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Shoppers ignored woman dying of stab wound

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  • #16
    A few weeks ago, I was driving to work and saw a man passed out in the middle of the road. I knew that if I stopped to help I'd be late. I stopped. Turns out he was drunk and passed out. I called 911 and blocked that side of the road until the cops came to get him home. I was late for work.

    If I can spare 20 minutes of my life to help a guy who just had a rough night and too much to drink, WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T THESE WORTHLESS SACKS OF SHIT SPARE 20 SECONDS TO CALL 91-MOTHERFUCKING-1?!

    Sure, they probably all thought 'Yeah, somebody else probably called.' WHO THE FUCK CARES?! MAKE FUCKING SURE. IT'S HER LIFE.
    Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

    I like big bots and I cannot lie.


    • #17
      Bassham said police have heard that the cell-phone photo has appeared on the Internet. However they haven’t been able to substantiate the reports. and don't have them if your wondering Chief.


      • #18
        Quoth NightAngel View Post
        About 15-ish years ago in my hometown a woman was stabbed to death in the parking lot of a busy shopping plaza right outside the window of a restaurant. The diners sitting in front of the window watched on as her husband (boyfriend?) beat her and stabbed her repeatedly. Apparently, this wasn't a short incident- reports were that she tried to run several times but he kept catching her. she was screaming for help and begging the people to do something...

        No one helped- no one called the police.

        She died in the parking lot because, apparently, dinner was more important than death.
        I don't understand how people can do that. A few years ago, I was at a fast food restaurant, getting a lazy-iradney supper. I saw a guy pushing his wife around - like pushing her till she fell, then dragging her up again. What did I do? I left my handbag with the cashier (I was a regular, so I trusted them), ran out on the street with my high heels, ripped her away from him and blasted him. A truckload of young guys drove past and saw this guy trying to intimidate me, jumped off and led him away while the woman was given a cold drink and the police were called.
        Of course, she didn't want to press charges, but I did tell her to kick him in the balls if he does that again.

        What the hell happened to our social conscience?
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #19
          Quoth iradney View Post
          What the hell happened to our social conscience?
          It got sued into oblivion?
          ludo ergo sum


          • #20
            Quoth rvdammit View Post
            It got sued into oblivion?
            Oh don't start. I still blame Ralph Nader on why I cannot get myself a R34 Nissan Skyline.


            • #21
              Reminds me of when arseholes were driving around Drunk Mary to get to a parking spot. She'd collapsed in the entrance to a car park, and, well, they wanted to get in to park up to shop or get a pedicure...



              • #22
                I can understand not racing out to stop that man that was beating his wife - b/c I know little me isn't that intimidating and that I could get really hurt - but it doesn't take that long to call 911. The only time I've come across a car accident and haven't called is when I see people standing there ON their cell phones.... or I see the cops already there or something...

                I was on the highway one day and it came to a DEAD stop.... and the car behind me swerved off and hit the overpass (the underneath supporting structure) and flipped her car over. At least 11 cars stopped and everyone whipped out a cell phone and people were helping her get out of the car and such. I even let her use my cell phone to call family long distance - which was really fun b/c she didn't get a hold of them and later as I was driving away (After EMS arrived), they called back and I had to explain what happened to this woman that I didn't even know her name..... she was okay though - but the car totally flipped, glass smashed, etc....

                Maybe it's different in the south?? and I'm not even that far south - I'm in Kentucky....... But maybe in the south we stilll have some manners? Granted, we've got our fair share of idiots too......

                We had a tragic accident here at a theme park where a girls legs were severed when a cable snapped on one of those tower rides that takes you up and drops you - I believe quite a few people offered help and called 911.... and I don't think ANYONE took a picture...... (Btw, one of her legs has been reattached but that's all the info. the family has let out)


                • #23
                  Okay, I HAVE to tell this story now, for those who feel hopeless for humanity.

                  When I was 11, my 18-year-old cousin Greg was involved in a diesel collision. He was riding in a truck with two other guys when the driver pulled out in front of an 18-wheeler. It wasn't clear at first, but it came out eventually that my cousin, who had been in the far passenger seat, managed to get across the seat and put himself between the door and the other two guys in the truck. He was killed and they got out a bit banged up but okay.

                  So with a role model like that, I knew and know I can NEVER let some innocent person go without at least trying to help. And I imagine there's plenty of people who don't have that sort of background, but still believe the same way, and raise their children that way.

                  Don't put too much thought in the acts of a few bastards...I'm sure that for as many stupids like these that exist, there are just as many who will go completely out of their way to help anyone.
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #24
                    Bah...this is why in some women's safetly classes they teach you to yell 'fire' if you are being attacked. Cause people will just ignore 'help', but if THEIR stuff might burn...

                    And if some fucktard had their damned cellphone out long enough to take PICTURES of this poor the hell did they not have time to move their damn fingers to the keypad and call 911? There must be SOME obscure law these asses can be charged with...if there is no law for not rendering aid...could they not conceivably be charged as accomplices to the murder? They saw it happen, saw the victim and did nothing, therefore they are a party to the crime...


                    • #25
                      Quoth Emmeileia View Post
                      There must be SOME obscure law these asses can be charged with...if there is no law for not rendering aid...could they not conceivably be charged as accomplices to the murder? They saw it happen, saw the victim and did nothing, therefore they are a party to the crime...
                      The only way any of them could be charged for not helping is if they are a Dr., Paramedic, Nurse or other medical professional who is specifically licensed and sanctioned by the state to provide aid in an emergency.

                      While I do feel that there is no excuse for not calling 9-1-1, there is no reason to expect people to get down and dirty trying to help someone they don't know, and don't have the medical expertise to help.
                      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                      • #26
                        It's a shame that humanity has sunk so low that they'll photograph a dying person rather than helping her.

                        I don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said. But they'll get what is coming to them, sooner or later.
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #27
                          Quoth Acolyte View Post
                          That one is simple. Calling 911 puts many cell phones into an "emergency mode" which means you canonly call 911 until you turn off the phone and turn it back on.

                          Really, that is such a hassle, I mean talking to a 911 operator who could probabaly help and THEN wait 1 minute for you to turn off, then on your phone? Sheesh, next thing you'll be expecting people to hold a door open for a little old lady. What's wrong with you??


                          Seriously, this is disgusting. Really. We saw an accident on the highway one day (car ran off the road and intot he brush) on our way home from getting a puppy (puppy was in VA, accident was in GA), I stopped. My wife asked why I was stopping.

                          One: to call help
                          Two: My wife was a surgical technologist. No, she's not a paramedic, but she could he of help if someone was injured. Luckily, someone else who stopped was a state trooper from a different state on his way to Orlando for his vacation.
                          Quote Dalesys:
                          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                          • #28
                            Quoth Emmeileia View Post
                            And if some fucktard had their damned cellphone out long enough to take PICTURES of this poor the hell did they not have time to move their damn fingers to the keypad and call 911? There must be SOME obscure law these asses can be charged with...if there is no law for not rendering aid...could they not conceivably be charged as accomplices to the murder? They saw it happen, saw the victim and did nothing, therefore they are a party to the crime...
                            Obstruction of justice. They let a witness to a murder die and deliberately did not help.
                            Quote Dalesys:
                            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

