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Girl switches blood type

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  • Girl switches blood type

    This is so unbelieveably freaky that I don't even know where to start.

    I mean, I immediately pounced on research and if I'm reading all this right and they can manage to figure out how to replicate this situation, that could very well be the end of donor organ rejection as we know it. I mean, six years later and she's perfectly healthy thus far. It's like the organ and the stem cells completely overhaul the entire body. Sci-fi shit indeed, yo.

    A series of serendipitous events indeed.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    That is amazing. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.

    I'm happy for the girl, it sounds like she's doing very well. And she's certainly made medical history.
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    • #3
      well... i HAVE heard of changing blood types before, just not from liver transplants.

      It's been documented that when you get a bone marrow transplant, your blood type will change to whatever the doner has. Not sure why but matching blood type isn't required for matching bone marrow.

      but for liver...that's kinda interesting.
      ah.... that's it.. the stem cells migrated into her bone marrow... that makes sense now.


      • #4
        It's been documented that when you get a bone marrow transplant, your blood type will change to whatever the doner has. Not sure why but matching blood type isn't required for matching bone marrow.
        From what little I understand its due to the Bone marrow being what makes the blood. At least thats what I have heard/read.

        Anyway around it thats cool I guess. As long as shes healthy and happy now.

