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Life After People

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  • Life After People

    I was just checkign out the website for this show that was on the History Channel last night and will be on again tomorrow night that is rather interesting...

    Its called Life After People.http://

    And even though I'm on dial up I can pull up some interesting stuff aside from the videos. Just thought I'd share it.

    Also anyone notice for some reasont he increase in armageddon post apocalyptic kinda shows on History or am I just being paranoid?

  • #2
    I watched that on Monday. It was fascinating. For some reason I just thought that all of our infrastructure and cities would last much longer than they predicted but what they said does make sense when you stop and think about it.


    • #3
      Yep All things of man are fleeting. Kinda scary.

      Kinda scary to think about the pet animals like pugs and stuff that would wind up on the food chain for larger dogs. Shows how much breeding to make fnacy pets has changed things.

      One thing I did like about the show is how they didnt make any political statements or statements fo anykind about why humans where gone. Just poof humanity is gone this is what would happen to everything.


      • #4
        Quoth Rahmota View Post

        Also anyone notice for some reason the increase in armageddon post apocalyptic kinda shows on History or am I just being paranoid?
        Just the media in general. To me it's just paranoia and the media's cashing on it. I won't be surprised if the media starts freaking out about the Mayan thing even though it means a NEW CALENDAR CYCLE! The sheep see end of calendar cycle and they think it means end of the world but really it isn't.

        People have long been predicting the end of the world and as far as I know we're still here. Y2K anyone? Yeah sure. And that Nostradamus crap? Come on! This end of the world thing in movies, books, games, and TV shows have always been popular.

        Like I said it's just media hype. And people buy into it easily. Look at the movies that have came out recently.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          I watched it. The first showing was on during Raw, which means it got skipped so I stayed awake for the one from midnight to 2 a.m. It was...interesting. Depressing as all get out since the message seemed to be "Nothing you do matters, not even humanity as a whole is much more than a blip on the radar of Earth, not even the supposedly infinite radio waves matter, blah." Kinda makes you feel like why the hell bother

          Aside from that, though, it was a fascinating show. I felt really sad for the poor animals that would be stuck indoors with no food, though.
          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


          • #6
            Quoth Rahmota View Post
            Also anyone notice for some reasont he increase in armageddon post apocalyptic kinda shows on History or am I just being paranoid?
            It's not just on History/Discovery, it's damn near everywhere, it seems. And I, frankly, am sick of it.

            What's even worse are the people who not only believe that The End Is Nigh but go about actively *trying* to bring it about. I have a special hate for those types. If you (generic you) think the world is Sooo Evil, then fine, go off yourself, but don't you DARE try to take the rest of us with you. /rant
            ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


            • #7
              The show was fascinating, I was thinking of buying the DVD.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                You can see it for real here
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #9
                  Arena: yeah I was being slightly sarcastic. When in doubt sttribute stuff like that to media hype is not a bad idea. They do like to try and stay on the pulse of whats the big deal...

                  Mysty: Well the concept was a major what if humans vanished. But yeah to me it shows that the earth and the universe is so huge and vast and durable that humanity would have to work especially hard to destroy it. Sad thign is we are workign rather hard at that.....But It didnt get me that down. Just makes me wanna work all that much harder to appreciate what we do have right here and right now, and work to give my kids the best I can give them.

                  Yep I gotta agree. You wanna go play nearer my god to thee with bombs please leave me n mine out of it.


                  • #10
                    I don't know if anyone around here has seen the Zeitgeist movie.

                    It talks about the religion and politics and its role in the world.

                    In the very first half, it talks about religion and goes on to explain how there's a lot of astrology in ALL religions and the common threads between them... then goes on to say how the end of the world in the bible is really just the end of what was known and hence, the beginning of the new astrological calendar. (I.e. right now we're in the age of pisces... aquarius will start in another 150 or so years from now).

                    I found it fascinating. Its not exactly what I believe, but it makes me brain work.
                    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


                    • #11
                      Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                      People have long been predicting the end of the world and as far as I know we're still here. Y2K anyone? Yeah sure. And that Nostradamus crap? Come on! This end of the world thing in movies, books, games, and TV shows have always been popular.
                      I also remember some doomsayers constantly changing the "Anti-Christ" as they see fit. God, that drove me crazy when I had to pull the damn books off almost every year from the religion section.

                      One guy I believe changed the Anti-Christ from Saddam to Osama to Naha...Maha...oh, that crackpot Iranian Dude.


                      • #12
                        Ok so I was researching this show since I hadn't seen it yet (will catch it on 2/2 though don't worry). Man it makes me sortof glad I'm a cat person. Though Hattie is such a queen wanna be...she'd show up tough and get whooped in the end. Poor girl. The ferret, well, she'd be feasting on the three cats before they knew we were missing. She's vicious!!

                        Anyhow, in my research, it linked to Chernobyl and Pripyat as examples of "life after humans go away". Which technically isn't true since humans go there every so often in the name of science. The photos, the stories, holy crap can you believe it's been 20 years? Hell, you look at the before and after photos and think wow, has that much been reclaimed in ONLY 20 some years??

                        What killed me was the photos, the schools, and the "fun" aspects of life. The amusement park in Pripyat hadn't even been used yet. All this life, and then BAM, it was gone. Life after Humans, we already can see what it's like. We just have to look at our past.

                        OH, and as an amusing note. My darling honey had a friend over. I mentioned the Chernobyl disaster and he asked "What happened there?" The only reason I don't lose faith in humanity is this and one other board. *sigh* Thank Gord you all are smart.
                        Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


                        • #13
                          Hell, you look at the before and after photos and think wow, has that much been reclaimed in ONLY 20 some years??
                          Yeah it is kinda amazing how quick nature can take what man has wrought and reclaim it. there are places here stateside that have been abandoned too and reclaimed by the world. Ghost towns, abandoned houses and farms, an abandoned turnpike in Pensylvania. Keeping thigns as "civilized" as we do is a constant job.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Rahmota View Post
                            Yeah it is kinda amazing how quick nature can take what man has wrought and reclaim it. there are places here stateside that have been abandoned too and reclaimed by the world. Ghost towns, abandoned houses and farms, an abandoned turnpike in Pensylvania. Keeping thigns as "civilized" as we do is a constant job.
                            As morbid as it sounds, are there photos of it out there? By that I mean do you have links or am I going to have fun playing with the 'net again? LOL Don't mind playing but if you have the links that would be awesome.

                            I've researched a lot of the little ghost towns we went through in Colorado/Montana. For some reason it fascinates me. Especially the way that nature just goes "HEY, we're back!".

                            One only has to own a home or rent from a crappy landlord to see how fast a place goes to hell. Innocent I swear. *kicks refrigerator*
                            Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


                            • #15
                              Bunnyn: Yeah I have several google hints, and some links. This is sort of a hobby with me. The whole post apocalyptic/post human thing is very fascinating. I have several photos of places I've been and definatly plan on trying to explore others. I want to eventually get to Centralia PA and see that region.

                              Anyhow google hints are" Abandoned places" "Forgotten Places" Abandoned (your state), forgotten (your state). These usually work on getting a few hits that are interesting.

                              Heres one for the abandoned turnpike in PA:

                              Anyhow just keep your eyes open and you may see more than you imagined in this world.
                              Last edited by Rapscallion; 01-26-2008, 03:01 PM.

