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Too many sweets = banned Granny

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  • Too many sweets = banned Granny

    Then the courts say that she can visit her grandchildren 2 hours, once a month as long as there is no candy or fizzy drinks involved.

  • #2
    What. the. Hell. is the world coming too? Come on! It's what grandparents do, give sweets and other things. My great-grandmother still gives me sweets and I'm 20! I still like it.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      Well, as a parent, if I say "don't give my kid x", you'd better not give my kid x. Seriously, I get the feeling that this wasn't about the kid eating sweets, it was about grandma disrespecting mom's trying to raise her kids.

      We dont' eat a lot of sweets in my house. I consider sugar to be a health-damaging toxin. That's not to say we don't eat candy or sweets on occasion. We do. I ate fudge this morning. My kid gets chocolate and cookies sometimes. But someone who consistently gave my kid a steady diet of sweets and, God forbid, soda on top of it, would get stopped by any means needed with a quickness. Especially if I'd told them not to do it.

      Heck, I have no trouble at all with my own mother, and she STILL asks me if it's okay to give my daughter whatever she's offering. It's called respect for me as the parent. Grandma here could start practicing that concept instead of going crying to the courts. It's not about the sweets, I guarantee that.


      • #4
        My daughter likes to try food. She sees something appetizing in a fruit bowl, she'll pick it up and put a bite into it and then try to put it down. I keep telling my MIL to keep the fruit out of my daughter's reach if she doesn't want her eating it. That and I have to keep reminding her that Kelly doesn't like nuts. (Her other 2 GKs do, so of course that means my daughter does too )

        But back on topic, what I found interesting is that the Grandma must have gone to court to get visitation rights. All she had to do was tell her daughter "I won't feed them sodas or sweets anymore without you permission." And then she'd probably be able to see her grandkids again.


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          Well, as a parent, if I say "don't give my kid x", you'd better not give my kid x. Seriously, I get the feeling that this wasn't about the kid eating sweets, it was about grandma disrespecting mom's trying to raise her kids.
          That's the problem. Sometimes grandparents just don't realize that they are no longer the alpha wolves in the pack; that their children are now grown and in charge. Or that times have changed, and the way they raised their children is no longer keeping with the times.

          This story reminds me of a previous thread here, where a grandmother visiting her diabetic grandson in the hospital took him to the gift shop and bought him a heap of candy and soda. Needless to say, there was a lot of trouble.

          But that is another good reason. The kids may have had very real problems with too much sugar (hyperactivity, dental problems, family tendency towards diabetes, etc.) and grandma was "pish-tosh"-ing Mom's concerns.
          Last edited by XCashier; 11-28-2007, 12:31 AM. Reason: found and added the link
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          • #6
            that and... well it's the UK.

            if i remember, they either passed a law - or are trying to pass it - stating that the government can confiscate your children for being obese & have you tried to see if you're a fit parent.

            granted i don't mean just a kid who's a little overweight...but more for the jerry-springer-episodes waiting to happen. like a 200 pound 6 year old, or whatever - when it's clearly the fault of the parent for stuffing the kids to the point where they have severe health risks.

            and if it's not that... don't forget dental health. i'm sure grandma's not going to pay the dentist if her constant supply of sweets screws up the kids teeth.

            but on the flip side, if it's just a small treat here and there - cos the kids never get any (assuming they can handle sugar) then the mom could be over reacting. but it sounded more like grandma didn't know any other way to express love then to shove candy into them?

