it and decided that they wanted us both to be able to enjoy part of our inheritance while she was still alive to WATCH us enjoy it So Danny got a big lump of cash (he and his wife are trying to buy a house, so that became a sizeable downpayment) and I got a car She said she wanted to finally give me my independence from my parents (since I didn't have a vehicle, but DID have two small children, I was pretty dependent on them to get me to/from family functions and such, which got really awkward when my dad would act like a dick and take off with the car half-way through).

                I can't imagine ever feeling as entitled as the crisis whore in the video was.... I've always been very shy about accepting gifts and REALLY grateful for everything I've been given. I just don't understand being GIVEN something and reacting this way. Want to know what I got for my sixteenth birthday? A book, a CD and $20 to spend at the mall. And I was damn happy to get it.

                Either one of my kids even forgets to say thank you in the midst of Christmas morning excitement, and they hear about it. I'm not raising any entitlement brats, thank you.
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #23
                  To be honest, I couldn't tell a Lexus from a Chevrolet from a Ford from anything else. I know zip about cars. I am 90% certain I drive a Lumina right now, but to be honest, I can not tell cars apart. I have a rainbow scarf tied on my driver's seat so I can find my car in the parking lot

                  If I had gone to one of my friends' birthday parties and they acted that way towards their poor mother, I'd have kicked her ass and apologized to her mother myself. Then kick her ass again just for the humor of it.

                  I mean, okay, when I was 16 (yes, I'm a little slow, at 16 I was really more like 11), there was this stuffed wolf I wanted for Christmas, it was like, a $20 stuffed toy. And at the time, we were pretty much dirt poor and I didn't really want to ask for a $20 present, but my parents knew I wanted that wolf because dummy, I went and looked at it every time we went to the store. Well, one day I went and the wolf wasn't there anymore, and I was just CRUSHED, disappointed beyond all levels, because someone else had bought it. I tried really hard not to mention it because I didn't want my parents bothered, but again, they could tell.

                  Well, Christmas morning comes, and my mom comes to wake me up, and apologizes to me about the wolf, I wave it off and tell her it's okay, I didn't really want it that much anyway (yeah, I'm such a good liar, LOL). We get in there by the tree, my dad hands me a big box...and you all know what it was.

                  Oh, I CRIED, I was so happy, I had my little Shikiru (what I named him) and it was absolutely the best. Even though a few years later, we had more money and my parents bought me a Playstation 2, I still wasn't as happy as I was to get that little wolf, just because my parents went so far as to put a $20 toy on layaway and pay a couple of dollars at a time to make sure I had it.

                  Yes, I was eventually a bit annoyed with them that they basically lied to me about it's being gone, but it was just the perfect trick, I couldn't be TOO mad But I certainly wouldn't have freaked out and screamed at them about it because I WAS HAPPY I GOT IT. Guh. I still have him on my bed even now.
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #24
                    Now if a kid of mine ever thought they were entitled to anything like that I'd have to sit in the corner for a few minutes until I could stop laughing at them and tell them they're grounded.
                    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                    • #25
                      I nearly shat myself when I got my dad's old Tempo.

                      I nearly shat myself double when I bought my OWN 87 Tempo. They were both the biggest piles of shit on the road, neither one could go a month without having to go to the mechanic, but it was a CAR. And it was MINE!

                      What the fuck is wrong with these stupid spoiled brats?

                      Oompa Loompa doop a dee doo, I've got another puzzle for you. Oompa Loompa doop a daa dee, if you are wise you will listen to me....

                      Who do you blame when your kid is a brat? Pampered and smart like a Siamese cat? Blaming the kid is line of shame, you know exactly who's to blame....the mother and the father!

                      Ok, that may not have been exactly how that song went, but you get my drift.

                      Now back to my normal attire........I look bad with green hair and overalls anyway.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #26
                        Quoth Will-Mun View Post
                        That bitch needs to get cancer...

                        Now, I'm not trying to be offensive, but that little brat needs to contract a terminal illness and DIE.
                        Now come on now, i know she is annoying and bratty, but do you really need to wish sickness and death on her.

                        As for the story, she really does not need a car. One thing that concerns me about this is she is not even old enough to drive. A lot of these people on Sweet 16 are spoiled brats but she really takes the cake. She is not old enough to drive legally and in other ways. In other words even if she were older she should not be able to drive. Why give a car to someone that throws a fit like a 4 year old.


                        • #27
                          My first car was picked out by my mother (I had to pay for it but she picked it out) it happened to be her old car, because she wanted a new one but couldnt afford it.....
                          She said she couldnt "cope" with the thought of me out in an old clunker. My brother had helped me pick out a $2000 honda civic that was in decent shape but didnt look pretty. So all of a sudden at 15 I had $12,000 more of car than I needed or wanted....and she set the price to. Thanks mum...

                          But anyway....

                          That girl was pathetic, theres teenage dramatics and then theres teenage dramatics! She needs a serious reality check, I dont think her friends where impressed with her!
                          But if your going to spoil your child, then you should expect nothing less than a spoilt brat, I do think the mother was shocked and hopefully shocked enough to change the way that kids life runs....who can see another paris hilton in the making?
                          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                          • #28
                            I will give the mother props for returning the car after the daughter threw the hissy fit. I just hope that mommy dearest doesn't buy anything else for her for the rest of her life.
                            Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                            Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                            The Office


                            • #29
                              I've said it before and I'll say it again: The flaming cocktard who greenlighted "My Super Sweet 16" for MTV ought to be forced to spend the rest of his/her miserable life planning birthday parties for stupid spoiled whores like Lexus girl.

                              Every last detail too. From catering to wardrobe to the guest list to the entertainment. And have to put up with every single screaming shitfit the little twits throw.

                              It would have been the thrill of my life to have a birthday party a Chuck E. Cheese's, with pizza and games and friends giving me presents and corny robotic anthropomorphic animals singing me cheesy birthday songs. Or even a party at the Hardees in town with the indoor playground.

                              But our finances didn't allow that. Poor old me had to settle for my mom cooking me my favorite meal and openeing presents and having cake at home. How did I ever survive? I wouldn't even have known what a court was. I would assume I had broken the law or something.

                              And I haven't even gotten to the car yet. I saved for years so I could buy an old Nissan with about 85,000 miles on it. Good dependable little car, but it started to rust out and have electrical problems so I traded it in on my 2002 Saturn. I would probably shit myself and faint if I were ever given a Lexus before I could even drive.

                              And I'm supposed to feel sorry for that spoiled brat throwing a tantrum like a 2-year-old and calling off the party because she didn't get her car on the right day?

                              No way in hell. That bitch needs to be drop-kicked straight into reality. HARD!
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                              • #30
                                It gets worse. Apparantly they did a follow-up on this girl and here's what happened. The girl apologized and the party's back on. A few days later, her mom gets her a new Lexus. Same car, different color. Her brother decides to drive it and crashes it into a tree or something. Miss Princess gets another Lexus. Just when you think the mom's starting to do the right thing...
                                "But I don't want to be among mad people."
                                You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.

