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Worst coworker ever? I think so!

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  • Worst coworker ever? I think so!

    I still can't fathom this:

    Read the whole thing; you'll get more info as the thread wears on.

    *MOD EDIT - There is some evidence that points to this story as being a hoax on that website. There's something to be said for reading a whole thread and the resulting comments before adding one's own.
    Last edited by Ree; 01-20-2008, 01:36 PM.

  • #2
    *falls out of her chair after reading the entire thing*

    OMG ... There are no words for what I want to say about that cow-irker!

    What kind of person ... and she has kids ... and she's going through a divorce!! AND she's a waitress!?

    Ahem ... yes, I can't wait to see if the OP tells us whether or not the person is sentenced or whatever. I hope so. For at least 5-10 years. Sheesh.


    • #3
      Heh how many of us CS'ers are over there as well? You're the 4th one I know of now.

      The story is still one that grinds my gears. I know there are stupid people out there but cheese and rice, it still makes me mad.
      Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


      • #4
        We still get people here wondering why we don't condone food tampering etc.



        • #5
          She switched the drinks to "see what happened"? That tells me she knew the OP was diabetic, and the "prankster" is a sociopath. I'm glad that bitch was arrested. Maybe her cellmates will put some Drano in her drink to "see what happens"!

          I have GOT to join Etiquette Hell, they have so many bizarre stories on there. I remember that lady with the loony neighbor. Now I'm reading about the 60-year-old who tried to chop another lady's hair off at a church function. How the hell do these people manage to survive to adulthood without getting their faces rearranged?!

          PS: What does "POD" stand for? I keep seeing it, and I don't think they're referring to seeds...
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            I've never seen a thread here that encouraged tampering with a diabetic's food. I have, however, seen threads that suggested tampering with one's own food to catch a food thief. I used to think that idea was funny, until others posting mentioned that setting a trap could easily cause an adverse reaction in the thief, and that whatever we think of food thieves, it's far worse to set out to cause them harm by introducing a little something extra.

            In this case, the victim was not a thief; the sugared soda was inserted, sans label, into her own bag. It's terrifying.

            Oh, about POD - I don't know if it's an acronym or not, but it's always used by a person to indicate total agreement with another person who posted previously.


            • #7
              I love e-hell and the stories there. It amazes me how much I've learned. Seriously, I had NO idea that the dollar dance at weddings was in bad form! The hair one had me scared to death when I read it. To know that there are in more than one story...that would do that to someone? It makes me sick to my stomach.

              POD is "peas in a pod" essentially you're thinking the same thing. You're like two peas in a pod!
              Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


              • #8
                Well, first off, that the woman didn't call the cops is kind of outrageous to me, as it the idea that she would not be fired on the spot and probably excorted off the property.

                I'm suprised the BOSS didn't immediately call the cops.

                Secondly, I thought diabetics weren't supposed to drink aspertame, which is what is used to sweeten the soda she mentioned? I know as a hypoglycemic, I can't drink it, it causes a bad insulin response, same as sugar. Worse than sugar, actually.

                I dunno, guys, the more I think about this, the more I'm a little skeptical.


                • #9
                  Either this story is a complete and utter load of dookie, or the doctor is one hell of a tool for covering up the incident and not kicking the prankster gangster co-worker to the curb.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Wow, you guys are sortof harsh there. I understand why but oy. Anyhow.

                    I honestly wouldn't have thought to call the cops first off either. I'd be pissed as hell but I'd really end up talking to someone first then go from there. And, if you read through (Yeah cause it's hard to figure out who I am over there), our town's media has a nasty way of blowing things up and accusing people before all the facts are in. I can see why the boss wanted to look into things first.

                    *shrug* Maybe I'm biased because I'm myspace friends and talk to the OP in PMs.
                    Last edited by Lil Bunny; 01-17-2008, 07:46 PM. Reason: came across kindof not nice sorry
                    Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                      Secondly, I thought diabetics weren't supposed to drink aspertame, which is what is used to sweeten the soda she mentioned?
                      My dad was an insulin-dependent diabetic, and he drank diet soda. Granted, he died 17 years ago, but aspartame-sweetened sodas were around back then. I haven't heard if they've found new information on aspartame consumption by diabetics.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Well, when I was learning to manage my own sugar levels, the diabetics on the message boards mostly said don't drink the stuff, stick with the other sweeteners. It's also known in the Atkins circles that aspertame causes an unwanted insulin spike. That's particularly dangerous for a hypoglycemic, say, drinking it to try to wake up. Insulin spikes, soda adds no sugar to bloodstream to give the insulin something to do, next thing you know, someone is semi consious with extremely low sugar.

                        Not that I know anyone that's happened to.

                        I understand a lot of diabetics use low carb to control their sugar levels, and they say avoid the stuff because the "0 Carb" claim is dangerously misleading.


                        • #13
                          I'm hypoglycemic, and I drink diet soda almost exclusively. Never had a bad reaction. Drinking the sugared stuff is as bad for me as eating candy.

                          One of my friends is an insulin-dependant diabetic. He also drinks diet soda without consequences.


                          • #14
                            Having slogged through the entire thread over on the other board, I will say this: the severity of reactions reported by people actually surprised me. That is, I had no idea that just drinking some regular (not diet) soda could hurt a diabetic so much.

                            Now please do not think I'm supporting the woman who did the deed: even if the victim wasn't a diabetic I know enough not to mess with someone else's food, and the woman's excuse of "I just wanted to see what would happen" is is a steaming load of crap.

                            Just keep in mind that a lot of us who don't have regular exposure to diabetics really can't appreciate how dangerous even a little sugar can be unless we're told.
                            Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                            • #15
                              Oh, do I feel silly.

                              The whole damn thing was a hoax. One of the other Ehell members shot holes in the story, pointing out the timeline inaccuracies, as well as the contradicting details. The woman who posted the story has not been heard of since.

                              So, I'm glad it didn't really happen, though I worry that it could happen, somewhere, sometime. And I should have taken more time with the story before posting the link here.

