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Impatient Kitty

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  • Impatient Kitty

    He can't even wait for the food to be taken out of the can!

    I used to have a cat that was the same way about milk. I had to literally throw him across the kitchen (he was okay, he was pretty strong. ) 3 times in order to fill the saucer, and he kept coming right back!

  • #2
    That kitten puts my mooch-cat to shame!
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Go kitty!

      I once had a cat that I could NEVER leave cans of tuna fish unattended around him - not even for a moment. I'd open a can for lunch, say, then drain it and remove the lid. Then I'd turn my back for like .02 seconds to get a fork out of the drawer and BAM! There'd be Bubba Cat (yes, that was his name - not my choice; I got him from a guy my dad knew and they saddled the poor boy with that name) up on the countertop with his face buried in the can. I lost more cans of tuna fish that way.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

