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Curvy = Intelligent

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  • Curvy = Intelligent

  • #2
    I heard about curvy (not fat!) women having smarter children, due to the extra nourishment that the children would get from the fat deposits in wide hips. And we know that if pregnant women starve themselves, they have a higher risk of having babies with birth defects. It's all about nourishment.

    So, I suppose that if a woman is curvy, and has a smart daughter, the daughter is likely to inherit the curvy figure as well, right? Making her curvy and clever. But it isn't the fact that she's curvy that makes her clever, it's the fact that her mother was curvy. It sorta makes sense.

    However, I dislike when they represent this as if it is now a rule set in stone, that all curvy women are genius, and skinny women are not, because that's just stupid. Obviously, women of all sizes come with all sorts of IQ. There might just be slight tendency towards some things.

    So Curvy=Intelligent is totally false. More like "Having a curvy mother makes it just a tiny tiny bit slightly more likely that you have a high IQ."

    It's a bit like when they decided that eating mushrooms gave you cancer. How did they find out? They fed mice nothing but mushrooms for 4 years! And some of them developed cancer. You know, I like my champignons, but I don't eat like a truckload a week! I'm not insane! I eat other stuff too!

    I'll take my chances on the mushrooms. But really, science tends to exaggerate. A lot.


    • #3
      I'm a curvy girl. My daughter is a freaking genius.

      I know all parents think their little darlings are geniuses. But the ladies at my daughters day care call her "Brainy." They don't know I know. I am not a big girl, but I've got padding in the right places and I eat a heck of a lot of fat.

      My mom is a curvy girl. I'm pretty smart for a curvy broad.

      My grandmother is a curvy girl. Mom is pretty smart.

      Hey, I'm just sayin'.

      As for mice and mushrooms, my sister had a pet mouse named Miles. Miles ate a normal mouse diet of mouse chow, fruit bits, and cornflakes. He ate no mushrooms, ever.

      He developed non-lethal tumors under his skin that came and went. He also lived for an unheard of 5 years or more (can't remember exactly how old, but it was unbelievable for a mouse. 5 years AT LEAST.)

      White mice are kind of prone to getting cancer. Think about THAT.


      • #4
        Well, I'm fat. My daughter is brilliant. She can watch you do something one time and she knows how to do it the next time. (Open the dead bolt lock, work my computer, work the dvd player, the tv, etc.).

        My mom was fat too. Then she slimmed down. Both me & my sister are intelligent. However, unlike my sister, I do not hide it. (And my mom has told me I'm so intelligent that 1. She's scared of me and 2. She doesn't know where I come from).

        My sister is curvy. So I expect her daughter will be smart. (But then again, she has me for an Aunt, so how can she be anything but? Why yes, I am so very modest, how did you know?)


        • #5
          My oldest son is a Genius. Literally- he's been tested and really is a Genius.

          I just had to throw that in because I like to brag on my kids whenever I can.
          "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

          ~TechSmith 314
          HellGate: London


          • #6
            I'm skinny, with hips and am a genius, as is my mother.
            Bad science annoys me. This is a trend, rather than a rule.
            Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


            • #7
              I'm curvy and average. My IQ says I'm a genius, but I sure as heck don't act like it!
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #8
                I like the line at the end- "...chances are you're smarter than anyone you'll see on the catwalk." While I'm sure it isn't true of ALL models... a vast majority seem pretty brainless... And of course they would! They are paid to look good, not to think well.
                I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

