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Sucky driver

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  • Sucky driver

    I know everyone has a driving pet peeve. Here's mine: not going (at least) the speed limit! It's incredibly inconsiderate, and downright frustrating to be stuck behind one of these!
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6

  • #2
    Only time I agree with going way under the speed limit is when conditions demand it (very bad snow storm, poor visibility, etc). Of course, under those conditions, I advocate staying him instead of driving, too.

    Outside of that, I get supremely pissed when people are driving way under the speed limit. Makes me absolutely batty, because they screw up traffic so badly, and don't care what they do to others.


    • #3
      My peeve is when it's a perfect day, the roads are crystal clear and dry, and people are refusing to go the speed limit.

      This brand new bypass was made a year or two ago just to decrease travel time between city to city. It cut my trip to work every night down 10 minutes. Well, it would if people would go the speed limit.

      I mean, this bypass is a FREEWAY. It connects to the same freeways that have been there for years. Do you see the SPEED LIMIT 65 sign? Yes, 65. Not 50. Not 55.

      For gosh sake, in Wisconsin, in the wintertime, it is a BLESSING to not have snow covered or ice covered or slush covered roads. Take advantage of the few good travel days we have and GO THE GOD DAMN SPEED LIMIT! If you don't wanna go 65, use the OLD highway where the speed limit is 50.

      I spend nearly the entire trip in the left lane because people will not do over 55. Either everyone is trying to go 80 or are going 50. I can't win!
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Lately it seems all the cool kids are making left hand turns, but positioning their car so that it is half in one lane and half in another so if I want to make a right hand turn, I cannot get next to the car turning left.

        This strikes me as somewhat of an asshole-ish thing to do.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          Lately it seems all the cool kids are making left hand turns, but positioning their car so that it is half in one lane and half in another so if I want to make a right hand turn, I cannot get next to the car turning left.

          This strikes me as somewhat of an asshole-ish thing to do.

          I guess I am a cool kid. I do not do it to piss people off. I just do it, because I think "Oh crap, I need in the other lane"

          The only time I will drive under the speed limit, is if I have too because of the weather
          Under The Moon Paranormal Research
          San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


          • #6
            Glad to see the cops dealing with this appropriately.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth marasbaras View Post
              Glad to see the cops dealing with this appropriately.
              And the courts for demanding a retest.

              Bear in mind that even though the ban is only fr seven days she may not drive again until she has passed both the theory (a multiple choice and hazard perception test) and the practical.
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #8
                this gets to me so bad. there is a stretch of road i take to go to work, where it is 55 both ways, yet people always go slower! and im not talking one or two people. almost everybody does it! ill go 50, and ill pass people as though im going 10 over the speed limit!

                then there was this one day, i got caught behind a person going 30 in a 40 mph zone, and then when they turned off, a few minutes later down the road, when it turned to a 30 mph zone, i got behind somebody doing 20! it really gets to me.


                • #9
                  And of course, as if by some unspoken law of nature, you will always, always end up behind one of these nitwits when you are running late. Bonus points if you have corporate visitors coming.

                  Where I live, people just seem to have the "Fifty" mentality. On a highway where the limit is 60, they'll go 50. Head into town where it drops to 45, and they still go 50. Drives me effing nuts

                  As for the story posted, if the person really clams up that badly behind the wheel, maybe they shouldn't be on the road in the first place?
                  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                  • #10
                    My mother was like that when she got her temps and started driving last spring/summer. She failed her test at 16 and had refused ever since to drive, and after ya know, 20some years, my dad got tired of driving her around, so he made her go for her license.

                    We both drove with her. At first, we almost just gave up and figured we'd still drive her around. She was just like that lady. She'd FREEZE. My mother would get so scared, she'd go literally 10 mph down the road, and 30 on the highway, and anytime someone merged, she'd panic and slam the brakes. It took a LOT of work to get her to get over it and just drive.

                    People who are that scared need to get over it or DON'T DRIVE.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      I'm from New Jersey. Please guess how I feel about people who don't at least go the limit....

                      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                      • #12
                        Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                        As for the story posted, if the person really clams up that badly behind the wheel, maybe they shouldn't be on the road in the first place?

                        As I do myself. That is why I do not drive.

                        But I do other people who do drive who clam up on the highway and try to avoid them at all costs but at times find themselves at a new turning only lane that will put them onto the highway and will react the same way.

                        My aunt takes 30 extra minutes to get home to avoid interstates but can drive with rest on any other roads, (taking hairpin turns at a high rate of speed, etc.) because she for some reason cannot drive on the interstate. But when she accidentally gets on the interstate she does the same thing. Should she just not drive because she gets clams up on the interstate?


                        • #13
                          I hate people who drive below the speed limit in normal conditions. If it is foggy, rainy, snow, etc, they you should go slower. I don;t mind it if you are looking for a street or unfamiliar w/ the area, but you can tell if that is the case by the people looking at every street sign.

                          I called the police once because I was behind and elderly driver, driving about 5 MPH in a 45, where most people go 50. It is great that they want to be active, but when they put themselves in danger and others that crosses a major line.

                          My biggest pet peeve while driving (not involving other motorists) is bicyclists who think they have the right to ride in the middle of the road where cars go, even if there is a wide shoulder. Also, when they ride two or more across and refuse to even think about moving out of the way of cars. P.S. If you are going to ride at night, make sure yo have a reflector, because i don't like having to slam on my brakes because you are trying to get your self killed.


                          • #14
                            Quoth mattm04
                            My biggest pet peeve while driving (not involving other motorists) is bicyclists who think they have the right to ride in the middle of the road where cars go, even if there is a wide shoulder.
                            While I have no problem with cyclists most of the time (there are plenty during the summer around here), I agree with this completely. To add to a popular safety slogan: Share the Road—Don't Hog It.
                            "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


                            • #15
                              I'm not so friendly towards cyclists these days.

                              There are a few around here who INSIST on peddling their bikes along with regular traffic. Yes, with regular traffic.

                              Sometimes downtown, you'll see an ignorant bicyclist and what appears to be a funeral procession of 20 or more pissed off motorists who now have to go 15 mph in a 35 because some idiot decided he was part of traffic and just had to hog the road. Especially on roads with only one lane apiece and it's illegal to pass. OH that drives me insane! Call me rude, but sometimes I'd love to just bump that bike, send that person soaring, and let us all continue on our way.

                              I cannot even begin to describe how frustrating it is to have to follow a bicyclist who insists he or she is part of traffic. Unless you're an Olympic biker, you cannot got the same speed as a car. It clogs intersections and whole stretches of road up when no one can go even near the speed limit because of an idiot biker than no one can pass.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

