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Reasons to Tip the Pizza Boy

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  • Reasons to Tip the Pizza Boy

    A nice letter to the editor from my local paper. Too bad a lot of the people commenting are tearing him apart.
    Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.

  • #2
    Anyone who grasps at straws to find reasons to not tip or throw out the ever so infamous, hell, NOTORIOUS golden charm "If you don't like bad tips, get a job that doesn't rely on tips!" is obviously someone who has never worked in a job that involves tipping.

    Hell, the people bashing him are probably the "white collar" assholes that were being described at the beginning of the article.

    It truly is grasping at straws when one tries to justify why people should NOT have to tip. They aren't asking for a 50% tip, they just want more than 10 measly cents on a night where it's blizzard conditions or Super Bowl Sunday. Cripes.

    Cheapass penny pinching so hard Abe Lincoln's nose bleeds more than being just "frugal" arsewipes!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth blas87 View Post

      It truly is grasping at straws when one tries to justify why people should NOT have to tip. They aren't asking for a 50% tip, they just want more than 10 measly cents on a night where it's blizzard conditions or Super Bowl Sunday. Cripes.
      Seeing as how you're from Wisconsin, you know a thing or two about blizzards and their risks. Well, we get ones down here sometimes and I know the delivery people are working their butts off around here. Heck, the Big 5 in town (State Farm, ISU, Unit 5/District 87, Country and MMNA) could shut down due to weather, like they did in December of last year, and the grocery stores and delivery joints will still be open. Hopefully a lot of their managers had the brains to pull them off the road.
      Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


      • #4
        I never understand how people can come up with reasons not to tip the pizza guy. I've had maybe one situation where I felt justified, because he forgot half my order, wasn't apologetic about it at all, still expected me to pay for the full order, and was leering at me the entire time. Ew.

        I often order pizza when I'm tired and/or the weather is icky, and I don't want to go get it. Therefore, I feel the delivery person has earned a few bucks to equal the time/effort/gas saved by me getting to keep my lazy bum on the couch.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

