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Girl Cries When Given Lexus

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  • #31
    My first car was an 83 Subaru that had been sitting up in the barn for many years after my siblings were all done with it. It had over 100,000 miles on it and by the time it gasped it's last breath with me, it had over 200,000 miles on it. It was not the prettiest car, it was not the most mechanically sound car, but hey, it got me places and I was very happy when I was given the use of it.


    • #32
      Quoth myswtghst View Post
      My brother actually knew a girl who, within a few weeks of getting a Lexus for her birthday, crashed it into a tree. Her daddy's reaction? Bought her a brand new VW Cabrio to replace it. Seriously.
      The Twit got a Porsche at...16, I think. Some time before she got into college, anyway. Then totalled it a few months afterward (I'm not sure what happened).

      In school she had a Jetta, and would make up nonexistent fender-benders to get sympathy (mmkay, you got rear-ended on Cerrillos at 50 MPH and you're not in the hospital? And what's this damage you speak of, I see one scratch on the paint that was there a month ago).
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #33
        Quoth Princess-Snake View Post
        It gets worse. . . . A few days later, her mom gets her a new Lexus. . . Her brother decides to drive it and crashes it into a tree or something. Miss Princess gets another Lexus. Just when you think the mom's starting to do the right thing...
        Holy crap! Is there a video?
        ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


        • #34
          Quoth Princess-Snake View Post
          Her brother decides to drive it and crashes it into a tree or something. Miss Princess gets another Lexus. Just when you think the mom's starting to do the right thing...
          Sounds like this woman has more money than brains.
          Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


          • #35
            I had to physically restrain myself from putting my fist through my monitor. What a horrible, evil, self-centered, spoiled brat.

            We were so poor when I was a kid that I never thought I'd be able to have a car, even a beat up POS. In 1987, my grandmother gave me her 1962 Dodge Dart when she got tired of dealing with Phoenix traffic. A 25-year-old car with no radio, non-functioning fuel gauge, only lap belts, cracked upholstery and steering wheel, weird push-button transmission and it drove like a Sherman tank...and I was beyond thrilled to own it. I was utterly ecstatic!!!

            This little gets a brand-new Lexus, and proceeds to throw a tantrum that would embarrass the most spoiled toddler. If I had ever acted like that, I would've been disowned. I sincerely hope that Karma kicks her down the stairs of life, and hard!
            Last edited by XCashier; 06-30-2007, 02:01 AM.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #36
              1st car I got was a 92 black Grand AM with a V6 engine with 160,000 miles on with no rust. It cost me $1500. And how did I get it before I worked Whiskeyclone? I mowed lawns and shoveled a shitload of snow. At 14 I was told "We can afford a car but if you want one you get it yourself." So until I turned 16 and got the money I worked my ass off and seeing as I didn't have a job at the time I didn't go out much and I bummed rides from my friends. Was it embarrassing? Hell no. I had fun riding with others. Meant I didn't have to take the bus. When I got my Grand AM I was happy. That car lasted me well for the 6 months I had it. Right now I've got my dad's car and that was pure luck. When my great-aunt moved into a nursing home she handed over her car for free and it was close to brand-new. My dad took that one and I got his car and I continue to drive it even now.

              Also; What a spoiled brat! I was lucky to even RIDE in my neighbor's Lexus.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #37
                I admit. I've watched my Super Sweet Sixteen - at gym. It distracts me from the pain, mk??? It's like a car wreck! These girls spend the type of money on their stupid 16th birthday party that I would LOVE to be able to spend on my wedding! You have to wonder, if that's their 16th, what will their prom be like? Their 21st? Wedding(s)?
                Shoot, I was more than happy with a movie and burgers on my birthdays. What's not to like?
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #38
                  Quoth Princess-Snake View Post
                  Miss Princess gets another Lexus.
                  No, she got a Infiniti G35 with "cool rims" on it as a replacement.

                  So yeah, I wished she'd drifted herself and the car into a tree. The SC430 probably didn't want to spend it's life with the bitch and committed suicide.


                  • #39
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Oompa Loompa doop a dee doo, I've got another puzzle for you. Oompa Loompa doop a daa dee, if you are wise you will listen to me....

                    Who do you blame when your kid is a brat? Pampered and smart like a Siamese cat? Blaming the kid is line of shame, you know exactly who's to blame....the mother and the father!
                    Love it. When my daughter gets a little too prissy I start calling her Veruca and it brings her back down to Earth.
                    She would probably have a fit of happiness if we went out and bought her a car. She knows it's just not gonna happen. She can share the old Stratus her brother uses.

                    My first car was a '74 Pinto. My dad told me if I earned half the money for the car, he would pay the other half. It took me forever at 3.10 an hour to save up $400. I loved that car. It was orange and I covered the seats in tiger striped fake fur. I had big orange fuzzy dice on the mirror, too. It was the cheesiest, tackyest car. I wish I still had it.


                    • #40
                      Mysty's post made me cry.


                      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                      • #41
                        If she were my daughter not only would the car have gone back and the party cancelled. She'd be spending her birthday volunteering at a homeless shelter or a hospital so she can get a picture of just how much worse her life could have been. And perhaps start thinking of someone other than herself for once. Kudos to the girl's mom however.

                        If my mother had gotten me a car like that I would of been overjoyed not behaving like spoiled princess.
                        My Horror Blog



                        • #42
                          The first car I drove was in 1991 and that was my family's 1990 Cavalier. I drove that off and on with my brother until 2000, when my parents and I split the cost of a new Neon. Two years ago, my mother offered $11000 to help me get a new car, I chose a Saturn Ion and paid $1500 myself (it was during that "Employee Pricing" frenzy in 05.) My mother has "compensated" me because my brother is living with her while finishing his PhD, and she figures it's about $5000 a year. I realize I am EXTREMELY LUCKY - last year she gave me another $10000 and I apid off my student loan!!
                          "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


                          • #43
                            My first car was an 87 Cheverlay Celebirty, it was my step sisters.
                            I saw one just like it, T-boned, one day on the highway, And asked my dad to get me a safer car.

                            He ended up buying an old, used Mercedeze 240D, just because he liked them so much. It was a nice cherry red color, and drove real well. But i got rear-ended not 2 months after getting it, and messed up the metal frame.
                            Well he went back to the guy he bought it off, and bought another one just like it, only it was the color brown, and an automatic.

                            I had always mentioned id rather have a saturn because of how safe they claimed to be.

                            Well the rolling turd broke down on the highway the day we were supposed to go to the saturn dealership.

                            Now i have a 97, SL1, 4 door. manual, lovely navy blue color.

                            Im going to keep this one til they make flying hydrogen powered cars.
                            Cyberpunk mayhem!


                            • #44
                              My first car (I bought in in 20001) was a 1991 Olds Cutlass Calais. My brother bought it for me, and I gave him the money for it. It died a lingering death, after I sold it.

                              My second car (bought in 2002ish) was a 1991 Chevy Cavalier. My Olds was having issues and a "friend*" was selling her car so I bought it with some help from Becks' fiance. *I've mentioned her as the one who accused me of stealing $200 from her.

                              My third car was my 1993 Explorer that I bought/traded from my favorite ex. He owed me money, and took my Cav. as the rest of the payment. He then traded the Cav. (as is, with a bad water pump and something else) for a crotch rocket, and then proceeded to try to kill himself. Luckily, he's still among the living. The Explorer died a horrific death in an accident with a Nissan Maxima.

                              My fourth car, which I paid for and never got, was a 1992 Dodge minivan of some sort. Fave ex couldn't fix it enough for it to be safe enough for me (something about the front drivers side fron axle rod kept breaking). I think he ultimately sold it to an ex of his.

                              My current car is a 2003 Chevy Cavalier. I was spoiled, because my mom bought it for me. It wasn't the car I wanted, but I am more then happy to have it. I would never have dreamed of treating my mother the way that brat treated hers.
                              I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                              Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                              • #45
                                My first car was a little 1993 Ford Escort. It was my 17th birthday present. While I'll admit my Daddy spoils me a bit, I never expected to get a CAR for my birthday! and I thanked my Dad like crazy.

                                This past Christmas my Dad replaced my Escort with a 2000 Chevy Cavalier. My Escort had over 100,000 miles on it and with me traveling around so much my Dad decided it was time for something newer. He even surprised me by adding an automatic start feature so I could warm it up in the morning before leaving the house. Again, I was extremely grateful and made sure my Dad knew it! Heck, I thank him all the time for everything he does/has done for me. To be funny, my Dad got a bag from a Jaguar dealer...put a model of a Jaguar in the bag...then taped the real car key to the bottom... The model was so I could tell my friends I got a Jag for Christmas....

                                My Dad's a mechanic so he takes care of the maintenance (and of course, it's how he could get good used cars for me). I am responsible for paying the insurance and filling it with gas. I am also responsible for taking care of the car...because if I didn't...well let's just say I would never have one again!

                                I loved my old Escort, and I love the Cavalier he picked out. I am pleased to say that my little Escort has been retired to a good home. A friend of ours started his own Pizza business and my Escort got to be the delivery car! It even got a make-over...nifty paint job with racing flags, Pizza designs, the business name and it's own number.

                                I'll dodge the eggs that are going to get thrown at me...seems I'm the spoiled brat on the board... but I take damn good care of my things, I'm grateful for every single thing my parents have done for me, and I make sure they know it.

                                I can't believe that rotten brat freaked at her mom because she got a car for her birthday...early... and it's not like the little shit is even old enough to DRIVE!

                                What a little bitch. My Dad would kick my ass into next year if I EVER acted like THAT.

                                Shit, I think if I ever acted like that, my Mom would come out of the afterlife just to kick my ass........
                                I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

