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Since lots of us are jaded retail folk...

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  • Since lots of us are jaded retail folk...

    I know most of you aren't from the Boston area, but I thought you kids might be interested in this anyway.

    Basically the premise is that instead of buying more crap for your family and friends you donate money to these charitable organizations in their names. Some of them are really tangible things too, like donate $15 and your money will feed 3 kittens at a animal shelter for a month. Who doesn't like kittens, and who isn't sick of the rampant commercialization of the holiday season?

  • #2
    I think this is a great idea. I always thought about telling my family that I want no gifts, but donations made to the SPCA instead. Unfortunately, A. I never think of it in time, and B. There is no SPCA here worth giving to. Also C. I am not completely selfless , and sometimes things come up that I do need or want.

    That would be about the only charity I'd think worthy of making a donation too, and every year after unwrapping token gifts that I didn't ask for, I'd think - I should have told them to donate instead.
    I HATE stupid people!


    • #3
      Sweet! I'm in the Boston area. Think i'll feed some kitties for the holidays


      • #4
        Ahh I do like these somewhat altruistic gifts.

        A Danish charity organisation called DanChurchAid had a campaign last year (and is continuing with it this year aswell) called "Give a goat".
        Basically, you buy a goat as a christmas gift for your beloved ones, but instead of them getting the goat, a poor village somewhere in Africa gets it. You can also buy cows, chickens, blankets etc. It's a very noble thought, and a lot of people bought a "gift" last year.

        Somehow, I don't think my two small nieces would appreciate a goat though, so I better go with the Barbie instead ;-)


        • #5
          Quoth ImadeYouACookie View Post
          Ahh I do like these somewhat altruistic gifts.

          A Danish charity organisation called DanChurchAid had a campaign last year (and is continuing with it this year aswell) called "Give a goat".
          Basically, you buy a goat as a christmas gift for your beloved ones, but instead of them getting the goat, a poor village somewhere in Africa gets it. You can also buy cows, chickens, blankets etc. It's a very noble thought, and a lot of people bought a "gift" last year.

          Somehow, I don't think my two small nieces would appreciate a goat though, so I better go with the Barbie instead ;-)
          Yeah, I actually bought a goat in my mom's name for mother's day and she really loved it. I was a little surprised, but I guess buying scarves and earring every year gets a little old. Not sure how my little sister would feel about the goat though, I think she's more into getting ugg boots and fancy perfume.


          • #6
            there are a few ones in the UK that do this too- like the RSPB offer a (quite expensive one) where you can pay to maintain bird habitats for a year. Oxfam offer things ranging from chickens to building homes. Last year I got- as well as small regular gifts- my dad a flock of chickens, my mum a birth certificate and my dads cousing paula some trees. My parents got us a toilet.
            Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


            • #7
              My brother bought my dad a goat via Oxfam last year.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                I bought my brother some crap. And a goat.

                Literally, some cow dung fertilizer that got sent to some needy village near where he is working as a health care provider.

                He is going to make an effort to track down the goat and have a photo taken with it...



                • #9
                  My mother actually asked everyone in the family to buy ducks through Heifer International for needy families for Christmas in her name. She keeps a pair of ducks and eats their eggs during the season when they are laying eggs, and she decided this year she would rather other people enjoy ducks than have more trinkets she doesn't need.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ImadeYouACookie View Post
                    Somehow, I don't think my two small nieces would appreciate a goat though, so I better go with the Barbie instead ;-)
                    How about a Barbie for each and a duplicate of that Barbie donated to a shelter or Toys for Tots? Instead of an outfit for the dolls that could be lost in a month anyway, they'll know another little girl is getting as much joy out of her Barbie as your niece is - or more, since it may be the only toy that child has.

                    Yes, my mom did that when my sister and I were little!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Reyneth View Post
                      How about a Barbie for each and a duplicate of that Barbie donated to a shelter or Toys for Tots? Instead of an outfit for the dolls that could be lost in a month anyway, they'll know another little girl is getting as much joy out of her Barbie as your niece is - or more, since it may be the only toy that child has.

                      Yes, my mom did that when my sister and I were little!
                      It sure is a wonderful idea but (luckily) we do not have such instances here. I did find a website called that collects used toys and sends it children with HIV or AIDS. I bet I can get my two nieces to pile up a heap of no longer used toys. :-)

                      BTW, as I've mentioned earlier, I really like that alot of people take the time to be generous during the holiday. However, I do believe, that people should be nice all year long ;-) That's why I am a "partner" at Unicef (and other charities), where I donate a small amount of money (ca. $20) a month. Children in developing countries need fresh water and vaccines all year round, not only at Christmas.
                      But.. it is still way better than nothing :-)

