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Doing the speed limit

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  • Doing the speed limit


    Especially the idiot that took out his own sideview mirror. I guess some idiots will literally do anything to save 3 seconds at any cost.

  • #2
    ugh people like all the drivers getting mad and going around them and stuff are the reason i hate driving
    i drive the speed limit, its the law and its more safe assuming people arent out of control pychos, i shouldnt be guilted for doing that or be in danger from others


    • #3
      Soo.. they intentionally hold up traffic because they're mad about the posted speed limit that no one follows anyway. As long as you're going with the flow of traffic, cops aren't going to pull you over for speeding.

      If you really want the speed limit of a certain area, start contacting the right people. Don't piss off your fellow drivers.
      When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


      • #4
        Quoth Fashion Lad! View Post
        Soo.. they intentionally hold up traffic because they're mad about the posted speed limit that no one follows anyway. As long as you're going with the flow of traffic, cops aren't going to pull you over for speeding.
        Not true. I've been pulled over before and charged for speeding when i was going the flow of traffic. Funny that it was the end of the month and I was an out of state driver though. hmmm.....


        • #5
          In certain states if you hold up the flow of Traffic it is a worse offense then speeding. So there are certain areas of the US where those people would get tickets for impeding traffic even though they were going the speed limit. I still think it was pretty damn funny though.


          • #6
            Quoth Ryu View Post
            i drive the speed limit, its the law

            i shouldnt be guilted for doing that or be in danger from others
            I feel the same way about driving. I tend to drive a little fast simply to get away from people like that. I'll also slow down, sometimes below the limit, if I see too many cars ahead of me. I just hate crowds, they make me feel panicky.
            Last edited by Ree; 08-28-2006, 01:38 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting
            "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

            When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


            • #7
              Quoth Boulder_Bear View Post
              In certain states if you hold up the flow of Traffic it is a worse offense then speeding. So there are certain areas of the US where those people would get tickets for impeding traffic even though they were going the speed limit.
              I think it's the rule in just about every state. The primary reason it's there is to keep people from going like 40 in a 65 zone. But it is ocassionally used on people who are doing 50 in a 50 zone and everyone else is going like 75.
              Last edited by Ree; 08-28-2006, 01:39 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


              • #8
                I've seen stupid semi drivers doing the same thing as these guys did on the Interstate and they never got pulled over and ticketed for "holding up traffic". Why's that???


                • #9
                  This is my favourite "doing the speed limit" clip


                  • #10
                    Quoth Ryu View Post
                    i drive the speed limit, its the law and its more safe assuming people arent out of control pychos, i shouldnt be guilted for doing that or be in danger from others
                    Actualy speed limits are sometimes set using the 85th Percentile Speed and are often arbatrary in how they are set. (Not to mention speed traps that cities sometimes set up.) Fatalities on US highways have continued to go down since the 55mph law was repealed. (Just as lowering the legal BAC from .1 to .08 hasn't affected alcohol related fatalities. All that did was raise the number of arrests.)

                    Also, "its the law" isn't a good enough reason to hold up traffic. Just look at all the things that once where legal and some things that are currently illegal. If the flow of traffic is 65 mph and you are going 55 mph YOU are the one who is unsafe. Speeding fines nowadays are largely for revenue, not for traffic safety. Same with red light cameras, they cause more accidents then they prevent and provide money for the city/state to blow on pet projects. There are many roads that would support a higher posted speed.

                    It can be a sunny day, empty road in good condition, perfect conditions, well maintined car. If that road was posted at 55 mph and I was doing 75, you would consider me the bad guy. Yet it can be snowing heavily, high winds, black ice everywhere and someone with bald tires is perfectly OK doing 50 mph while I would be doing 25 in those conditions. Guess who gets into more accidents, the numbnuts who blindly follows the "speed limit" without looking at the conditions and the limits of their car. There are plenty of people like that where I live, they keep the towing companies in business.

                    Good link to read about speed limits.

                    /Gets off
                    "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                    • #11
                      i dont blindly follow the speed limit
                      i go the speed limit in normal conditions because when people arent being psycho its safer but when i see people are being psycho i go faster so i dont get run offthe road which has almost happened
                      obviously when its not normal conditions i go slower even though 90% of the people where i live still speed no matter the conditions


                      • #12
                        Quoth Crosshair View Post
                        Also, "its the law" isn't a good enough reason to hold up traffic. Just look at all the things that once where legal and some things that are currently illegal. If the flow of traffic is 65 mph and you are going 55 mph YOU are the one who is unsafe.
                        That's why Pennsylvania raised their speed limit from 55mph to 65mph on most highways a few years back. However, there are still a few stretches of highway that are 55 zones...and they *should* be. These are places were the roads simply can't handle higher speeds, or have heavy traffic. Anybody who has driven through the I-79/I-70/Route 19 mess in Washington, PA knows what I mean. Nearly everybody slows down when going through there, and then speeds back up once past the interchanges. The ones who don't, usually get pulled over by the state troopers, who are usually hiding in the middle of the highway.
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

