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Sucky driver

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  • #16
    I am a speed-limiter. If it's 55, I go 54-56. If it's 70, I go 69-71. Cruise control is my friend.

    And I always have people crawling up my ass like I'M the moron. But once they get mad and go flying past me, especially on the stretch of road I travel, I almost always get to see at least a couple of them in the glow of blue lights later on, heh.

    (I have a blue flashing device I carry in my's sort of a crowd safety device for if I see something happening, I can turn it on and make people think there's a cop car approaching and help disperse them. Sometimes, these people on the road, though, make it SOOOO tempting...)
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


    • #17
      I don't mind the cyclists that follow the rules of the road. But I agree that there are some people who don't, and they can be immensely obnoxious/dangerous to deal with.

      I have a couple of dumb biker stories.

      1) Last night, driving to a friend's house- jackass crosses the intersection on the no walk. We were paying attention or else he'd be toast.

      2) One guy crossed an iffy intersection on a don't walk. It was not a blind turn (thankfully or this guy would have been splatted) but it is the kind where you can go left, sort of left/straight or right. The way the light cycled, no one was supposed to walk. The people in front of my dad were going left. My dad was going the straight way. By the time my dad was moving, I guess this dopus didn't see that he was going straight, completely ignored the Don't Walk and flew right out in front of him. Thankfully, my dad braked and didn't hit him- but he came close enough that it scared the guy and he fell right off the bike. My dad got out of the truck to help him him up and make sure he was okay... betcha that guy will never ignore a signal again.

      3) and the worst- we have some areas that are very popular with cyclist groups. They will do large marathons and such. Well, these people certainly have forgotten the meaning of the phrase, "Share the road." They do not ride single file but in clusters. And they don't move to the shoulder. These are 45 mile an hour roads we're talking about. In a car, you can maneuver around them, but it's scary because these are back roads and most people are going far faster than 45.

      When my instructor and I are out in the big rig with the horse trailer, we aren't speeding, but let's just say we've come closer than we'd like to have. You can only maneuver the trailer so far to the other side of the road, and not at all if someone's coming from the other way... And these freakin' idiots don't even blink an eye! 0_o They don't move over, they don't look up...nothing.

      Some people have a total death wish...

      Please, cyclists....get to the shoulder! Ride single file! No one wants to hurt you. We want to get around you safely. And to those cyclists that follow the rules- THANK YOU!
      I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

