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Another school shooting.

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  • Another school shooting.

    The shooter was only 14. Thankfully nobody was killed. Except the shooter who commited suicide.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2

    Prayers are with the family, friends, students, and staff.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      How does a 14y/o get hold of two revolvers?
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        By the grips, I'd imagine.



        • #5
          Spray and Pray tactics?


          • #6
            By the grips, I'd imagine.
            You forgot the Raps.

            Wow, what is going on? Are people just doing this crap cause it's the "in" thing to do now? Is it fame? And more importantly, where are the parents in all this? If he had problems at home, which it sounds like he did, why wasn't he in some sort of program? (of course maybe he was and we just don't have all the info)

            sigh.....dark times and I'm afraid things will only get worse as we progress. I'd hate to be a teen and in school now a days.
            "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


            • #7
              There was another shooting somewhere in the north, where a homeschooled boy went rampant in a public school.

              He collected guns since he was small, and since he hunted, no one thought anything about it until... well, obviously.

              If I ever find that I'll post here.


              • #8
                It would be really nice, if they would start to realize, publicly, that the reason these shootings happen, is almost entirely because of bullies abusing these people.
                Im positive that atleast 9 out of 10 school shoots happen because of hazing.

                I know of 1 that wasnt hazing.

                Star Football player, straight A student, had his gf dump him. he went to school, shot a few people, only wounding them. I cannot remember if he put his last bullet in his head or not.
                But it turned out he was actually a very good shot, a marksman actually. He had never intended to shoot to kill.

                He obviously had problems.

                It bothers me when they try to stick the blame on anything other then the source, because they are making these problems worse.

                Its really sad that these things happen. Its even more sad that they happen because we cannot accept the blame, and have to put it elsewhere.
                Cyberpunk mayhem!


                • #9
                  Quoth NightWolf View Post
                  Wow, what is going on? Are people just doing this crap cause it's the "in" thing to do now? Is it fame?
                  From what I have read up, it is the near instant fame and immortality that our media gladly provides. NBC aired Cho's video tapes as soon as they could, glorifying what he did. Even today, the two nutjobs at Columbine are remembered for the horrible things they did.

                  It's also bad parenting, and bad school administrators sometimes one is more at fault than the other. Zero-tolerance policies lead to zero-accountability, soon students loose faith in the school system as problems are never resolved.

                  As Yoda said, the Dark side may not be more powerful, but it is much faster.
                  "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                  • #10
                    If american schools are anything like British ones, and American kids any thing like British ones, bullying/hazing are rife, endemic, nearly epidemic. I can think of no year in school where I or one of my close friends was not bullied at school, I was lucky, a damn good family and a stable base, a lot of youngsters do not have that privilege, and this can be the result.

                    Stay Safe
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

