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Fron Snopes - captioning mistake

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  • Fron Snopes - captioning mistake

    As an occasional viewer of live captioned TV, I find this hilarious.

  • #2

    I love captioning mistakes...that has to be the best one I've seen yet though.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #3
      Oh my.

      Somebody must've been fired for that one. Or at least made the butt of jokes for a while.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        IIRC, captioning is done by machine, and the machine doesn't always understand what is being said. I've seen lots of captioning errors in my DVDs, particularly in British shows for some strange reason.

        The song "It Had To Be You" is used frequently in movies and TV shows. It's been around for most of the century, nearly everybody has heard it in one form or another, it has very simple and easy-to-understand lyrics...but every movie I've seen that uses it, the captioning on the lyrics is never right!
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          That is the absolute BEST bit of captioning I have ever seen! Brilliant work, dudes!

          After thinking about it a bit, I've decided to offer up my "most horrible captioning screw up ever".

          I will warn you, it''s embarassing and offensive. And I would rather take a vicious, brutal beating and end up in the ER than be the person who screwed up the captions on the news that night.

          I've gone ahead and linked it because the guy wasn't mad, the screw up was accidental, and nobody meant anything by it.


          • #6
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            IIRC, captioning is done by machine, and the machine doesn't always understand what is being said. I've seen lots of captioning errors in my DVDs, particularly in British shows for some strange reason.
            It seems to be a bit of both, especially on live TV. I'm familiar with the kind of errors speech-to-text engines make, and they're different from the errors human transcritionists make. I see both on different channels.


            • #7
              Ok, does anyone now have the phrase "mandatory Ejaculation" running though their head. Cuz I do. And it's making me giggle.
              "Penny Lou Pingleton, you are absolutely, positively, permanently punished! You will live on a diet of saltines and tang, and you'll never leave this room again....Devil child! Devil child!"

